Friday, September 9, 2011

Obama: Abolish Social Security and Medicare

This blog told you that Obama was going to call for the abolishment of Social Security. He did. He even added a call for the abolishment of Medicare. I am talking about the abolishment of these programs the way they now exist, and the way FDR set up Social Security as a self-funding,, self-sustaining program.

Social Security and Medicare are going broke. Everybody acknoledges that. That means we can't destroy the funding for Social Security and Medicare, right? Not to a leftist like Barack Obama, who wants both Social Seucrity and Medicare to be wealth redistribution, welfare programs, and who wants to come up with a FRAUD to simplly throw government money at people (because that is the only thing Obama knows how to do, no matter how often it fails).

You did not hear Obama call for the abolishment of Social Seucrity and Medicare? The you were not listening. The ONLY funding for Social Security--not now adequate, unless something is changed--is the Social Security Tax ("payroll tax"). Obmama's PRESENT ATTACK on Social Security is a 2% "cut" in the WORKER part of funding. Now, as I told you he would, Obama is proposing to cut the EMPLOYER part of the tax as well, and expand the whole thing to evidently include the "Medicare tax" (which I did not understand to be part of the present "payroll tax cut", although I could be wrong)> Medicare, of course, is supposed to be PRIMARIY a self-fudning program, as thre is a law (which Democrats have violated, as they violate any law they do not like) which supposedly requires Congress to take action if Medicare funding from general revenue rises above 50%. Well, that has already happened, and Obama has now evidently chosen to DESTRO&Y that "law" (so much for Obama "respsect for the law", which he does not have). In short, Obama is proposing to DESTORY the FUNDING for Social Seucirty and Medicare: to ABOLISH those programs as they were origninally set up.

I saw an "old timer" on CNBC, who came to Washington in the Kennedy Administration, describe what is going on this way: "I wish he (Obama) would just be HONEST and say that he is going to pay money to people out of general revenue, instead of going through this FRAUD of routnig those payments supposedly through Social Security and Medicare."

Indeed, that is the FRAUD that is partially going on here, although it is much worse than that (see below, and previous articles). Obama does intend to destroy Social Security and Medicare as we know it, but he does not intned to affect Social Security and Medicare BENEFITS (as would have to be done if there were a real "cut" in funding for Social Security and Medicare, and we kept the concept of those programs as self-sustaining programs). Rather, Obama intends this to be a SHAM, where we BORROW the money that suppsedly represents a "payroll tax cut", and then pay the money back from general revenue. This is NO different fromt he Bush/Democrat $600 "stimulus" payment to every person, which FAILED. As the CNBC guest said, hit is all a FRAUD. It is not a real "tax cut", which would require a CUT in Social Security and Medicare benefits. It simply repreents an atempt by Obama to come up with a WAY to make "stimulus" welfare payments that are labeled as something else (a "tax cut" as a way to try to convince SUTPID AND DISHONEST "Republicans" out threre that they are voting for a "tax cut" instead of a wealth redistribution welfare payment--a vote that will make ANY and EVERY such "Repubican", and the Repubican Party, my ENEMY for life), But it is worse than hust a fraud.

Social Security and Medicare ar in tourble. If you UNDERMINE the very concepts of those programs, are you not putting the whole programs at risk? Are you not saying that you do not CARE if such programs exist in there present from, and would really prefer to abolish them in their present form? Of course, you are saying all of that, and that is exactly what Obama is saying. Obama wants to ABOLISH Social Security and Medicare as "self-sustaining" programs, because he wants them to be Big Government, weath redistribution programs. Further, Obama has no concept of the meaning of money. He regards government money as INFINITE, and free, no matter what he says,

We have a CRISIS in our ability to fund Social Security and Medicare. No matter what Obama or anyone else says--what FRAUD they try to perpetrate--every CUT in the "funding mechanisms" for Social Seucirty and Medicare puts the BENEFITS from those programs AT RISK. The "funding" is not adequate now. The more financial pressure we put on the programs--whether we make it obvious we are committing fraud by taking the money out of general revenue or not--the more likely it is that our ability to fund Social Security and Medicare BENEFITS will be DESTROYED.

Yep. Obama is not only making a drect ATTACK on Social Security and Meidicare as those programs now exist. He is deliberatedly putting AT RISK our ability to fund the BENEFITS promised by those programs. And NBC/MSNBC has the GALL to assert that it is Rick Perry who wants to "abolish" Social Security!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As this blog has told you it would be, the proposed "expansion" of this "payroll tax cut" to EMPLOYERS was intended as a BRIBE for Repubicans. Yes, we will find out whehter Republicans can be BRIBED this way. That will tell us whether the Republican Party deserves to exist or not, or whether we need to give up on it and find soemething else. It goes without saying that NO "Tea Party person" (of which I do not call myself one, although I would say I pretty much agree with the point of view) should vote for AnY REPUBLICAN politician if the Republican Patrty LETS the FRAUD of this Obama "jobs program" (including the "tax cuts") become law. As far as I am concerned, this is a TEST for both the Tea Party and the Repubican Party. If the Tea Party cannot stop the Repubican Party from lparticipating ni this kind of fraud, then the Tea Party is pretty much worthless. Maybe they can, but the reaction on the "unfair and unbalanced" netowrk makes me more than nervous (basically being the "establihsment" Repubican reaction). Now it is true that, even though I hardly watch the unfair and unbalanced network anymore, in observance of my own boycott except for surfing just to reconfirm the worthlessness of that network, that maybe I am kpaying TOO MUCH ATTENTINON to the unfair and unbalanced network. I may be making the mistake of assuming, like the left, that such disgraceful network speaks for Repubicans. We will see. The point is that Obama has definitely intended this expansion of his attack on Social Seucrity as a BRIBE of Repubicans, to see if they will TAKE THE BRIBE (like Benedict Arnold before them) to BETARY their country.

Oh. That guest on CNBC? He called that accumulation of Obama welfare payments Obama calls a "jobs program" STUPID. There is no reason to believe lthat this knid of shrotl-term "stimulus" "creates" any jobs. The last several years--dating back to the Bush Administration and Democrat Congress of which Obama wa a part--PROVE that his kind of "throwing money at people" has nothing to do with "creating jobs". As the CNBC guest said, jsut exactly how many jobs is this supposed to "create", and what evidence do we have that the "jobs created" are woth the COST? The whol program proposed by Obama consists of BRIBES. That is all Obama knows how to do: BRIBE people with Federal money, because Obam abelieves that the Federal Government should totally control the econmy. No amount of evidence to the contrary will ever convince Obama,or any committed leftist, otherwise, because this is the very fabric of ho they are. But REPUBLICANS say that thi sis nto WHO THEY ARE. We willl see.

P.S. No proofreading or spell checking (bad eyesight).

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