Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Death Penalty, an Unimportant Social Issue: Hyporisy of the Mainstream Media and the Rest of the Left

You remember Dishonest Jack Cafferty, of CNN, who--hypocrite that he is--that he did not see how anyone coulf vote for a Republican when the candidates paid so much attentino to "social issues"? Well, the DEATHH PENALTY is a "social issue". Where is Dishonest Jack talking about how the netire media has paid too much attention to this choregraphed leftist circus, while ignoring the IMPORTANT issues out there (eonomy, jobs, debt, war, etc.)? Where is Dhishonest Jack telling Jimmy Carter, and other leftist politicans and activists, that we shold not be DIVIDING the country over mere "social issues" at a time when the very future of the country is at stake? And what about the mainstream media paying so much attention to this ONE execution, when the country has so many much bigger issues? This is not to mentin that the PEOPLE have settled the death penalty question long ago: consistently showing 2-1 support for the death penalty . And make no mistake about it: the Troyo Davis execution was NOT about whether Davis was guilty or innocent, but all about the LEFTIST (includkng the leftist media) campaign against the death penalty. (Yes, I know that the unfair and unbalanced networrk was pretty much as bad as CNN: Why do you think I have adovcating BOYCOTTING the unfair and unbalanced network?)

Yes, the death penalty is a SOCIAL ISSUE. You doubt me on this, because you buy the lefttist HYPOCRISY that letist views on "social issues" are important, while conservative views are a distraction? Never doubt me. In fact, the death penatly is the SAME basic "social issue" as ABORTION. Both are matter os life and death. Almost every single person who opposes abortion on demand does so because it is the KILLING of a human being already in existence: the equivalent of infanticide. In fact, this is another case where leftists do NOT believe in "science". There is NO--I repeat, NO--scientific doubt that a nine month fetus is a HIGHER form of life than an eighth month premature baby. Ther is NO scientific "evidence" (much less proof) that anything fundamental happens with the mere cutting of an umbilical cord. The exact opposite is true. Form a scientific point of view, "birth" is merely a CHNAGE OF ENVIRNONMENT of an entity DESIGNED to live the first nine months within the environment of the mother's womb. Who knew that the motehr's womb would turn out to be a DEATH TRAP for the human fetus. But the point here is that abortion, for the people who opose it (like me), is an issue of INFANTICIDE. Further, unlike the death penalty, abortion ALWAYS--reallly be definition--involves INNOCENT human liefe. The dath penatlty, in contrast, only very rarely involves the execution of an "innocent" man or woman. Again, where is CNN talking about how this attempt to DIVIDE the coutnry over the death penalty is a DISTRACITON from the real issues facing this country? As I have told you, the mainstream media, and the rest of the let, are the worst hypocrites to ever walk the Eart, on two legs or four. I can't even IMAGINE worse hypocritres, and they proveit every single day.

As an aside, I do support the death penalty, while opposing abortin on demand. As I have often said, I would be willing to TRADE the death penalty for outlawing abortion (in most instances--think infanticide here). Such a trade, however, is impossible, and therefore I have to use my intelligence to cmoe up with my position on both issues. It is fair to say that I am somewhat more confident of my positoin on abortion than on the death penalty, but that is not to suggest a lack of confidence in my position on the death penalty . We are taling a difference between 95% confident and 100% confident. No, I am not indonsistent. I favor the death penatly BECAUSE I both respect human life and want to sAVE it. See my articles over the past few days. I am confinced that you SAVE more people with the death penalty than you kill--especailly innocent peple. Further, every argument you make about the "sanctity of life" (and you FAVOR abortion when you are wiling to make those argumetns for MURDERERS?) is an argument more in favor of the death penalty than against it. How can a penalty LESS than death be adequate? They HYPOCRISY here is staggering. What is a sentence of "life without parole" but a DEATH SENTENCE over an extended period of time (with, by the way, less incentive to try and make sure the convinction and sentence is correct). I simply can't understand how a person who commits murder can be allowed to lieve out a life--however confined--that he DENIED to his victim. Makes no sense to me. But, hey, I am willing to tRADE, if anyone can show me a way to do it. Seee how willing to "reach across the aisle to find common ground" I am?

Message to lyou leftist hypocrites out there, including in the mainstream media (the worst hypocrites to ever walk the Earth, on two legs or four): I do NOT respect you. I have nothing but contempt for you. I do not respect your hypocrisy, or the way you operate. Yes, you are WRONG on most things. But that is not why I do not RESPECT you (and I do not--not at all). The reason I do not respect you is that you try to DENY other people the 'right " to even disagree with you. YOU are allowed to have positioins ofn "social issues". CNN is even allowed to be OBSESED with "social issues" from the dath penalty to homosexual issues. YOUR opinion on "social issues' is not an opinion on an uneimportant "social issue", because YOUR opinion is not about the "social issue". It is about right and wrong. Well, YOUJ HYPOCRITICAL SNOBS, my opinion on all of these issures also happens to be about right and wrong. I do not tell you that you have no right to argue your opinion. You DO tell me that, and that the people who agree with me have no right to argue their opinion as public policy . We are UNENLIGHTENED HICKS for wom you show no respect every single day--not even respecting our right to exist and pursue our pint of view. Well, I RECIPROCATE your opinino with regard to YOU. You are HYPOCRITES deserving NO RESPECT, and that is exactly what I give you. Intellectually, you are dishonest. Emotionally, you are incapable of perspective or seeing other points of view. Plitically, you are AUTOCRATIC. Socially, you are SNOBS (even if you come from a humbe background). I frankly can't stand you.

P.S. No proofreading or spell checking (bad eyesight) . Yes, yhou St. Louis Cardinal fans out there--even the leftiss who I have jut informed I don't respect. You OWE ME for the resurgence of the Cardinals. You can trace the turnaround of the Cardinals directly to my initial article exposing Tony LaRussa as a manager who had FAILED this season (and in recent seasons). Well, since then, LaRusssa seems to have found some of the onld "genius" that he had apparently lost. No, the battle is definitely ot yet won. The Crdianls still NEED to win the next four games to sweep their entire current 6 game homestand. However, the Cardinals---as this is written--are only 1.5 games behind Atlanta. There are not many games left, which is why the Cardinals cannot backslikde. But they are in position. IF they can win the final game against the Mets, and the next 3 games agaisnt the Cubs, the Cardinals will PROBABLY (not certainly, but Atlanta has been fading) have caught the Braves by the end of this homestand. They NEED to do that, to avoid being behind with only a few games left. It does appear that the Cardinals, barring another collapse, will be right there until the end, egen if they have not quite entirely dug themselves out of that hole LaRussa put them in during August. Home games are gold here, and the Cardinals need to win ALL of theirs. Yep. You have to have a LITTLE luck, but the Cardinals have put themselves in position, which is more than seemed possible at the beginning of September. Even now, it seems impossible for the Cardinals to catch the Breweres, but that is what happens when you dig this big a hole.

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