Saturday, September 24, 2011

Global Warming and Media Propaganda: Boycott AT&T and Yahoo

Here is the disgraceful headline from the despicable AP, featured a good part of this Saturday afternoon and evening:

"The American 'allergy' to 'global warming'--Why?"

The leftist POLITICAL movement of "global warming" is a FRAUD that would destroy our economy, rather than a real scientific "theory" where scientists CHALLEGNE and TEST the "theory" in a SKEPTICAL way. That's why.

But this article is not going to again set forth my position on "global warming", which this blog has set forth numberous times before (and will again). No, the only purpose of this article is to show you the Orwellian PROPAGANDA that is being pushed every day by the mainstream meida. READ that quoted headline again. "ALLERGY"? A better question is why the mainstream meida has an ALLERGY to actually presenting FACTS instead of propaganda. You may not know since the despicable AP and rest of the mainstream media will not tell you, but the ASSERTIONS of "global warming' (the political "theory" rpesented by Al Gore) are being contradicted by FACTS every single day. I will just mention one: Remember how the arctic ice pack was supposed to have MELTED by now--not to mention Antarctica and almost every glacier on the planet, causing SEA LEVELS to rise to the point that our coastal areas are u nder hundreds of feet of water? Hasn't happened, has it? In fact, most o the "global wareming" CLAIMS on these matters-the specific claims--have been DISCREDITED. Oh, and the world has not really "waarmed" since 1998.

Yep. If you read this blog, you know what is going on. This is part of my lonely Sodom and Gomorrah search for an honest, competent AP reporter. Even though I am an agnostic, it is obviously my punishment here on Earth to be in Lot's position of a FUTLIE search for someone who does not exist. This punishment is especailly unfarir since, unlike Lot in the Bible, I have never believed that there is such a thing as a competent, honest AP reporter. Yet, I have been assinged this search anyway. And you thought Job had it bad? Really, for an entity of whom I am skeptical, God is makng my life pretty hard.

Yep. This article is also part of my continuing campaign to get you to BOYCOTT AT&T and Yahoo for featureing ONLY this AP leftist propaganda every day.

P.S. No proofreading or spell checking (bad eyesight). By the way, if you read the above quoted headline, and do NOT recognize it as obvious propaganda, theree is noting I can do to help you. As the fictional people of "1984", you have been brainwashed beyond my ability to get through to you.

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