Monday, September 5, 2011

Megyn Kelly: Incompetent and Monumentally Stupid

It is incompetent to treat Obama speeches and assertions as merely a takeoff to try to instigate "ratings" "controversy" between Obama and the Tea Party. Yet, that is all dumb blonde (I mean it) Megyn Kelly and the whole unfair and unbalanced network know how to do.

I saw Megyn Kelly put out rating "talking points" for the unafair and unbalanced network today, and it was excruciatingly painful for me) to watch. NO factaul analysis of the proposed "payroll tax cut". No factual analysis of a further extension of unemployment benefits. No factual analysis of that fact that the unemployment rate has gone UP this year. Instead, Megyn Kelly ws there spouting Obama' scampaign slogans ("heading in the right direction", "money in your pocket", etc.) as if they meant something. Yes, I am perfectly aware that Kelly does not even do this junk on her own. It is the total unfair and unbalanced networrk that is not worth watching, and has not been for a long time. That is why this blog has told you to boycott the unfair and unbalanced network, unless lyou want to do brief surfing for the purose of simply getting a vaariety of "journalistic" crimes--hoping to read between the lines to get some idea of what is really going on. Nope. The people of the unfair and unbalanced network are no more "journalists" than the evil peopole of CNN and MSNBC. Oh, they are actually mroe "balanced" POLITICALLY, but they are totally unbalanced (INSANE) and unfair "journalistically". That is because the goal is not gto give information, but to generate "controversy" and HEAT for the purposes of ratings.

What are the FACTUAL issues on the "payroll tax cut". I knoiw that Megyn Kelly has no clue, anmd is not even intereseted. I saw her disgraceful 10 minute performance today, that deserves an Oscare for "best dumb blonde performance of the year". Judy Holliday's movie persona channels Altert Einstein in comparison with how dumb Kelly came across today (and has come across for some time). COST. That is the first issue on the "pyaroll tax cut". How much does it ADD to the deficit and the debt. Kelly, and the unfair and unbalanced network, never even mentioned the subject. It was like the "facts" are IRRELEVANT. Now Obvama never mentions the cost. But it is the MAIN FACT that can be given, if you are interested in information. FRAUD. The "payroll tax cut" supposedly comes out of the Social Security tax--the ONLY fundin gmechanism for Social Security. But we know Social Security is basically broke. Thus, the money does NOT come out of the Social Security tax. That is a LIE. It is a GIMMICK. It is not a "tax cut" at all. We have to BORROW the money (the amount of borrowing being what the unfair and unbalanced network deos not want to discuss), and it will be "repaid" out of GENERAL REVENUE. That means that the whole "pyaroll tax cut" is one of the worst FRAUDS ever attempted to be thkrust on the American people. It is a WELFARE PAYMENT/wealth redistricution gimmick masquerading as a "tax cut". It is not different from simply borrowing the money and sending checks to people every month. It is the same as that $600 Bush/Democrat FAILED "stimulus" of 2008. Nothing about any of this form the unfair and unbalanced nework, and yet these are the ISSUES involved (whether yu agree with my conclusioins or not). Failure to even raise those issues is INCOMPETENCE. Megyn Kelyis one of the most incompetent women on TV--except that her incompetence is probably just an indication of the abysmal incompetence of the whole unfair and unbalanced network.

It is the same with further extension of unemploy ment insurance benefits. How much does it COST? Does it not ADD mroe to the debt and deficit than REPUBLICANS have yet even SAID tthey have "cut"--going all of the way through the next fiscal year? And what abut the FACT that we have had BOTH the "payroll tax cut" and extended unemployment benefits in effect for all this year, since that fraudulent "deal" at the end of 2010, and the unemployment rate has gone UP. Don't you think that Megyn Kelly shold at least MENTION that? Instead, she asserted that Obam ais right to suggest that his "stimulus" has at least got unemployment "heading in the right direction". Say waht. This is a LIE. Yes, I just, correctly, called Megyn Kelly a LIAR, even though I think she is so dumb that she does nto even realize it. The unemployment RATE was about 7% when Obama took office. It went UP to .95%. Then, in the summer of 200 (about July), the rate went DOWN to 9.5%--as we supposedly entered a "recovery" (beforet he Obama "simulus" had any chance to "owrk"). Then, as the "stimulus" was supposedlly taking effect, the unemploment rate went UP. It went to 9.8%. Then it went to 10.2%. Then it STAYED at 10% for awhile. In fact, the rate stayed NEAR 10% almost all of 2010--as the Obama "stimulus" failed. Then the rate finally dropped a little, at the end of 2010 and headling into 2011. The rate dropped to 8.9% and 8.8%. Since then--namely ALL of this year--the rate has gone UP. It went up to 9%. Then it went to 9.2%. Now it is stuck at 9.1% (not counting discouraged workers)--UP from the beginning of this year. Just who does Megyn Kelly think she is fooling? Not me. She is INCOMPETENT, with no grasp of the FACTS at all. INFORMAION is what people shouuld be getting. TELL people how much the fraudulent "payroll tax cut" COST us for this year, for NO result (other than an INCREASE in the unemployment rate). Tell people what the extended unemployment benefits COST us over this year, for an INCREASE in the unemployment rate. TELL people that the new Obama "labor economist" (Krueger) appointed as head Obama economic advisor, has written multiple papers on how extended unemployment benefits HURT unemployment.

Mggyn Kelly went on t ospout the Obama "talking point" that extended unemployment benefits and that fraudulent "payroll tax cut" "put money in people's pockets". Kelly, youj are as INSANE as Obama. What the Hell do you think that means? It just sounds good. The Bush/Democrat $600 payment in 2008 "put money in people's pockets" It FAILED. The Obama "stimulus" put a whole lot of WASTED money in people's pockets. It FAILED. The SAME "payroll tax cut" in December "put money in people's pockets", as did the sAME extensioin of unemployment benefits. That FAILED, except to INCREASE the unemployment rate. Kely simply ignored the HISOTRY of all of this, and the COST.

If "putting money in peoiple's pockets" is all we need to do, why not GIVE every single person in this country $10,000? $20,000? $30,000? $40,000? 1 MILLION dollars? You say this is absrud? WhY? Why is it any more absurd thanm the absurdities I heard come out of Megyn Kelly's mouth today about how Obama wants to "put money in people's pockets" so they will spend it. WHY can't we give EVERY single person in this country a million dollars? Easy. We can't afford it. That is not even a mattrer of opinion. It is a fact. But we can't afford the fraudulent "payroll tax cut" EITHER, or the infinite absurdity of paying people for two years not to work. Even Meegyn Kelly, if she were not so dumb, should realize lthat the ISSUE here is the same: whether we put 1 MILLIION dollars in the pockets of every person or $1000.00. Sure, it is more likely we can "afford" $1000 than that we can afford 11 MILLON. But the ISSUE is the same: CAN WE AFFORD IT, and does it really do any good? The EVIDENCE is that we can't afford it, and that it does not do any good. Again the unemployment rate has gone UP under these very same giveaway programs. Notice that the LESS you give away, the LESS effet it will have. So 1 MILLIOIN dollars for every person would DESTROY the country, but it would definitely have an effect. The "payroll tax cut"--averaging maybe $1000--will take awhile to DESTROY the country (along with other excessive deficit spending), but it also will have NO effect on the economy. We know that because it HAS NOT had any effect.

No. It was not even a "good try". Megyn Kelly, and the unfair and unbalanced network, made NO TRY at all at giving INFORMAITON about the FACTS of what Obama is advocating. HAAS it worked? How much will it COST? How much will that ADD to the debt and deficit? Where willl the money come from ("borrowing" is the answer to this one)? Now this article has drawn your conclusions for you. But Kelly did not even have to do that. The FACTS are enough. But Kelly and the unfair and unbalanced network are NOT INTERESTED in the FACTS. No perspective. No "fact check". Just "controversy" with the idea of boosting ratings.

Have you gotten the idea that I have noting but contempt for Megyn Kelly and the unfari and unbalanced network? I hope so. The whole contemptible netowrk is single handledly bringing back the concept of "dumb blonde", and even bringing it to a new level.

That should be the entire focus on Obama's Thursday speech. How much will it all COST. How much MORE will that add to the deficit and debt than the "cuts" that have supposedly been made (not including "cuts" for future years that may never take place). How much will the debt ceiling have to be RAISED because of Obama's "jobs program" (if it passes)? Has it WORKED in the past? If we don't have to worry about the COST, why don't we give EVERYON E $50,000? If we DO have to worry about the cost (as is obvious), WHY is $1000 not just as baed--in principle--as $50,000, except that both the cost and benefit will be reduced with the lesser amount (without chaning the aDVERSE effect of these constant government failed "stimulus" bills).

Message to Republicans (the unfair and unbalanced network already has the message above): If you buy into this, you are DEAD to me FOREVER. I cn'at even tell you the magnitude of the BETRAYAL if you buy into this total fraud, as if it would not OUTWEIGH every supposed "cut" you have made, and every supposed "fighting word" over raising the debt ceiling. And yes, this applies to YOU: to you TEA PARTY politicians (supposedly) who let this happen (if you do). Nope. I do NOT give you a pass for a mere VOTE. If youi do not FIGHT with every fiber of your being, publicly and against your own leadership (if necessary), then I have no sue fo ryou. I am absolutely tired of TRAITORS, and I don't intend to take it any more. There is absolutely no excuse for any part of this supposed Obama "jobs program", and I will not accept Republicans letting any major part of it go through. By the way, did you hear Kelly talk abut how the "infrastrucure" bank is the SAME concept as the disastrous Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? Of courfse not, because she did not even give ANY "information" on what the "infrastructure bank" is, and where the money is going to come from. And what about the fact that Obama likes to BRAG (lol) about how his "stimullus" included all of those "tax cut" GIMICKS. Again, THEY DID NOT WORK because they were noththing more than WELFARE PAYMENTS disguised as "tax cuts".--no different than that $50,000 payment I suggest above, except in magnitude. In principle, it is all the same. We can't afford any of it, and none of it will do any good. In fact, it ALL will do enormous harm. The same things already have done enormous harm.

Ye. I know. I should be careful. I know that mroe people look at this blog than admit it. IF you suddenly see Oba ma GO BIG, and advocate a $50,000 payment for every adult in this country, I am afraid you will know who to blame. "Money is people's pocket". I have to laugh. Otherwise, I would start crying and never stop. That is what bothers me most about Megyn Kelly. She said this stuff with a straight face--with no intelligence crossing her faceat all.

P.S. No proofreading or spell checking (bad eyesight).

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