Tuesday, November 1, 2011

ABC, AT&T and Yahoo Racists: The Lynching of Herman Cain

Present feaatured AT&T/Yahoo headline, from ABC "News":

"Cain's conflicting statements on sexual harrassment allegatons create more questons"

Read my previous article. You will note that I am NEVER wrong. The developeing narrative from the DISHONEST RACISTS of teh aminstream media is abut all of the "qaeustioins" that have been raised.

Note that ABC, and the rest of teh media rACISTS, are not interested in whether the "allegations" are TURE, and excactly what the allegatioins and fACTS were. Nope. Their goal here is to destroy BLACK MAN Herman Cain, based on a RAcISL STEREOTYPE. What else can yuo conclude when all of the headllines, from the beginning, have been about the ALLEGATIONS, and NOT abuot finding the FACTS. (not to mention whether the allegatioins are imprtant, or jsut a product of the VAGUE law as to creating a "hostile" workplace). See, again, Michale Crichton's "Airframe", where Crichton (in fiction, but clearly meaning it) told you (circa 2000) that today's "journalists" are not intereseted in actual INFORMATION, and that anyone who thiinks otherwie makes a grave error. This is all about AGENDA. Hter, the agenda is a RACIST attempt to DESTROY herman Cain on the kind of alleatons (t get MONEY) that are made every day in the business world. I was, in my former lie (for 35 years) a plaintiffs' trial attorney. I know. "News" peopole, of course, MAY put 'trial attorneys" on to join in theis RACIST attack, but that is merely because everyone knows taht the tRIAL LAWYERS LOBBY sukpports Democrats, and oppposes most conservatives, as a matter of self-interst. That is hardly true of all trial attorneys, many of whom despise Obama, and the Obama type of thinking.

Lesson here, like in our entire society: The legal ESTABLISHMENT =, including the "rebel" trial lawyer organizations, is LEFT. The rank and file? Not so much.

Did I just call AT&T and Yahoo RACIST. Yep, and I recommend you BOYCOTT them. As I have told you repeatedly, I do not accept the idea that AT&T/Yahoo can put out leftist propaganda day after day, and now RACIST proipaganda, and excape the consequences. Now Yahoo has "partnered" with ABC "News"--a LEFTIST organization. (like Yahoo "News" itself). Nope. I stand by it. AT&T and Yahoo ARE racists, leftists and gerally despicable organizations.

Take one exzmple. There are all kinds of peole out there saying what I have said over the past few days about this ridiculous characer assassination of blak man Herman Cain. Have you seen ONE "report" on AT&T/Yahoo about THAT allegation: the allegation of racism? Rush Limbuaugh, for example, who is a major figure, said essentially what I have been saying on his program today. WHERE are the reprots of these "allegations" on AT&T/Yahoo? Nope. Q.E.D. These are RACISTS to the core, and biased as well. Prediction: If you DO see a story on this, it will be from the point of view of how it is NOT TURE. Then I ask you to remember all of those UNSUPPORTED allegations of Tea Party "racism", and to consider just how HYPOCRITICAL the peole of the media are capable of being. They are hypocritical, racist liars.

I worry that I hae not told you how I rally felel about ABC, Yahoo, AT&T and the rest of the mainstream media. I will try to do better next time. I reall have to start taking the gloves off,m and stop pulling my punches.

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