Monday, November 21, 2011

GOP Liars and Hypocrites

I saw a GOP politician (House member, I believe) on MSNBC this morning. All you have to do is SURF any of these networks, inccluding the unfair and unbalanced network, to get IMMEDIATE matrial for tthis blog. Some of yo umay get the idea that I watch HOURS of "news' every day. Not tre. I merely surf MINUTES each day. That is just how BAD these people really are., and the politicians they "interview". You may have noticed I seemto be surfing CNN more these days than the unfair and unbalanced network. I assure yoyu it is merely a few minutes a day, but taht is pretty much true. Why? Welll, ssee my weekend article. Why should I watch CNN Light (the unfaira and unbalanced network), when I can watch the real hard core stuff (while getting my conservative "news" from Rush Limbaugh and a variety of sources)? It merely makes me sad and depressed to watch the unfiar and unbalanced network, when I would much ratherbe ANGRY (adrenalin, you know) at the evil, dishonest, partisan bigots of CNN. I digress (sort of), although the above explains why I was actually SURING MSNBC to see reactino to the apparent FAILURE 9f the famous supercommittee.

What did the GOP (Grand Outdated Party) politician do to raise my ire? Well, he was adked what the GOP would now do, without the "supercommittee" to provide COVER, about all of teh deficit/spending issues that must be addressed by the end of this year. Tahat, o fourse, made me ANGRY all over again at the dishonest FRAUDS of the GOP: talking deficit reduction while they really always intended to ADD to the current deficit. This mere question confirmed to me again what I have always known: That the GOP "debt ceiling deal" was designed to allow the GOP to BETRAY us on deficits, while still talking like they were seriious about "fighting" them. Every time I even think abut it, my blood boils. These people--GOP politicians---are DISHONEST to the core (most of them). Now Democrats LIE--especailly leftist ones. But there is a way in which they are fundamentally honest, evenif they sometimes liea about it if they think it is conventinet (as Obama does all of the time). Democrats really do belive in Big Goverrnment. However, I don't think it is true that GOP poiticians, in the main, really belive in SMALL GOVERNMENT. They jsut pretend, while pandering and bribing just like the Democrats. Doubt me? Never do that. I still have not gotten to the LIE the GOP politician told CNN.

The specific question was about the "payroll tax cut" (Social Seucrity tax gimickand BRIBE which was part of the FRAUDULENT GOP/Obama "deal" at the end of 2010, adding more than 100 billin dollars to the deficit "in exchange" for a temporary extension of teh "Bush tax cuts"). The GOP had HOPED to CONCEAL the fact that they have not only failed to "cut" the deifict for the previous and current fiscal lyear, despite promises, but want to ADD to it. Yep. The other part of the quesiton was about extending the extended unemployment benefits--meaning that people are paid ofor 99 weeks to stay out of work. Again, this "extension" alone would ADD more lto the deficit than the GOP has "cut" from the CURRENT spending (including the fiscal year just ennded). The GOP politicina's response was the OBAMA respnse. I can't make this up.

What the GOP politican said was that the GOP House would come up with alll kinds of ideas to "add jobs", but that he was not sure what the bad boys in the Senate would do. But here is the kicker. He did NOT try to say that the GOP would not ADD to the current deficit. He said exactly the opoposite (theObama lie that this blog has debunked time and time again). What this GOP politician said was that maybe the GOP would extend that Social Security tax cut BRIBE (which did NOT add jobs for this current year, but added more than 100 billin dollars to the deficit, AND undercut the whole concept of Social Security "paying for itself"), but that the GOP House would "pay for" any such propsal so that it does not add to the deficit. That, of course, was the same response to the unemployment benefit extensin, and the GOP politican even said that the GOP would have other "ideas", but would always make sure (if you listen hard, you can hear OBAMA saying these words) that any such "ideas" are "apid for".

There is no way to sugar coat this: This is a LIE. It was a LIE when Obama said it, and when ihe says it now. It is a LIE when a GOP politician says it. It has ALWAYS been a LIE, and it will always be a lie. It is one of the main reasons--acceptance of this LIE--that I have WALKED AWAY from the Grand Outdated Party, wihout ever lookng back, and wihout even a twinge off regret. Remember Herman Cain's "apples and oranges"? That is only part of the LIE here. What the GOP politician was talking aobut was pretending to "apy for" CURRENT ADDITINS TO THE DEBT AND DEFICITS with FUTURE "CUTS" (usually far fuutre). You just can't get any more dishonest than that, since the future cuts willprobably never take place. If this were ont a LIE for even more fundamental reasons-that is, if we presently had a balanced budget--it is abusrd to suggest that you can compare adding to the defict NOW with PROMISES to "cut" in the FUTURE. Taht was the FRAUD that the GOP expected the "sueprcommittee" to CONCEAL for them, As I said, you do not get any more DISHONEST than these GOP politicans. Sure, Obama is DISHONEST when he says his "jobs bill" is "fuly paid for", but we KNOW whre Obama is coming from He WANTS Big Government. What excuse does the GOP hav for adopting this LIE? None.

What is the fundamental LIE here? Come on. You know this one. We are presently borrowing more than 40 cents out of every dollar tlhe Federal Government spends. In other words, we are not paying for what we have NOW. We have an approximately 1.5 TRILLOIN dollar deficit EVERY YEAR.--projected to be above 1 TRILLIN dollars as far as the eye can see. Yet, the GOP and Obama are talking about temporary GIMMICKS (the suposed "payroll tax cut" being merely a welfare payment that undermines funding for Social Security, rather than a real "tax cut") to BRIBE people, adding hundreds of billions to the deficit. And then the politicians compound the DECEIT by talking aoubt "apying for" these gimmicks with FUTURE PROMISES, while we continue to borrow more than 40 cents out of every dollar we spend (even without the fimmicks). What can yo usay about that kind of insanity? Say that the GOP can come up with 100 billion dollars in spendin gcuts "THIS YEAR (rather than the FRAUD of illusory "cuts" in far future years)? We NEED that money to reduce the PRESENT DEFICIT. It is beyond stupid to say that such 100 billion dollars in "cuts' should be used to pay for ANOTHER GOVERNMENT PROGRAM. If we use every dollar we can beg, borrow, or steal to to "fund' additonal deficit spending, how do we eVER lower the deficit? Answer: we don't, and the GOP has no intention (if yu are not Ron Paul or Michele Bachmann) of doing so Taht is twhat this GOP politician made clear to MSNBC, as he LIED the same way Obama and leftist Democrats lie.

Let me do a thought experiment for you, to illustrate what I am talking about. Assume, taxing as it may be on your imagination, that we now had a BALANCED BUDGET (spending exactly the amount of our revenue). All right. Say that we then added a 100 billion dollar "payrolll tax cut" (BRIBE). That would mean we would no longer have a balanced budget. We would have a 100 billin dollar defict. Remember, in the actual oworld, we already have about a 1.5 TRILLION dollar shortfall between our spending and what we take in. But, in our hypothetical thought experiment, ew are assuing that we have a balanced budget amendment in place, and actually have a balanced budget. Therefore, we do not have to worry about teh falsehood of saying that we are gong to "pay for" a NEW program, wihout paying for the old progarams. Okay. We are now facing a 1000 billin dollar deficit, in our thought experiment, because we want to do this "apyroll tax cut" gimmick (plus maybe even more billoions for extending unemplyment bekynd the transition peeriod taht has been thought to be appropriate in the past--being 6 months). All we have to do is "pay for it", right? Okay, so we "cut' 100 billion dollars from the 2020 spending....................................................................................Have you stooped laughing yet? Yet that is exactly what the way both Obama/leftist Democrats and the GOP says we should look at this. Obivously, it would VIOLATE a "balanced budget amendment" to create a 100 billin dollar deficit for THIS YER, and say it is "apid for" by a "cut" in 2020. Isn't it obvius that all yo would be dong it creating a DEFICIT for the current year? Of course it is obvious, but that FRAAUD is what our politicians want us to accpet. And it is a FRAUD to say that you are "pyaig for" a current addition to the deficit with a FUTURE "cut". And that is on top of the FRAUD of saying that yo are "paying for" ANY "new" program, when you need to find about 1.5 trillion dollars to just 'pay for" what we now have.

I can't tell ou how angry I get every time I even think abut this FRAUD, which is ACCEPTED by teh media, leftist Democrats (of course), AND the GOP. It is absurd. It is insane. You should be abel to see why I just can't stand "politics as usual" any more, and would rather see Barakc Obama Preisdent aagin than see a "poitics as usual" GOP DESTROY this country (jsut like Obama, although maybe SLOWR). TheGOP even uses the same LANGUAGE as Obama, and then they expect to reach peole .GAG.

P.S. No proofreading or spell chedkng (bad eyesight). Oh, by the way, I truly WANT these "automatic cuts" that are supposedly "triggered" by the failure of the defict "supercommittee" to go into effect. Is that because I favor the "cuts' in defnse spending, and the possible gutting of our national defense? Of course not. But look at the FRAUD here. We, teh public, are constantly being EXTTORTED with THREATS. TheDemocrats and GOP set up this joke of a supercommittee as a FRAUD, and they CREATED this false "crisis", with the specific intent of EXTORTING both the public and any principled politicinas to go along with a SHAM "deal" taht the supercommittee was supposed to come up with Further, they deliberately postponed the "day of reckoning" to 2013--not only after the electin but so they woul dhave time to say: "we were just kidding aoubt our THREATS", and get out of the mess they created for themselves. Well I am tired of it. We are constantly threated as to why we can't do anything abuot the deficit. "Shut the government down?" That is the cry every time the HOuse tries to do what it is CONSTITUTIOINALLY supposed to do: vote ONLY for spending that is agreed upn by amajority of the House. "If we don't raise the debt ceiling, then it is Armageddon--the end of civilizaiton as we know it." Now we are going to be told, AFTER we were told that we needed to FORCE the supercommittee to do a deal to "save us", that we "have" to "do something" abut these "automatic cuts', or face the end of civilization as we know it. Nope. I am tired of it. Congress should HAVEE to LIVE with what they said they were dong, rather than have us APPROVE of being DEFRAUDED (as Congress admits they were kidding). No. I say: DEFEAT every single member of Congress who proposes "rescinindg" any part of these "automatic cuts", especially if that member voted for the "debt ceiling deal' setting up this fruad. Should you believe AnYTING either Congress or the media tells you abut "deadlines", and the "end of civilization as we know it"? Of ocurse nt. I now wnat to CALL THEIR BLUFF, and make them live with what they have done (at least until we kick ALL of this bunch out).

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