Monday, November 7, 2011

Herman Cain and the Indian Mutiny: CNN and AP Caused Indian Mutiny (Blog Scoop)

You remember the Indian Mutiny, don't you (talkng aubt India, and not "native Americans)? You don't? That='s okay. .I do. Well, maybe I am not quite that old.

The Indian Mutiny is one of those series of crises and disasters encountered by the far flung British Empire in the 19th Century. See the "Harry Flashman" books by George MacDonald Fraser, for a painless and enjoyable description of most of these events (presented as fiction, but the historical facts are better than you will get out of most straight history-especially if written today). The Indian Mutiny was a "revolt' by the natives againt the British, involving several massacres, triggered by a widespread "story" that the British were smearing pork fat (or whatever) on the cartridges/bullets given to their native troops. The point of this "story" being spread was that the Birish were DEFLING and DISHNORING the natives by makng them "unclean", and in violation of their religion. If I am not stating this quite correctly, you will hav to forgive me. I am by no means an expert on India And the exact details here are not the point. The point is that the "story" of the British deliberately making the natives "unclean" was USED to create a general uprising.

Was the story "true"? Surely not, at least so far as official British policy was concerned. But did ANY British officer/soldier try to do this to the native troops? Ah. There is the rub. How could the British PROVE it was not true? Of oucrse they could not. Indeed, it is ilmpossible to KNOW if ANY Birtish officer or soldier did this despicable thing. Most historians would tell you that it is unlikely, as it is. What would be the motivation? To deliberately create an uprising? Well, if you listen to the "Occupy Wall Street" people talk about America as the most evil force in the world today, and consider that Great Britain was basically in our position in the 19th Century (but more imperialistic), you can see that it was IMPOSSIBLE to "refute" this "story". As stated, it has not really been "refuted" todday--just dismissed as not having any ral factual support.

Blog scoop: What you have not heard, and this is breaking news tonight, is that CNN and the Associated Press were RESPONSIBLE for triggering the Indian uprising. Yep. It is part of this scoop that the VAST LET WING CONSPIRACY has exited for a very long time now, and that CNN and the AP wre actaully in existence well before Wikipedia would tell you they were formed. Part of this conspiracy has been to CONCEAL the role of CNN and the AP in the Indian Mutiny.

The similarities to Herman Cain are obvious. This was an UNVERIFIED SOTRY, maijly form anonymous sources, although once the sotry spread there were any number of people willing to suggest that they had SEEN, or personally been around people who had seen, this defilement" happen, or be admitted by British officers. Yep. Those were cNN and AP REPORTERS spreading these speculative reports. They dared the British to PROVE that they had not done this. The British tried, but they could not possibly "prove' a NEGATIVE.--any more than Herman Cain could possibly "prove" (in a reversal of "innocent until proven guility") that he has NEVER committed any kind of sexual advances toward women.

Now it is true that there were all kinds of problems with the British rule of India. It would last untill after World War II (remember Gahdhi?). Similary, there may be any number of reasons that Herman Cain would not make a good President. But the despicable, racist (see previous articles) CNN and AP are NOT willing to talk aobut the merits of the case for Herman Cain as President. They want to DESTROY him by any means they can. That was also true of the people who tired ot UE the allegations against the British (the RUMOR) to create an uprising against British rule. They did not want to go throught the process that Gahdhi would go trhough. You can argue taht they did the native people who died no favor, even if British imperial rule of India was an immoral thing. Similarly, CNN and the AP are doing the American people no faovr by turning the Presidential race into the 'politics of personal destuction", based on RUMOR, innuendo, anomyous sources and al of the rest. There is no more EVIDENCE against Hreman Cain than there was against the British as to this SMEAR.

Thre are things that are "inappropriate" No, I am not talkng aobut Herman Cain and the smear against him. I am talking aoubt giving INCENTIVE to every woman in America, and every media outlet, to MAKE UP and HYPE any kind of "sexual alleation" against Herman Cain. The original " allegation" was NOTHING--some vague, anonuymous allegations of "inappropriate conduct" which are part of business in America every single day. Then there were more ANONYMOUS allegatins of UNSPECIFIED conduct. Now thre is thee RACIST AP, and other RACISTS in the mainstream media, trying to "bootstrap" these prior alllegations into an assertion that they were "like' the "new' (decade old, except she did not make it then) "allegation" of a BLONDE WHITE WOMAN that Cain made VERY SPECIFIC SEXUAL ADVANCES to her.

This is SMEAR STUFF. It is RACIST stuff, based on the old racial stereotype of black men as a threat to "white women". No, I am livid about this. It is the WORST thing I have ever seen in American politics, and this LYNCHING of Herman Cain has gone byond anything I have ever seen. It has gone beyond Clarence Thomas (although his "white wife" was a subtext of that lynching, and similar attacks on him since involving his wife).

My Sodom and Gomorrah search for an honest, competent AP reporer--eight years onld an more? With His permission, I am declaring it over. No such creature exists. I can assure you that every AP reporter is going to Hell (if Hell exists), and that I will be more than happpy to meet them there (despite the obvious downside to me). I don't know if He regrets Sodom and Gomorrah, and therefore I cannnot guarantee that all AP offices and personnel will face the Sodom and Gomorrah fate tomorrow. I continue to advise that you stay away from AP facilities, lest you inadvertently be turned into a pillar of salt. However, I am declaring the SEARCH for an honest, competent AP reporter as officially OVER. Diligent search has produced no such person--no person that deserves to be a "journalist". I am now declaring personal WAR on the despicable AP, and rest of the mainsteream media, but that is something different from my Sodom and Gomorrah search. That search has now ennded in total failure.

What aobut the Indian Mutiny? You can reference the "superstitious" people who were too willing to believe RuMOR However, that is the point of this article. Do CNN and the AP think that the people of the United States are any different form those native Indians who DIED FOR A LIE (some, of course, died for a cause, which is a different thing). Yep. I am saying again that you are a fellow traveller in EVIL if you let the mainstream media get away with this SMEAR by rumor, innuendo and impssoible to answer "charges" (with NO "evidence" behind them). You are no "smarter" than those Indian natives who thought the British were "defiling" them, and making them "unclean". Indeed, those Indian natives had MORE REASON rto think that the British did not share their values than you people of the United Sates have to believe that the "allegationis" of the mainstrream media against Herman Cain are untainted by bias, smear, and an overhpe of not much actual "evidence" of any wrongdoing. What am I saying? There is NO EVIDENCE of any "wrongdoing" by Herman Cain. The main "crime" of the Indian natives who believed that the British were deliberately making them "unclean" was to BELIEVE IN THEIR RELIGION (and that the British did not blieve in that religion, and were thereofre not to be trusted to pay proper deference to their sensibilities). The British were OUTSIDERS ruling THEM. Here , the people have more than enough evidence of the HYPOCRISY and BIAS of the mainstream media. There is jsut no excuse to allow this MEDIA HIJACKNG of an election to occur.

I stand behind this assessment of the mainstream media today, as they are proving every single day: These are EVIL (RACIST) people spreading EVIL. I undstand that you may get tired of this blog taking on the media every day, but that is what they are doing to THIS COUNTRY. So long as they keep doing it, so will I. That means you will get even more of this.

P.S. No proofreading or spell checking (bad eyesight).

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