Thursday, September 8, 2011

Obama, Jobs and Living Within Our Means: Liar-in-ChiefPrepares to Lie

Are we "pyaing for" the government we NOW have? Dont be silly. WE are borrowing 40 cents out of every dollar we spend. In other words, we are NOT PAYING FOR 40$ of our present government. Yet, we are already being told that President Obama, as Liar-in-Chief, is going to say this evening that his proposed new $400 billion dollar "stimulus" paln is "fully paid for" with extra tAXES and s'ending cuts (mainly taxes, and NOT "apid for" in 2012, but i the indefinite future).

Fact check on Oba ma: This is an obvious lie. How can we say that ANY new additions to the debt and deficit are "apid for" when we need EVERY DOLLAR to "pay for" the debt and deficits we now have? The very idea is certifiably insane. If Republicans accept it, they are certifiably insane (and I, for one, will treat them ALL that way). Until we take care of the deficit we NOW have, we are NOT PARYING FOR ANYTHING--certainly not anything new. And I don't care if every REPUBLICAN were to say otherwise. That would jsut lable those Republicans for the traitors lthey want to be.

Doubt me? Never do that. Look at that fraudulent "gang of 12" Super Committee. What are they supposed to be doing? They are supposed to be trying to find 1.2TRILLION dollars in "reductions" in the deficits over the next ten years. Forget that this is a FRAUD, designed to isguise the fact that only 21 BILLION (not trillion) dollars are slupposedly being "cut" fro the 2012 spending. The 2010 deal with Obama on a temporary "payroll tax cut" and further extension of unemployment benefits has ALREADY added more to the DEBT CEILING, debt and deficits than Republicans have yet "cut". And Obama wants to do the same FAILED things again, without strong Repubican attgacks that he should be getting. In fact, I have heard Repubilcans SAY that they want the extension of unemploymen benfits to be "apid for". See above. That is a REPUBLICAN LIE, as well as an OBAMA/DEMRAT lie. We are not paying for 40% of the government NOW. But set that aside, and take the "gang of 12" at its stated purpose. It is supposed to be DIFFICULT for this "gang of 12" to come up with a 1.2, or 1.5, or whatever reduction in the deficits over lthe next TEN YEARS. Yet, Obama is gong to propose INCREASING the amount of those deficits by 400 billion dollars.

But isn't Obama saing that the 400 billion dollars (probably understated) is going to be "paid for". Ah, that is where the "gang of 12" comes in. IF Obma can really "cut" the deficit by 400 BILLION DOLLARS (in a Big Lie that 400 billion dollars over ten years is the same as adding 400 billion dollars to the deficit for ONE YEAR), does not the "gang of 12" Super Committee NEED that 400 billion dollars to keep us from having to face DEFENSE cuts and MEDICARE cuts? Of course they do. Every dollar that Obama proposes to "cut" from the deficit is a dollar we NEED to cut from the deficits we already have. Every such dollar is a dollar we NEED to get to the deficit reduction targets that Congress has already set. Obama is gong to UNDERMINE the "debt ceilng deal" to whichy he supposedly agreed, and he is going to do it as lthe LIAR he is. He is simply going to ignore that we NEED any deficit reduction "plan" he has to PAY FOR the deficit reduction that Congress has already mandated. I kmow that the "tax increases" will not pass Congress. But that is IRRELEVANT to this point, although relevant to how big a liar the Preisdent really is. This is really a CAMPAIGN SPEECH. Gloria Borger, political hack that she is (see previous article), called it such on CNN. Obama does not elxpect this stuff to even nominally be "paid for" in tghe way he is proposing. And Obama's proposals for the far future are a LIE in themselves. Wht matters is 2012, and Obama is gong to INCREASE the deficit for 2012 (if he got what he wants) by 400 billion dollars. Again, however, ou can even accept this stuff at face value and Obama is STiLL LYING. How can we have a SUPER COMMITTEE desperately looking for "defricit reductions", and thenhave Obmaa IGNORE that committee and say that his (Obama's) jobs program is gong to be "apid for" by the SAME kind of deifict reduction that is supposed to be under consideration by the Super Committee to "pay for" our CURRENT DEFICTS (to which Obama is gong to add 400 BILLION dollars in one year).

Yuor head should hurt, because this all makes NO sense at all. It makes NO sense for a "Super Committee" to be desperately looking for deficit redutions to cover CURRENT DEFICTS, while our President supposedly has found 400 billion dollars that COULD be used for that prupose, EXCEPT that Obama is gong to use it for 400 billion dollars in ADDITIONAL DEFIICITS.

yep. Look and see if the "unfair and unbalanced network" lets Obama get away with this "fuzzy math", and whether REPUBLICANS let lhim get away with it. I predict tahat at least most of the "unfair and unblanaced network' WILL let Obama get away with this LIE, without exposing it for the objective LIE and absurdity it is. I further predict that at least SOME Repubicans will allow Obama to get away with this outrageous "fuzzy math", because THEY will want to use the same kind of math themselves.

You simply can't act like you dlon't know what your left hand is doing, while proposing things with your right hand that are INCONSISTENT with the obligations of your left hand. Obama wants to act like we have NO continuing deficit problem that we are supposedly trying to handle. Rather, Obaa wants to propose a "jobs program" as if we have NO current deficits, and as if there is NO "Super Committee desperately looking for deficit reduction to handle those current deficits.

Yes, yu can AGAIN elxpect Obam ato assert this evening that we need to "live within our means".. If you do not understand by now that such assertion by Obama is an Orwellian Big Lie, then you are hopeless. Obama cannot simultaneously believe thaqt we must learn to "live within our means" and sill UNDRMINE the supposed work of the Suerp Committee that Obama himself supported. This is al lONE PROBLEM You can't separate out defict reduction and "paying for" NEW deficits beyond what the deficit reductin was supposed to address. You have to have separate COMPARTMENTS in your mind that do not communicate with one another to be this blatantly a liar. In fact, that may be how Obama is NOT a "liar". I am almost willing to believe that his mind works lthis amazing way--where he does not even RECOGNIZE some things he is saying and doing as inconsistent with other things.

But REPUBICANS should recognize it. If they don't, I will NOT forgive them--ANY of them, EVER. As far as I am concerned, this--along with the 'gang of 12" itself--represents the defining moment for the Repubican Party . Either we have to give up on the Repubican Party, or see RESULTS showing that theRepubican Party has LEARNED somehting. As I have stated, I have little hope. Little hope is, however, better than none. If Repubicans buy into this Obama speech in ANY way, I will have NO HOPE left. As far as I am concerned, the Republican Party will also have no hope left at that pont.

No oproofreading or spell checking (bad eyesight).

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