Thursday, November 17, 2011

Taxes and GOP (Grand Outdated Party) Delusions from the Delusional

Ron Paul (hardly a real member of the Grand Outdeated Party, or even the BETRAYTERS masquerading as Tea Party politicians) has presented a budget that would CUT the deficit NOW by 1 trillioin dollars. Meanwhile, the Grand Outdated Party has done noting but INCREASE the deficit for the budget year we are in. Yep. what the Grand Outdated Party continues to do is adopt and endorse the Democratic/leftist LIE that FICTIONIAL "spending cuts" ten years from now offset debt-increasing budgets NOW. You can see why my decison has now been made to walk away from the Grand Outdated Party forever, wihout looking back.

Now the GOP (the abbreviatioin I will use for the Grand Oudated Party heareafter) has supposedly made a "brakthough" (the word on the unfair and unbalanced network, which routiney adopts to delusionial point of view of the rest of the mainstream media of which it is a part)by proposing a supercommittee "deal" that would RAISE REVENUE. That is the predictable headline--from the proven Sodom and Gomorrah losers of teh AP and all otehr mainstream media sources. The idea here, and the deluded (or are they just disonest) people of the GOP know it, is that once the GOP gives up on this idea that taes will NOT be raised, we can get down to the REaAL "deal" of RAISING TAXES (while doing on SHAM reductoins in spending). Are you sure you don't want to join me in walking away from these dishoenst, delusional people in the GOP (who evividently--the propaganda goes--got a STANDING ovatioin when they explained this new sellout to selected GOP members who are ot part of the supercommittee).

How delusonal is this? It is as delusionial as you can get. Sure, almost every conservative has long endorsed the idea--since Ronald Reagan, and since the Reagan simple tax reforms were betrayed--of LOWERING TAX RATES as part of a SIMPLIFIED tax system that gets rid of "tax expenditures" (like the Solyndra loans, the earned income tax credit, alternative energy subsidies and so much else). Democrats, of course, are NOT going to accept a "plan" out of the supercommittee that BOLDY does a real "tax reform". Members of teh GOP know this. Therefore, those dishonest traitors are trying to get to a "deal" (or appear to be trying, for insane political reasons) by ABANDONING "spending cuts" (even the SHAM ones that will never be real) in faovr of a complicated, delusonal "revenue increase".

Look at what the "publicized" (the only purpose it had--which makes that "ovations" especially eprverse and disburbin) GOP "plan" does!!! First, it says that we can only "cut" (from PROJECTED spending, and IN THE FAR FUTRE) 900 billion from Federal speng over the next ten years. Again, Ron Paul would CUT (ral this time) 1 TRILLION dollars in a single year. You remember that the "supercommittee" (which Newt Gingich has accurately caleld the stupidest thing he has ever seen) had an assigned task ("should lyou choose to accept it"--quoting the standard "Mission Impossible" meassage) of "cutting" 1.2 trilliin dollars from the deficit OVER TEN YEARS (whilte the deficit GROWS year-by-year). Now the GOP members of teh supercommittee (to applause, yet!!!!!) are ABONDONING the idea that you can "cut" 1.2 trillion from SPEDNING (much less the MORE that we need NOW, and not ten years from now). Ask yourself whether the GOP, or the GOP members of teh supercommittee, are explaining that their poposed 'deal" will REQUIRE that the debt ceiling be RAISED many TRILLIONS of dollars over the next tn years, even as the GOP is telling peo;le that we can't afford the debt we have now? Of course they are not teling you that. That is ecause they are DISHONEST COWARDS (more than enough reason to defeat them alll, and wlak away from the GOP forever). It gets worse.

Waht is this new "tax plan" that the delusional frauds of teh GOP are proposing? First, it would supposedly make the "Bush tax cuts" "permanent". Now this is dishonest in itself, because any real "tax reform" makes the "Bush Tax Cuts" IRRELEVANT. Taht whole complicated system would be REPLACED by any ral "tax reform" (which ordinariy would EDUCE "tax trates" to no higher than 25%, which is what the OBAMA "SIimpson-Bowles" commissioni proposed). Now you might argue that, while it is a little dishonest to suggest that "tax reform" is a "victory" in extending the "Bush tax cuts", that it would seill be a "victory" to get tax rates BETTER than teh "Bush tax cuts". Are you eally as delusionial as the politicians of teh GOP?

One of the main reasons that OBAMA rejected the results of his own commission on the subject was that DEMOCRAS wil REJECT any real lowering of the tax rates. Now if the GOP is saing that ALL it is getting from Democrats is extension of the "Bush tax cuts", and calling that "tax reform", then that is a DEFEAT rather than a "victory". But it is far worse than that. DEMOCRATS are NOT going to accept an extension of teh "Bush tax cuts". OBAMA has already said so. They are certainly not going to do so in favor of any REAL spending cuts. Thus, what DEMOCRATS (and the media, including the unfair and unbalanced network) are oing to do is to take the $300 billino dollar number that GOP traitors have thrownout, and say that they ACCEPT that as a sTRTING POINT BOTTOM LINE NUMBER for RAISED REVENUE (without accepting the GOP details, as the delusioinal--but not that delusionial--GOP knwew they would not). Then the "debate" becomes all about HOW to raise taxes!!!!!! And that is what Obama, the Democrats, and the media have wanted all of the time. NONE of these pliticians, wiht that exception of Ron Paul and the few how think like him and Michele Bachmann, have any intention of rally cutting spending. That includes the dhsnest members of the GOP, including MOST of the "tea Party" politicians.

You say it can't get worse? Yes, it can. (You really are a fool, aren't you!!!) Loook at the dETAILS of the GOP "tax plan". First, it fools with MORTGAGE INTEREST DEDUCTIONS, in a complicatged way. That is yet another reason that the OBAMA COMMISSIOIN plan wen nowhere. No one wanted to fool with that sacrosanct deductin, which pushes the "American deream" of making a house more affordable: taht "dream" of everyone owning a house which created the present financial problems from the bursting of the housing bubble. But is not the GOP suggesting that the mortgage interest deductin will only be LIMITED, reather than actually eliminated, jsut like Mitt Romnney is propsoing (in his plan to help the "middle class')? The "plan" is too comicated to be taken seriously--for this and many other reasons only partly itemizedin this article--but I think that is so. Yep. This is CLASS WARFARE by the GOP, as they propose to "lower rates" for everyone, while snealkily RAISING rates for the "rich" (by "discrininating" against them on the dedutions allowed--when a simple tax policy REQUIRES that you not make these complicated distinctions). It is stil owrse than that. You might say that most people will go for the Mitt Romney "class warfare" which is why he proposed it, as "politics as usual"). But look at what yu are rally doing. Read this paragraph again. What is the main CAUSE of our present economic collapse? It is HOUSING. The HOUSING market is now WORSE than when that Simpson-Bowles commission released its report. Reducing the mortgage interest deductin RAISES THE COST OF BUYING A HOUSE. In other words, it would HURT the housing market at a time when that market can least afford it.

Problem: The mortgage interest deductin has SUPPORTED the "housing market" since it was introduced. Taht was in fact, the purpose of it (the flip side of makng houses more affordable). It is true taht fewer and fewer peole can take real advantage of that deduction. That is because fewer and fewr people are paying any significant taxes (47% or more paing no income tax at all). A "deducton" does these people no good. However, that does not change the fact that the mortgage intereste deductin is sill SUPPORTING the housing market to some degere (else lyou could not even think taht reducing the deductin would raise revenue from people no longer able to use the deductin to reduce the real cost of their home). It is simply an undeniable truth that reducing the mortgage interest deduction will HURT the housing market, without even raising that much revenue (all while further COMPLICATING the tax code, and making it more discriminatory). And all of this is for NOTHING, because Obama and the Democrats are never going to accept the details of the GOP "tax plan". They may agree to RAISE REVENUE from the "rich" (even if it hurts the housing market), but they are not going to be willing to give the "rich" an offsetting BENEFIT.

No. I am not done. The Sdom and Gomorrah descendants (who left the cities befoer God ut them out of their misery) working for the despicable AP ahve an article featured this morening on A&%T/Yahooo which explains the GOP "tax plan". Nope. No one will understand the "plan=" from the article, and you are not suposed to But, already, the plan is, in effect', CONDMENING the DEAILS of the GOP "plan". According to the AP (a very impeachable source), the GOP plan would TAX "some" workers on emloyer paid helath benefits "for the first time". Let me get this stright. The DLUEDED and DELUSIONAL politicians of the GOP are gong to RUN against Obama's health care plan for DESTORYING the health coverage that peole now have (absolutley correct), but the GOP is going to UNDERMINE that ositon by DESTROYING (Democrat guaranteed assertion) employerpaid health insurance with an "unprecedented" tax!!!!!! And the GOP expects DEMOCRATS to go along with this, rather than ATTACK GOP asylum inmates? Give me a break.

I am sure there is more. But I can't take any more. It just depresses me, and forces me to seek that same psychiatrc help that GOP politicians need. The GOP "plan' is DOA (ded on arrival). I don't think it was ever inteneded otherwise. But the GOP politicians are DLUSONAL if they think this HELPS them politicaly. They have annonced that they are willig t consider "reveneu increases" INSTEAD of spending cuts. They hae furthe made it clear that the GOP has no real intentino of "cutting spending'. They have proposed a COMPLICATED "tax plan" that makes HerrmanCain look REALLY good. They have undermined real "tax reform". There is more, but I am getting depressed agian. Tis is a polical DISASTER, from politicians who have lost all connectin with reality. Deliver me. What am I saing? I ahve delivered myself. I have WLAKED AWAY from the GOP FOREVER, and I frankly do not care about their political future.

I do car aobut the country. But we have to go in a completely different directin. That is why I continue to endorse Herman Cain for President, even though I fully reconize his flaws (basiclaly the same as his VIRTE; namely dealing with the fact that he is not an experienced politician able to play all of the usual games,and would be "learning-on-the-job as President). It is the same reaon I will support a third party, including Ron Paul, unless the GOP nominates someone who is NOT a "GOP politician". At this point, that pretty much leaves out even Santorum (although I would have to think abut it a little if that unimaginable situation were to occur). It basicaly comes down to Cain, Bachmann and Paul as the GOP pliticians I could support, because I perceive them as NOT being GOP politicans. GOP politicians I now OPPOSE, including Roomney, Perry and Gingrich. I also incude in this MOST of the supposed "Tea Party" GOP people elected in the last election. ANY such plitician who has supported--much less applauded--any of these GOP "deals" (supercommittee, for exmaple, or the fraudlent "budget deal" for LAST YER) should be DEFEATED. yep. DEFEAT THEM ALL. Tea Party politicians (except for the select few who have actively OPOPOSED their own leadership): DEFEAT THEM.

P.S. No proofreading or spel checking (bad eyesight). Is my bad eyesight causing me to get mor cy;inical and pessimistic? Not a chance. I was ALWAYS this way. It is GOP POLITICIANS that are causing me to get even more cynical and pessimistic, to the point that I see no way now for this country to get out of its present problems wihtout MAJOR PAIN. There are ways we could limit the damage, but that is my roblem: The GOP is making it clear that they donot have the ABILITY or COURAGE to even make the effort to do what must be done. I simply cannot support the demise of this coutnry, evn if it might be SLOWER under the GOP than under the Occupy Wll Street loons. Hey, Obama himself has labeled himself an Occupy Wall Street lon. I am just taking him at his wortd (although I admit I do NOT take him at his word that he is a Christian: me and Bill Haher). Oky (to avoid Hacker Boy--the Rupert Murdoch hacker who hacks into this blog to attack me), Obama did not actually admit e is a LOON. But he effectively admitted that when he expressed "support" for the Occupy Wall Street people, and the Obama surrrogates in the media are STILL supporting the "Occupy' peole, even as DEMOCRTIC mayors have lost patience with the violent, law-breaking loons). You will remember that the GOP politicans initially REFUSED, in a recent debate, to strongly criticize the "Occupy" peole. COWARDS is what these GOP politicians are. I sais so at the time, and I have been proven right. IT is only NOWE, as these GOP politicians have COVER, that they are begining to ridicule the "Occupy" people. My head hnurts. I jsut can't stand it. These (GOP politians) are COWARSDS. And they have no connection with the ral world. No, like Tamsen Donner in the snowy wilderness of teh Sierra Nevada--as she walked away from rescue to her husband and to her death: I am walking away from the GOP, and I am never lookng back. Okay. Tasen Donner was much braver than I. Like most Americans, I presently have a comfortable life, with no privations (not being reduced to cannabilism). And I may well not live to see the final collapse of the United States of America. Still, I refuse to be a part of theat collapse, and therefore this blog will never again support the GOP (Grand Outdated Party),, by word or deed. And I can at lest show as much of the courage of Tamsen Donnner to never look back.

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