Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Newt Gingrich and teh CNN Smear Merchants of Death

The title is meant to be a take off on a chapter title from an old movie serial--maybe involving Falsh Gordon (some of which old srials are great fun, even though the "cliffhangers" are almost always disappointing and unimginative). CNN has, indeed, become like the cartoon villains of the old movie serials. CNN has become that obvious about its PROPAGANDA SMEARS, which they intend to be "death" to any Repubilcan rising in the polls. The easiest corret prediction I ever made was my immediate prediction that CNN, and the rest of teh mainstream media, would attempt to jump on Newt Gingrich with immediate SMEARS because of his sudden rise in the polls (as CNN and the mainstremmedia did with Michele Bachmann, Hrman Cain, Riick Perry, and even the first incarnation of Newt Gingrich). What I did not quite expect wsa that the unfair and unbalanced network would be just as quick, although not quite so cartoon obvious, to pick up on the mainstream media smears, as the smeear merchanges went into action against Gingrich (see my previous article).

Yep. I saw a few minutes of CNNN this afternoon, and I saw what I had predicted and expected. I saw a "romo" segment where the CNN SMEAR MERCHANTS (Wolf Blitzer and all of teh rest) "previewed" their planned smears of Gingrich for the afternoon. Yes, there ws the reference to the supposed "lobbying" of Gingrich for Freddie Mac, for which CNN has NO evidence. You may remember how CNN--incliuding that major league hypocrite, John King--tried to dismiss the MAJOR Solyndra scandal with the assertion that there is "no evidence of wrondoing" (lol). Here, you have a relatively minor trading of Gingrich on his name (se previous article, with really NO evidence of "wrongdoing", and CNN was already trying to HARRRASS Gingrich (without much success, althouhgh CNN showed Gingrich brushing off the CNN smear quesions)--before the "ink" is even dry on recent polls lpurporting to show the rise of Gingrich (all as predicted by this blog the very MOMENT those polls were released). The diffreence between CNN and the unfair and unbalanced network is the sheer MAGNITUDE of the attempted SMEAR. Not only is CNN immediately trying to make the Gingrich campaign all about the SMEARS, but CNN did not limit themselves to the Freddie Mac non-scandal. Barack Obama has been in the SENATE, and PRESIDENT, while the government has allowed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (really government entities, and definitely government controlled entities) to vritually ruin this country. Even this very instant, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (FAILED entites that have already cots the taxpayers some 750 BILLIION dollars) are trying to pay 10 execu;tives (failures) some 23 MILLION dollars in bonuses (without any action from President Obama). this is a REAL SCANDAL, in which Obama is involved up to his neck. Paying Gingrich 1.6 millon over 8 years is merely an annoyance of Washington working the way it usually works (as everyone feeds out of the Federal trough). But, as suggested, CNN did not stop there. These (CNN peole) are CARTOON villlains, as their smear merchant mission has become more than obvious. The "promo" not only referenced Freddie Mac, but the OLD allegations about Gingrich's "past" (some of which, of course, Gingrich has admitted, but which have nothing to do with his present ability to be President). Yep. The whole promo was about SMEARS of Gingrich from teh CNN smear merchantas.

You can seee that CNN had to pretty much ignore Herman Cain and Mitt Romney. This is, of course, the attempt by the CNN smear merchants to Herman Cainize" Newt Gingrich. What does it mean to "Herman Cainize" someone? Oh, come on. You know this one. That is the old media smear merchant tactic to which I have given a new name (In honor of its presently most famous victim, in that racist lynching of Herman Cain). The ssmear merchant idea is to DISTRACT both candidate and voter by making a candidate's campaign be ALL about respodning to smear merchant allegations (often unimportant, and hardly the main issues facing this country). The idea is to PReVENT the cnadidate from getting out his "message", or being able to discuss the important issues facing this country. The idea is to KILL off the candidate by totally overemphasizing relatively small things, while the big issues go ignored. That is why the title correctly calls thesee people the "CNN smear merchahants of death". CNN fully intends to KILL OFF the Gingrich campaign, just as it fully intended to KILL OFF (LYNCH) Herman Cain (or at least his campaign).

I expect any day now to see CNN spolit its screen nito three or more parts, with each part putting out a smear on a DIFFERENT GOP (Grand Outdated Party) candidate. You lamost have to feel sorry for CNN. So many GOP candidates to SMEAR, and so little time (especially when the polls by which CNN lives and dies are so fluid, with so many candidates who might rise if the CNN smear merchants are not eternnally vigilant and quick with their smears). CNN has it so tough that CNN might have to IGNORE something like an Israeli strike at Iran to take out Iran's nuclear program because it would keep CNN from keeping up with the smear efforts of teh CNN smear merchants. Hey. I wonder. Do you think that has ALREADY HAPPENED, and the media has just not yet found time to tell us because of this junk they are putting out? It is a thought. I will have to check into it, and tell you. After all, there has been the SMEAR of Joe Paterno, in addition to these ever changing political smears as the polls jump all over the map. How is a smear merchant network supposed to keep up with it all, and still get in any "news"?

Oneof the reasons I coninue to lose respect for the unfair and unbalanced network is that it is sometimes going BEYOND the smear merchants of CNN. In the last week, I saw the unfair and unbalanced network run a story on Michele Bachmann which AGAIN highlighted her supposed "John Wayne" gaffe--an old smear of a candidate whose time has come and gone (not because of that smear, but because she failed to really push REAL SUBSTANCE in her campaign), CNN--so many GOP candidates, ans so little CNN time--is at least imiting itself pretty much to smears of peole PRESENTLY high in the polls. The unfair and unbalanced network evidently thinks that its "conservative' fiewers want to see "attention" paid to a conservative heroine, even if it means a GRATUITOUS repeat of a previous smear (basedon a truly insignificant "gaffe"). Nope. I jsut can no longer stand to watch the unfair and unbalanced network for more than aobut a minute at a time (absent some special circumstance).

In a way, this is all entertaining--as I PREDICT each move by these despicable smear merchants of death beofre they make it. However, you still wonder whether peole are correctly IGNORING all of this stuff, or whether merely the "allegations" (which is the nefarious intent) tend to induce peole to shy away from a "controversial" candidate. If this latter fear is true, then it is an indictment of the Amerian peole. The point of this article is that the smears are becoming so obvious and blatant attempts at partisan propaganda, than more and more peoiple really are "gettting it". You wish tha more Repubolican POLITICIANS would "get it", and stop being cowards as far as these desicable media people are concerned.

P.S. No proofreading or spell Checking (bad eyesight).

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