Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wall Street: The Stupidest People on Earth--Bailout Central (Economic Fascists All)

"World's Central Bankers Act to Ease Market Strains"

That is the "news" headline today, as Wall Street "celebrates" taking control of world economic policy in order to further FAIL OUT banks and Wall Street (and its equivalent around the world). If this does not SCARE you, and give lyou a sick feeling, noting will. ("Celebrates" is in quotes because this is really more the hype driven reaction of a COMPUTER TRADING CASINO than anything remotely connected to reality, as the Dow is now up more than 400 poihnts, and some 700 points in a few days, creating anohter mini stock market BUBBLE in the space of about 3 trading days.)

In case you have forgotten, "economic fascism" has noting to do with Hitler (other than that some of the "central bankers" of Germany thought theywere "partners" with Hitler, and could "control" him). "Economic fascism" is that term, predating Hitler, which refers to that theoretical economic system where Big Government and Big Business/financial institutions join together in a PARTNERSHIP to run the economy and your live. Look at the headlinequoted above once more, and then tell me if you do not think that Wall Street believes that we are now in an era of ECONOMIC FASCISM. As in Germany, under Hitler, these people tink thta they now have a "partnership" with government--a "partnership" that they can CONTROL. As the headline says, there are no more STUPID people on this Earth. The idea is that CENTRAL PLANNING, son long as it is controlled by CENTRAL BANKERS, can "solve" all of our problems. Both history and theory says this is NOUT TURE, and it isn't. Ben Bernanke and Wall Street "experts" are not saviors,. In fact, the evidence shows that Ben Bernanke is The Wort Failure in the History of World Finance. Lest you forget, he was appoiinted to head the Federal Reserve in early 2006, more than two years BEFORE the economy collapsed. The economy collapsed on HIS WATCH (as well as on the watch, and becasued of the actions--inpart, at least--of the very people who are now supposed to be "saving" us in Europe, as they follow the disastrous example of Bernanke and our "bailout" psychology).

Can central bankers really "wave a magic wand" (my "magic wand theory of government") and "solve" our economic problems by continually bailing out Wall Street? If you have listened to CNBC ever since 2008, you would get that impression, as the economic fascists have taken control on Wall Strreet in a desperate attempt to make BAILING THEM OUT the central foucs of world econmic policy. Loook at that headline once again. It refers to "market strains". In other words, this new actioin by the world's central bankers, which they want to be copoied by governments letting them control government economic policy, is specificaly designed and intended to BIL OUT FINANCIAL MARKETS. The WORLD ECONOMY is no better today than it was yesterday (in fact, the evidence overnight is that it is getting WORSE). The only change is that Wall Street, and world "financial markets", think that they have gained CONTROL of POLICY for their own benefit.

Ah, President Obama (Economic Fascist-in-Chief). While our President has been bASING Wall Street and the big banks, he has tujrned over economic pollicy to Ben Bernanke and Tim Geitner, who have neverf stopped BAILING OUT Wall Street and teh banks. Talk about HYPOCRISY. In fact, it is not too much to say that Obama is depending on Bernnake and Geitner to BAIL H:I OUT with this continual bailout of Wall Street and Big Banks/Big Business. Can YOU borrow money at 0 percent from the Fed, and then LOAN it back tot he Federal Government at 3% or so? No? Well, the banks can. That is the dirty little secret: The bailout of the banks has never stopped, and now Obama (through Geitner, Bernanke and European central bankers) is DOUBLING DOWN on this bailout philosophy, for the venefit of Walkl Street and financial institutions. Do the "Occupy Wall Street" people know this? Well, actually, those who have an y clue DO know this, since theirs was a POLITICAL "movement" of the LEFT rather than a real uprising from below where the people have some idea what they are protesting (as with, for examaple, the Tea Party, where people generally did know what they were rotesting, and what they wanted).

ADVICE from this blog (IF you are crazy enough to want to TRADE teh stock market, which is the only way you can approach the COMPUTER GAMING CASINO that it has become): SELL into (large) rallies (as I am again starting to do with this one). BUY into (large) declines--as I had STARTED to do with the decline we were just in. Yep. This "central banker' ploy made it hard for me to fully impllement this (correct) strategy, as the stock market ws headed lower until the "central bankers" (economic fascists and central planning idiots) PANICKED into desperate action. Thus, the market never got low enough for me to buy as much as I would hae had it continued lower. Plus, the stocks I buy tend not to be the FAD stocks which go way up on this kind of sick (I mean it, as a market can be just as "sick" going irrationally up as going way down), explosieve rally. You should be able to see that this is a DANGEROUS gavme, and not one I recommend be tired "at home" by peole who don't understand what they are doing. No, even if you DO understand what you are doing, it is a dangerous game. You can guess that I do not play the game quite the way the computer gamers on Wall Street are laying it--a game of musical chairs whre you look to the government to gvail you out if the music stops with you not having a chair. But I do now play my own modified version of the game. As I say, SELL into big rallies, and BUY into big declines. If you are insance enough to play this game at all, that is what you HAVE to do. Then consider those people who buy AFTER the Dow has gone up 400 points (like today), or really 700 points (over a matter of days). To call those people The Stupidest People on Earth is to be kind to them. At the very best, they are computer gamers plaing their own game right on the edge. Taht is what is wrong with The Stupidest People on Earth. They are not even RATIONIAL (or their computer gaming does not let them appear to be). If yo KNOW that it is STUPID to BUY into these big rallies, why does the stock markeet keep going up AFTER it has already risinn (say) f200 points, and 500 points in a few days? You can understand this only if you undrestand that the stock market is, in fact, now a computer gaming casion trading on momentum. I have summarized this (yeas ago now) with this statement: "There is NO bottom, and there is NO toop.". In other words, once the "market" starts really gong down, there is NO point at which it will necessariy stoop, and once itsstarts ging strongly up the same thing applies. Economic reality is not a factor (other than triggering, sometimes, teh HYPE for these computer driven moves).

Am I saying the stockmarket will go down from here.? Not exactly. I don't KNOW that. I am saing that it monumentally stupid (Wall Street stupid) to BUY into a stock market rallying lke this. In a RATINAL market, selles would be SELLING into this kind of raly, as I recommend, MODERTING it. But rationality has left the stock market long ago, if it were ever there. As I have said, again correctly, stocktraders of today are rally WORSE than those of 1929-certainly no better. I remain convinced that this will eventuallyl destroy the stock market, to the extent it has not already done so, but these economic fascists mayu well destroy us all first. Or their destructin of their own markets with these computer games may end up destroying us in and of itself. I am really an optimist today, aren't I? Well, why shold today be any different? I am just a sunny, optimistic kind of person.

P.S. No proofreading or spell checking (bad eyesight). Do you understand WHY a HEALTHY stock market will NOT keep ging up, without limit (just like it shold not keep going down,without limit)? Let me try to explain it to you. And remember, there is no indication that thre has been any fundamental change in the EcONMY (as is usually true in these huge moves, on hype rather than reality). What SHOULD happen as the Dow goes up 50, then 10m, then 150, then 200, then 250, etc.? Easy, the higher the market goes, the more SELLERS should coe in--peole who reaize this kind of rally is overdone And the stock market should NEVER simply open 300 points up or 300 points down. That means you don't really have "investors" operating on economnic reality. "Bids" should be made by people who belive that the initial indicated move is overdone, and SELLEWS should be willing to sELL because they realize that trhey have a chance to "lock in" profits before a reacino sets in. Instead, in the mocern compter gaming casino, moves FEED on themselves, so that the stock market can move hundreds of pints in a few minutes. There is nothing rational about this, except in the sense that the speculative market of 1929 was "artional". But, before computers, and after the kind of specualtion of 1929 was somewhat curbed by both rules and the experience of 2929, the stock market did not really move quite this wildly. With the advent of computers, however, and "high freuency trading", we are really back to the market of TOTAL SPECULATION that we had in 1929. That is why my recommended way of TRADING the market is a truly dangerous game. Yes, we are in a RANGE now, and have been for some time. In fact, the computer gamers almsot always establish a RANGE in which they play (now between about 1120 on te S & P 500 and about 1250). But you should be able to see the roblem. We ARE in a range, which means that RATINAL people would start CONTRACTING the range, as they trade in ANTICIMPATION of what the range is. But we re dealing with The Stupidest People on Earth here. Nevertheless, don't forget the fundamental point here: "There is no bottom, and there is o top." That means the "range" can be TAKEN OUT in a matter of minuts. The market--sick either way-can either COLLAPSE on teh downside, or EXPLODE on the upside, at any time, wihout real warning. All it takes is for the momentum cascade to get going. That is why Jim Cramer (one of The Stupidest People on Earth) is right on this particular point: You need to now buy GRADUALLLY into any large decline, and sell GRADUALLY into any rally. And you can still be taken out. For example, I am now convinced that we are headling toward an economic collapse--certaily toward a period where real econimc progress is impossible. Well, when that beomces OBVIOUS (when Bernanke--The Worst Failure in the History of World Finance--fails again), tkhe stock market (no bottom, remember) may go straight through any "support", with "no bottom". In the meantime, it is always possible for us to have an explosive move upward. No, today is not reallyl THAT move, because we are still int he RANGE. But if we were to explosively break out of the range, then we might take out a ot of "resistance" levels on the upside,. It is all roulette. However, it is ccracy to BUY into an exlosvie rally, or SELL into an exlosve decline. You need to do exaclty the opposite, which means that such rallies and declines should be MODERATED by buyers and sellers buhnig into delcines and selling into rallies. That this does not usually happpen is conclusive proof that we have a SICK stock market-nothing but a computer gaming casiono. I jsut wih that such CASION was not now asserting control over the economic poiy of the world for THEIR BENEFIT. If we had let them FAIL (as we shold have), we wold be much better off now. That is one of the reasons I belive we are headed for economic collapse: this "bailout" psychology, which has disgusted ordinary PEOPLE but is still the controlling philosophy on Wall Street and in government.

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