Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Obama, Liar-in-Chief: The 3 Trillion Dollar Lie

Headline tonight on AT&T/Yahoo defualut page (despite this blog getting rid of Yhaoo CEO, to be followed by all of Yahoo and the despicable AP itself):

Obama to Propose 300 Billion to Jump sart Jobs

You will remember that REPUYBLICANS, and the TEA PARTY (traitors all?), HYPED a "deal" to "cut" 21 billion dollars fromt he 2012 fiscal year budget, to which Obama now wants to ADD 3000 billion. What is 300 biollion over ten years? Right. It is THREE TRILLION DOLLARS. If Republicans, or Tea Party politicians, e en COMPOROMISE on this, they are BETRAYING every single person who elected lhem in 2010. In that event, they might as well hang it lup. Am I saying I don't TRUST TEA PARTY POLITICIANS much more than I trust establishment politticians? Ah. You have finaly got the point. Now if only POLITICIAN TRAITORS would get the point. Yes, John Boenher, and EVERY other Repubican who votged for this SHAM "debt ceiling deaL" should be DEFEATED--not only for Congress of the Uniteted States but fro dogcatcher of Mt. Ida, Arkansas. I have said this before, and will say it again: John Boenher and Mitch MccConnell are NOT QUALIFIED to be dogcatcher of Mt. Ida, Arkansas (the small town in whch I grew up)--much less in the Congress of the United States. Am I wone of that 54% who would vote to DEFEAT every single inciumbent in the government--from President on down? Damn right I am. DEFEAT THEM ALL. They are not worth keeping: ANY OF THEM.

Now=, unfortunately, I know that it will not be on the ballot to DEFEAT THEM ALL. However, I would still vote against EVERY single Repuiblican who votged for that SHAM debtceiling deal--even if that Repubican is running against Satan himself. I would vote against EVERY SINGLE REPUBICAN who voted for that "lame duck dea" adding MORe to the deficit--on an apples to apples basis--than Repubicans have suposedly "cut"--even BEFORE Obama roposes this additional 300 billion

Note the LIES of our Liar-in-Chief. He is gonig to give a speech where he says that he is going to "solve" our "long=term" debt problem, at thee same time he proposes ADDING THREE TRILLION DOLLARS to ur debt and deificit (on a ten year bases, as there is NO indication that Obama will do anything different for EVERY year he is in office).

And you have REPUBICANS talking about "compromise". DEFEAT THESE LPEOPLE--every single Republican who adds ONE DIME to our debt and deficit in the name of a "jobs program". How can ANY REPUBLICAN criticize the Obama "simulus", and even TALK abut "compromising" on this kind of 'jobs lprogram". Whether 300 billion, 3 trillion (overf ten years), or 50 billion, we do not have the money. And REPULBICANS are saying this kind of "stimulus" is NO GOOD. Well, I take the m at their word. If they vote for ANY "stimulus"--one dime--then I will shed every drop of my blood to DEFEAT EVERY SUCH REPUBICAN--TEA PARTY OR NOT.

But I go beyond that,. Tea Party Republicans: If you STAY a Republican, and don't LEAVE that party, I wil NEVER VOTE FOR YOU FOR ANY OFFICE (if Repubicans agrfee to some kind of "compromise" whhich adds more to the deficit than you have suposedly "cut". Yes, I mean it. I mean it for Rick Perry. I mean it for Michele Bachmann. I mean it for THEM ALL.

My pateience is gone. DEFEAT the Obama jobs program" ENTIRELY, or face a (figurative) firing squad if you do not LEAVE the Republican Pazrty and become an independnet.

Nope. A VOTE is not enough. REsults are all that matters here. Failkng results, the ONLY excuse I will accept is if you LEAVE John Boehner, Mitch McConnell and the Republican Party.

ONE DIE. Raising the deficit for 2012 by ONE DIME is all it will take. That is it for me. That means ONE DIME more than the advertised "deal" to raise the debt ceiling. And it means ONE DIME for 2012--not offsetting "savings" ten years from now against a THREE THRILLINO DOLLAR annualized increase in the debt/deficit that Obama is evidently gong to propose.

Do I have ANY loyalty to Tea Party politicians? Don't be silly. And neither should you. I have had it with them all. As with Peter Finch, in "Network", I am fed lup and I am not going to take it any more. You are Michele Bachmann? Fine. TAKEW ACTION, or I will disown you. You are Sarah Paln? Fine. TAKE ACTION or I will disown you. You are Mitt Romney? Well, I am more than ready to DISOWN you. You are Rick Perry? Fine. TAKE ACTION, or I will DISOWN you.

I have had it. If you are Repuboicans and do not stop this, then do not pass Go. Do not collect $200. Instead, go straight to HELL. I will meet lyou there.

"But, Skip. Maybe they will come through (referring to Repubicans)--not only on this ridicuous Obama campaign proposal but on the "gang of 12".

I am a pessimist, and have seen these people operate too much. I don't believe they will come through Then I can be pleasantly surporised if they do. But even if the Tea Party people come through, that will not change my opinion of any Repubican who voted for that SHAM "lame duck deal" or that SHAM "debt ceiling deal", or that SHAM "b011 spending deal". Vote AGAINST every such Repubican--as stated, even if the Repubican is running against Satan himself (Obama may qualify).

P.S. No proofreading or spell checking (bad eyesight). And if you TEA PARTTY politicians (self-identified) think I am kiddin, and have nowhere to go, JUST WATCH ME TEAR YOU APART--BY NAME. Want an example? I would NOT vote for Paul Ryan for AnY office. More names wilkl folow. Yes, I will be GLAD to tearinto Rick Perry (my governor). I don't like him much anyway, and the only way I could overcome that dislike is if he were to be REAL (instead of the fake he ordinarily is). I don't hold out much hope (pessimist that I am). And no, I am not even sure, and Yahoo "News" would never tell me, whether the 300 BILLION (for one year--3 trillion on a ten year basis) even includes the FRAUDLUENT "payroll tax cut" or the selfl-degeating, already failed extension of unemployment benefits. I just know that if REPUBLICANS go along with EITHER thing, then they will be my ENEMIES--mortal eneimies to the death (figuratively speaking). No more "passes" for the "heart" being in the right place. No more exuses. RESULTS are all that matter at this point. Republicans have the POWER to put principle ahead of cowardice. If they do not, I will lPUNISH them to the very best of my ability. And no, I do NOT CARE how many Democrats--includin gObaMa himself--may be elected as a result of people like me.

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