Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Herman Cain: Media Assassins and Republican Whores

Let us review. Fiirst, from the evil, racist assassins of the mainstream media, who CONCEAL their sources--allowing them to assassinate peole from the shadows--we heard about a "settlement" agreement involving a "claim" of sexual harrassment. There were no real FACTS, except taht a settlement agreement exists and some unspecified "claim", was made (maybe more than one, but the others are evenn MORE VAGUE and "asssassination by anynymous source". As I have told you this is NOUTHG. A "settlment agreement" ALWAYS says it is settlement of a "doubtful and disputed claim", as to which liability is denied. It is NOT ADMISSIBLE as evidence in nany court in the land as to any fACTS of the calleged claim itself. As far as "factss, the settlement agreement literally means NOTHING AT ALL. No, this is not a matter of opinion. I was a (mainly) plaintiffs' trial lawyer for more than 30 years, and I am telling you the absoute trut (unlike the media, and some lawyers wWITH AN AGENDA taht the media recruits to present the MEDIA pont of view).

This kind of claim is a cost of doing business in this country. The law is vague, litigatioiin is expensive, and eVERY substantial business faces "claims". These claims are USUALLY settled, to avoid the expense, hassle and risk of litigation (as the settlement agreement always says). Sure, Cain mishandled this, because this is exactly what he should have said: that CLAIMS like this are, unfortunately, a COST OF DOING BUSINESS in this country, and that this is an unimportant story. Cain should have said thatrt he denies wrongding now, and denied it then, but that there is really NOTHING to to story of a "settlement'. All that means is that someone made a claim--a claim that was not that significant, and which Cain denied, but which the National Restaurant Associationi, in their usual procedures, decided it was desirable to settle. End of story. Not going to talk about it anymore, unless you have actual EVIDENCE you want me to respond to. A settlment agreement is NOT "evidence" of ANY FACT (otehr the facts of the settlement), and settlements are jstu the way business and society try to keep from being totally bogged down in bankrupting litigation. Again, end of story. Instead, Cain TALKED, and he kept TALKING. Hee failed to heed my advice, whihc was to STOP TALKING aoubt this NON-PROBLEM. Hoowever, that is WHO Herman Cain is, and part of his charm. He is NOT a politician, and that is obvious at times like this.

What about teh media? They come off WORST in this. First, they have convicted themselves of being RACISTS, as they tried their best to make" sexual harrassment" seem like some sort of terrible crime : (insstead of a vague law, which represents a cost of doing business in this country). They followed this up with serval LYNCHINGS (figuratively speaking) ob black man Herman Cain. They destorted the truth on everything from settlements to "confidentiality agreements". They made it IMPOSSIBLE to find out the real FACTS, by not even being interested in disclosing the NAMES of the "accusers". What are the motivations of thee ACCUSERS? What is their background? What, exactly, are they saying? Have they kept THEIR sotries straight? We don't know, because the MEDIA ASSASSINS are spewing poison IN PLACE OF THE PEOPLE ACTUALLY, SUPPOSEDLY MAKING THE ACCUSATINS. In other words, as is ALWAYS ture of the EVIL of anonymous sources, the media is VOUCHING for the story, when they CAN'T. They are CONCEDALING the information necessary to VERIFY the FACTS (in which the media is uninterested). The media are acting as HIRED ASSASSINS, where the people actually behind the accusatins are CONCEALED by the MEDIA ASSASSINS. For eight years, this blog has explained the EVIL of the use of "anonymous sources", and Herman Cain is only the latest illustration. Bottom line; Media people lhave again shown themselves to be CONTEMPTIBLE< USELESS HUMAN BEINGS. Th eonly difference in this case is that they have now also shown theemselves to be RACISTS.

Notice that this has nothing to do with what Cain did or did not do (which is IMPOSSIBLE to determine at this point with regard to this kind of "claim"--the settlement agreement being evidence of NOTHING except taht someone was making some sort of calaim). . Even if the women come forward, or at least one of them does, there is no way to RESOLVE this "dispute" at this time. That is why a settlement agreement ALWAYS says that it is a settlement of a "doubtful and disputed calim" that the parties recognirze will NEVER be reolved, because all parties recognize that such "resolution" is too expensive (in more than just mnoey) and risky. In short, the OLD CLAIM means nothing, except that at least one claim of some sort was actuallly made at the time. The woman, or women, would have to come forward and try to NOW PROVE 12 years later) soemthing that no one wanted to litigate at the time. Prove where? Ah, that is the rub. The media wants to conduct a further LYNCHING of Herman Cain: trial by MEDIA. Hogwash. There is no way to resolve this kind of vague allegations at this time. As I have said, Herman Cain should just say that this is not imortant--nothing then and nothing now, except the cost of doing business in America. If voteers want to condemn him for this, then a real business person will probably never be able to run for President. And that is his final word. STOP TALKNG, Herman. They have NOTHING. If the women do not come forward, they have LESS THEAN NOTHING. The "settlement agreement" denies libability, and will not set ut any "facts". Thus, the media will be left with egg on their faces.

Even my older daughter, IN BOSTON (who voted for Obama), says this is NOTHING. And she is a high powerede corporate lawyer (although I know more abut litigation, by far). If the media has lost HER, and they have, then they have NO ONE (except the incestuous people in the media themselves, or who make part oft heir living by acting as media shills). Kenda, in Boston, says she is TIRED of hearing abut this nothing sotry. Herman Cain: Take this to heart. My daughter tells you to SHUT UP. I tell you to SHUT UP. Maybe you should take our legal advice, afater explaining you are shutting up because this is a NOTHING sotry that can never be resolved at this late date (the very purpose of settlements).

The RACISTS of teh mainstream media, however, are "doubbling down", an dfurther maknig even my DAUGHTER despise them. I, of course, already despised them, although yu can tell how MUCH I now despie them when I tell you my opinioin has reached NEW LOWS. What is my "approval" rating for the mainstream media? It is in NEGATIVE NUMBERS. I not only don't approve of them, but--on a scale of 0 to 100, I give them a grade of NEGATIVE 100. These are EVIL people spreading EVIL.

Doubt me? Never do that. There is a "new" (as this blog essentially predicted there would be) AP story todayy about AnOTHER woman who has gone to the AP (not to the public, where she would be subject to SCRUTINY) to make compalints about Herman Cain. These people are now going to come ut of the woodwork, and the truly despicable AP allows them to SPEW POISON FROM THE SHADOWS. Do a "thought experiment". Say a woman came to the AP and said that OBAMA (or, to make it more realistic, Bill Clinton) had sexually harrassed her, but that she wants to be kept ANONYMOUS. Would the AP take that seriously--much less PRINT it? Not on your life. Thees are EViL, dishonest hypocrites (talking aoubt the AP and the mainstream media). And what am I saying. Women DID do what I described with regard to Bill Clinton, and the media dismissed the allegations (except for teh blue dress) as WITHOUT PROOF. These truly are the worst hypocrites to ever walk the Earth, on two legs or four, and now proven RACISTS as well.

Ah. Then hre is the desicable Repubican Party. No defense of Herman Cain (the kind of defesnee I have raised above). I saw a "Reepublican strategist" on CNN on Tuesday. That "strategist" (who I would not hire as a "strategist" for the Mt. Ida, Arkansas schol debate tema) was asked about the idea that a rival Republican campaingn was responsible for "leaking" these allegations agaisnt Cain. Guess what she said? I could never make this up. She said taht is irrelevant, BECAUSE (wink) no CANDIATE could really be behind such a tiing. But she went on (the really bad stuff to come). And even if a REPUBLICAN "leaked" this damaging material on Cain, that was okay-because such a Republican may have just wanted to HELP the party by bringing this stuff out NOW, instead of next summer (presumably meaning after Cain is the nominee).

This was almot enough to make me make my long-awited announcement that I am WALKING AWAY from the Repubican Party FOREVER--meaning that I will regard the party as DEAD and look for a REPLACEMENT party. The only thing that stopped me from writng the artidcle CONDMENING the Republican Party FOREVER was that this woman was a "CNN REPUBULCAN". You don't know what a CNN Republican is? ow can I explain it? The best way is probalbly to refer to Mark Twain's famous critical review of a James Fenimore Cooper novel. Twain thought Cooper's "Indians" bore no relationship to real Indians, or to rational human beings. Thus, Twain explained the plot conduct of the Indians in the Cooper novel this way: "You might think that no Indian would really act like this. But you have to realzie that this these were COOPER INDIANS, and bear no relatiionship to ral Indians." A CNN REpubican does not bear any real erelationship to a real Republican, or so I would have thought until I reached 20076. Since 20056--rally before, but that ws when it got really bad--too many "leaders" in the Republican Party have acted liek Twain's "Cooper Indians" (or like CNN Republicans. Haley Barbour, for example,, is a Coope Indian (sorry, I mean CNN Repubican). Ditto John Boehner. Ditto Mitch McConnell. No. I have to STOP. Otherwise I will never finisth this article.

Is the Repubican Party, as it now exists, ready to SABOTAGE real conservatives? I am afraid that may be the case. As readers of this blog know, I rgard it as morrally certain that I am gong to wash my hands of the Repubblicna Party FOREVER. Since I will MEAN it when I say that, I have been waiting for the UNFORGIVABLE TRIGGER to make this announcement. This Cain business, if I could be sure that CNN Republican really spoke for tehe Repubican Party establishment (as I am afraid she did), would represent such a TRIGGER. If Republicans (of the Republican Party) cannot stand up aginst the mainstream media, I know some poeple that I CAN stand up against with GREAT reults. Yep. I am talking aoubt the REPUBLICAN PARTY. if you peple think I have been hard on you so far, you might want to review the words of John Paul Jones. You ain't seen nothing yet. Unlike rush Limbuahg, when I come to this decison, I will do my very best to DESTROY YOU, as too many of YOU seem to be doing with regard to Herman Cain. Don't say I did not warn you.

Herman Cai. Oh, Herman, I know it is YOU, but please STOP TALKING. Sure, the mainstream media are hypcrites. They had another gregarius solul, who many people (other than me, who consider him a desicable person) seem to like. That man is now a HEARTBEAT away from being President of the United Staes, because (in large part) the meedia chose to EXUSE his inability to stop talking (and saying ridiculous things). FDR gong on TELEVISON in the begining of the Great Depression? Oh, that is just "Joe" That is how he is . Hi smouth is ahead of his brain. (I have told you that these eople--mainstream media--are the worst hypocrites to ever walk the Earth, on two legs or four). Herman Cain has an EXCUSE. Joe Biden is a LIFETIME POLITICIAN,. Herman Cain is not a politician at all. We NEED to elect someone like that President at least once. Nope, Obama NEVER WAS like that. We won't do it unless we "let Herman be Herman", to at least some degeree. But I am BEGGING you, Herman, STOP TALKING (on this subject). It was a MISTAKE for YOU to "blame" Rick Perry for this. no, I don't care if it is true, just like I don't care if the things that Rick Perry has said about Romney are "true " (which some of them really are not). Attack the MEDIA for making too mcuh out of a NOTHING story, where the real story is how much HARRASSMENT businesses face these days because of vague and puniitive laws. It simply does not HELP you to be "blaming' Rick Perry. Get over it. If you can get a SHILL (like the media and Democrats do) to "blame" Perry, without it being traced right back to you, fine. But you need to GET BEYOND this NOTHING story .

The media is already doing its best to get this story beyond the NOTHIGN story they know it is. That is why they are trying to make the sotry all about the way that Cain has HANDLED the allegatins. The media does not want the FACTS to matter. It wansts to turn this into a never-ending DISTRACTION for the Cain campaing. And Cain is helping them. The reasonn it may not work is that people LIKE Herman Cain, and UNDERSTAND that he is not a politician. That is what they sAY they want (this being a TEST of that). So Cain could yet sail right throught this. Bu, Herman, I am BEGGING you, STOP TALKNG (on this subject)--except when you absolutely must, and then make the subject the MEDIA blowing a nothing sotry out of all proportiong.

P.S. no proofereading or spell checking (bad eyesight). Message to Republican Party: I mean it. I have about had it with you. Well, I reached that point some time ago. But I am about ready to declare war. You may thing that is unimportant, like this "sexual harrassment" story plaing on the sexual predator stereotype of black males, but I assure you that there are many people who think like I do. In the end, it will matter to you. I will make sure of that.

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