Monday, November 14, 2011

Newt Gingrich, Drudge and Polls: See Previous Blog Article (Gingrich leader?)

My analysis of how meaningless polls are, and the prsent state of teh Repubican race, is set forth in my previous article. However, I just checked in with Drudge ( And Drudge is now featuring this BANNER headline, under a picture of Newt Gingrich: "Newt on Top".

Yep. The Drudge link is to a poll (what else) taht has Newt with 28%, Cain with 25% (within the margin of error, as if the real "margin of error" here were not essentailly about 25%), and Romney at 18%. I know. That last number, in a NATIONAL poll, seems very suspicious. If Romney has "really" (as if, again, this poll means anything) is beginning to SLIP (as distingusihed from just not rising, as eveyrone else exhanges the smae undecided people around), then Romney is in trouble. But I don't go by polls. I would have to see mcuh more before I thougtht Romney was really in this kind of trouble. This blog has consistently told you Romney's REAL trouble: He is "politics as usual", when the American people are finalllly getting tired of it (while still being far too willing to pay attention to mainstream media SEMARS).

The purpose of this article is NOT to telly you that you should pay attention to this particular poll. You should NOT. The purpose of this article is to let you know the STRENTGTH of the present "boomlet" for Newt Gingrich. When you get this kind of banner headline on Drudge, along with all of the other publicity (not smear--YET--this time) that Gingrich is suddenly getting, ti BOOSTS the Gingrich campaign. Romney will STILL win New Hampshire (absent, as usual, a total meltdown). If Cain can hang in there, the possibility (still fairly remote, but sort of favored by rule changes) of a DEADLOCK rises. Chris Christie, anyone? Now the process is just not set up for a dedlok anyomore, in terms of what people expect and want to happen (namely a fairly quick choice of a nominee). But the rules have been tilted toward a possible deadlock, IF more than two candidates can stay in the race. And IF Perry (douubtful) and Paul (almost certain, but not a huge factor, although a steady one) continue in the race, you can see that any kind of three way race, with no runaway first place, COULD lead to a deadlock (if it sneaks up on people before anyone can do anything about it).

This is actualy starting to be fun. Not only are the media being shown to be the total incompetents they are, while my analysis has been dead on, but Cain and Gingrich are probably the most INTERESTING of teh Republican candidates. Ron Paul WOULD be interesing, but he is basically a broken record (although really a refreshing one). Michele Bachmann SHOULD have been interesiting, but somehow she lost her way. All in all, I would LIKE it to come down to between Cain and Gingrich, although my intelligence tells me taht Romney is unlikely to fall out of the mnix (making that three-way race a possibility, if Cain can hang in and Gingrich not self-destruct as the meida AGAIN goes after him).

Someone other than Ronmney wins Iowa (but how close between the non-Romney leaders?). Romney wins New Hampshire. WHO wins South Carolina? That is really Perry's ONLY opportunity to throw a monkey wrench into the whole thing, although I don't think he will do it. It could actually get interesting. I jsut hope that the candidates maintain their recent focus on OBAMA, and who can make the best argumetns agaisnt Obama. If so, the Repubilcans may yet hand the mainstream media partisans their heads, AND maybe frustrate ME jsut as I walk away from the Repubican Party (other headline tonight is from Eric Cantor, predicting a last second--as usual--SHAM deficit deal. Okay,. He did not SAY "sham", but that is what he MEANT. Exactly what is it about this "process" of "last minute" "deals" we HAVE to "accept" that you people do not understand? Is it any wonder that I fully expect to announce my total abandonment of the Repubilcan Party in the next two weeks?). I am gla, however, that we mauy get ENTERTAINMEWNT from the Republicans in a turly interesting race, even if the Repubicans are--at the same time--conspiring to sink the country. Watch what you wish for, you Repubicans. You might actually win!!!!!!!! It may be something like being apponted the new captain for the Titanic, after your own party has made sure the ship is going to sink. (I SARE you to try to untangle that metaphor!!!!!)

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