Monday, September 5, 2011

MSNBC and CNN: TheProblem of Evil

Now there is no problem about MSNBC and CNN being evil organizations. That is simply a fact, as can be said about almost every member of the mainstream media.

This week, however, you will see the "problem of evil" (see previous article) illustrated. Yes, MSNBC and (evil organizations both) are hosting the Republican debate on Wednesday night (presumably also involving NBC--the parent of MSNBC--although I wonder a little about the attitude of NBC to MSNBC referring to it as the "MSNBC debate").

If you understand the "problem of evil" fir Christianity, then you understand that this Wednesday night debate is gong to illustrate the problem vividly. You are gong to get evil and unfair questions porpounded by people dterined to do evil (both absolutely, and as a "journalistic" evil). Now, basically by definition, the Christian God is perfectly good, and omnipotent. Therefore, the questin is: Whay are MSNBC, NBC, Politico, CNN and all of the rest permitted to continue to exist? Why is the evil AP allowed to continue to exist, when my Sodom and Gomorrah, seven year search, has shown that there is not a single worthy person working for the AP? Has God turned wimpy, after once beig the tough guy who destroyed the evil of Sodom and Gomorrah? You see here the traditional "problem of evil"--how does such evil get produced from the perfection of God, and how is it allowed to continue to exist--set forth in the starkest terms. If you want to see the "problem of evil" fully exposed in all of its puzzling horror, watch the MSNBC debate on Wednesday.

Now this does suggest the perfect question for the Republican candidates to answer: "Most of you have suggested that you believe in a Christian God. We are a little unsure of John Huntsman, since we like to think of him as our kind of candidate--sort of like Obama, who obviously does not believe in a Christian God. And we have different kinds of doubts about Newt Gingrich. Further, we are not sure that God believes in Ron Paul. However, the rest of you appear to be much too willing, from our point of view, to reference the existence of a Christian God--to the point of actual prayer or openly talking as if you actually believe in an actaul Christian religion (instead of some convenient, fuzzy "higher power", or other concept so vague that we can be comfortable in knowing that you dn't really believe any more than we do). We think our religous viewers would like to know how much you really know about your religion, while we suggest to everyone else that they should avoid voting for rellisious fanatics like we wnat to portray you to be. All of you know that MSNBC is an evil organization, from our point of view. Indeed, msot of ou surely believe that the mainstream media is mostly composed by evil people. Since a christian God, who you say created the whole universe, is totally good, and omnipotent, we wnat to know how you reconcile this with the existence of MSNBC and the rest of those evil people of the mainstream media? Why does God allow us to exist? How did such evil get created out of total good?"

I know. The question does have one falw. Exactly what evidence is there that MSNBC and CNN exist? No one watches. If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is there to observe it, does it really exist? The whole mainstream media is gong tthe way of CNN and MSNBC. No one is paying any attention any longer--except people likeme, chronicling the decline and fall of the once powerfl people of the mainstream media. Is it FAIR to God to expect Him to get rid of these evil people IMMMEDIATELY After all, He is getting rid of them. It is just taking awhile.

Admitting that flaw, however, the quesitn would be much more useful than the usual outrageous qauestions on religious doctrine whrown in for evil propaganda purposes. How the candidates fielded one of the central questins of Christian theology might be very revealing. This is especailly true when there is something wrong with Republicans appearing on MSNBC. Why is this not a matter of being a fellow traveller with evil? I am actually serious here. I see no reason for a Republican to help out MSNBC. It is not like you are going to get fair questions. I would think better of Republican candidates who either refuse to appear on these evil networks, or who at least WALK OUT at the very first unfair fquestion.

If you do not have the stomach for it, I wll lprobably sparee you having to actaully watch this practical exercise in the "problem of evil". I will watch the debate, in the interest of both research and curiosity about "my" governor, Rick Perry. I really am unsure how he will do in a debate. I will report to you. Therefore, you do not really have to watch yourelf. You can rely on me. I will make the sacrifice for you, as I do every day in my Sodom and Gomorrah search for that mythical honest, competent AP reporter.

P.S. No proofreading or spell checking (bad eyesight).

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