Thursday, September 22, 2011

Death Penalty and Media Propaganda: Boycott AT&T and Yahhoo

See yesterday's article on the death penalty as a distracting social issue. Well, Troy Davis was executed, and the media has treated that as STILL the major issue in this country. Yes, ofer the last two days, the evidence is that our econom;y is falling apart, along with th eworld economy, and the MAJOR "news" featrued on AT&T/Yahoo, CNN and the ret has been the exectution of Troy Davis. (So help me, BOYCOTT AT&T and Yahoo, I beg yoiu). You heard about Nero fiddling while Rome burne? Well, our media is perfectly willing to FIDDLE with the death penatly bazsed on ONE CASE (now over) while America burns. These are EVIL people (:not talking about Goergia or even necessarily Davis, but our media people). Doubt lme? Never do that. Here is the FIRST headline today from the "Atni-American, Despicable Associated Press" (full, o official name), as featured on AT&T/Yahoo:

"Ga. execution of Davis leaves guilt unresolved"

Blatatn propgaganda. NO shame at alll. But then the evil people of the despikicable AP never have any shame. Yes, it is a LIE. No , that is not a matter of opinioni. It should be obviious to you, but i am gong to explain it. The AP is just putting out t outrageous propaganda in support of death penalty opponents, and they know it. Thje people of the AP are uniformly DISHONEST. As I have shown you for s=more than seven years, more than any other person on Earth, there is no worse "news" organization in the universe than the despicable Associated Press, because there cannot be. It is impossible to be worse.

\"Guilt unresolved"? ...................,Sorry, I was too busy laughing to keep from breaking down and crying (my usual reaction to the comic atrocities of the AP). HOW do we "resolve" guilt in this country? Youi hae heard the phrase "Innocent until proven guilty"? That might give you a CLUE (which is more than the AP has). We have only ONE way of "resolving guilt" in this country: it is called a TRIAL. You knnow, you proipoagandists of the AP, abut those quaint little proceedings like we had with Casey Anthony and O. J. Simpson? Yes, yoiu heard me. That is the OJNLY way we have of "resolving" guitl and innocence in thsi country. Once a person is CONVICTED in a tril without legal error, he is GUILTY (by definitoni). Proceedings on appeal do NOT represent a means of "reolving" disputed guilt or nnocence. The TRIAL has already accomplished that. Now it is true that dealth penalty opoponents, as part of their DELAYING tactics, wANT what amounts to MULTIPLE new "trils" on every subject under ths sun, including more trials on guilt and innocence. The Supreme Court, unfortunately, and to its shame--actually bought into one of these dELAYING tactics by ordering a Fedeal judge to hold a HEARING on whether Davis had shown himself to be an innocent man. Hoever, even teh Supreme Bourt did NOT say that Davis still had a "presumptioin of innocence". He did not. He was GUILTY, because a jury had found him guilty in a trial in which a legal error has never been found. Nevertheless, Davis was given an (undeserved and dangerous) opportunigy to PROVE his innocence before a Federal judge. In a 150 page opinioni, the judge said that Davis (his attorneys) had FAILED to show that he was an "innocent" man. By the way I find this present tendency on the left to treat Davis as a HERO to be a travesty of the truth. You did not see any extensive stories on how GREAT a guy Davis was--for the simple reason, I believe, that he was not. In Other words, just by being executged for murder, many people are acting as if Davis were an outstanding citizen, without any proof of that besides the fact that 12 citizens found hi a murderer based on substantial evidence.

No, there are TWO things about the AP story that are flat LIES. First, by definition, the GUILT of Davis was RESOLVED by the guilty verdict at his tril. Second, if Davis were not executed, there is no chance his "guilt" would EVER have been "resolved". A new trial, 20 years after the fact. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Sorry, the laughs just keep coming. Davis HAD a tril, much closer to the events. A"new trial" 20 years after the fact would be a FARCE. If you actually buy that a "new trial' would "resolve" Davis' guilt, then you really should apply to work at the AP. You are their kind of DISHONEST person.

But, don't people get off of death row on a fairly frequent basis on the grounds that they have been PROVEN innocent (as with DNA evidence). Sure. Believe it or not, even before the Supreme Court started disrutping state judicial systems with expanded haveas corupus profiding unconstitutionial "oversight" supervision of state criminal trials, people actually shown to be innocent (withotu dispute) got set free. Every state has a procedure for that,. That is the point. Davis did NOT "prove" he was innocent. All his attorneys, and edeath penalty oponents, did was throw a lot of SMOKE 20 years after the fact. In this case the smoke is just manufactrured soot to throw in people's eyes, and not an indication of actual fire. It remains a FACT that we have only ONE way of "resolving" a person's guilt: a TRIAL. It is only when CONCLUSIVE evidence comes out showing that a trial should never have taken place that we short circuit the entire trial process and say we made a mistrake. As stated, the AP headline is pure, FALSE propaganda.

Yes, it is a "legal error" if a judge submits a case to the jury when there is not sufficient evidence for the case to even go to the jury. However, in the Davis case EVERY court said that there was sufficient evidence to present the case to the jury. The jury made its decision, and there was evidence to suport it. Thereofre, Davis was GUILTY (resolved). The only way for him to get around this, aside fromm showing a LEGAL error in the trial proceedings which the defense could not show--was to CONCLUSIVELY show his innocence. Nowhere in ouur systeme does a person receive a right to multiple trials. Davisl actually received something like multiple trials, and that itself was a misteke.

Still doubt me? Consider the SECOND AP/AT&T/Yahoo headline today alone (straight lpropaganda again):

"After Georgia execution, Davis supporters consider next step"

The headline was bad enough. The lead paragraph was a DISGRACE. And yes, the unfair and unbalanced network pushed this propaganda, although I think they had the grace to stop AFTER the execcution had already taken place (not sure, since I don't watch rgularly anymore),. What am I talling about? I am talking about this disgraceful prfopaganda ssentence: "Hundreds of thousands of people around the world were concerned that the evidence in this case was weak". What can you say about a "news" organizatoin that is willing to make a pure propaganda statement like that? Politcaal hacks? ;Dishonest? Incompetent? You can see why I have FAILED in my Sodom and Gomorrah search to find a SINGLE honest, competent AP reporer.

Oh? You want to know what is wrong with that statement I qauoted? First, this is--internationally, and really even domestically--NOT a matter of the details of tthe Troy Davis. case. Remember Claude Rains in Casablanca? "Round up the usual suspects". Here, those "hundreds of thousands" of people are the USUAL SUSPECTS: the usual death penalty opponents, incluidn gmostly ANTI-AMIERCAN people who like to beat up American about the death penatly. And the quoted AP statement is a clear LIE. Do you really believe that "hundreds of thousands of people around th eworld" thought the "evidence against Davis was weak"? If so, again, you need to apply for work with the despicable AP. You will be a perfect fit. The media in the UNITED STATES have no clear idea of the facts in the Davis case. It is absurd to suggestr that "hundreds of thousands of peole around the world" had any idea of the FACTS of the Davis case. They just knew that leftist, anti-death penalty organizations were making a CAUSE out of the Davis case.

Nope. The AP is a PROPAGANDA outfit, enable by peole like those in AT&T and Yahoo.

P.S. No profreadin or spell checking (bad eyesight).

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