Friday, November 18, 2011

Balanced Budget Amendment: Dishonest AP, AT&T and Yahoo 9All Propaganda All of teh Time)

I id you not. ALL DAY the despicable Associated Press has carried the SAME story, under different headlines, and that SAME (non-news) story has been FEATURED on AT&T/Yahoo all day (BOYCOTT AT&T and Yahoo); Here are the headines, "evolving" as the day went on:

"House rejets balance d budget" That was the apporoximatehealdline this morning.

"Howse votes no on mandating balanlanced federal budget"

It should make you cry: that the despicable people of the AP/AT&T/Yahoo think you are that STUPID. It makes me cry with frustration that these DSONEST people fof the mainstream media think that they are getting away with this junk.

Correct headline: "GOP unable to get required 2/3's vote to pass balanced budget amendment"

What is the difference? Oh, come on. YOu HAVE to know better than that. The way the despicable AP uput it suggested that a MAJORITY of the House of Representatives had voted against a balanced budget amendment. That, of course, is abvsurd. In fact, I will give you the AP headline if the GOP had blocked a DEMOCRATIC amendment this way: "GOP minority blocks collective bargaining righsts for government employuees" (using the exampleof a proposed Amednment "guaranteeing" collective bragaiing rights for government employees, which is not presently part of the conssitution).

Ype. The despicable AP, aided and abetted by the equally despicable AT&T and Yahoo, has again shown you how to LIE without acutally saying anything that is obviously false (the essence of propaganda).

It is actually WORSE than the above suggests. This was a MEANINGLESS vote. It was entirely POLITICAL. The idea was to put Democrats on record AGAIONST a balanced budget, even though GOP member ss in the House are voting for SPENDING bills that do not come close to balancing the budget, or even reducing the deficit AT ALL. In fact, the GOP controlled House is passing bills that provide a net INCREASE to tahe deficit. Sure, Democrats are "forcing' GOP members to do this, or else face "blame" for "shutting the government down", but it is FALSE that the GOP "has" to "spend" more money than we are taking in. The GOP COULD simply reuse to appropriate the money. Yes. The GOP (Grand Outdated Party) does not seem to want the public to realize this, but the GOP House HAS to approve every dime the government spends. If tthey don't the government cannot spend the money. As this blog told you at the time, that was the REAL fight the GOP should have made-ON SPENDING--and not on the "debt cceiling' incrfease' to cover what the GOP has voted to spend. This "balanced budget vote' is mrely a COVER for GOP members who have FAILED to "cut" a SINGLE DIME in current spending, and have added to it, when they actu;ally had the POWER to FORCE a cut in spending (while having no power to force a balanced budget amendment). What the GOP lacks, of course, is the COURAGE to actually force real spending cuts NOW. That is the rason I hae said I would spupport Ron Paul, even though it is another example of AP PROPAGANDA to have another current AP featured story talking about the "traction" Ron Paul is gaining in Iowa. If htere is oine thing that is certain, it is that Ron Paul will not be the nominee ofthe GOP (no matter what the despicable AP or misleading "polls" say). The most that Ron Paul can really accomplish is to help DEADLOCK the GOP raace (if he can get enough 'traction" to get up to 15-20 percent of the vote). In fact, as is true most years, the "winner" in Iowa will mean very little to who teh oniminee is--although doing badly in Iowa will likely finish the campaigns of several GOP candidates (NOT Ron Paul).

What did this blog tell you at the time to the "debt ceiling increase" debate? Yep. This is yet another example of this blog being RIGHT (99.8% verified accuracy rate) . I told you that the "push" for a "balaned budget amendment" was mere POSTURING, because there was NO chance for such an amendment to pass anytime soon. It was DISHONEST. No, I have no problem with the GOP having a vote on a balanced budget amendment to highlight Democrat "tax and spend" "principles". My problem was trying to suggest, FALSELY, that you really intended to FIGHT for a balanced budget amendment as part of the "debt ceiling increase" fight. This blog accurately told you then that the ONLY excuse for saying taht was if you itnded to followthorrough and ROCE a balanced budget amendment to be sent to the states (impossible as theat seemed, as this bog also told you). Well, the actual SHAM "deal" (this absurd "supercommitte") that the GOP actually "got" did NOT "cut; did not "balance", and did not "cap". And the GOP never INTENDED that to happen. It was all POSTURING. In fact,spelled the doom of Michele Bachmann that she chose to make her campaign about this POSTURING rather than the BETRAYAL of the GOP on SPENDING. She had an opening, and blew it. Oh, Michele Bachmann actually "believes" in this stuff more than thte rest, but even she REFUSEDD to take on the SPENDING issue in concrete terms. Taht was fatal to her campaign, which seemed to reduce to meaningless "talking points' (like we should not raise the debt ceiling at all, even though Michele Bachmann refused to say that the GOP should FORCE that result by refusing to pass SPENDING taht required the debt ceiling to be raised). The debt ceiling was always going to be increased. That was the WRONG fight at the WRONG time. As this blog told you, the GOP (if they were serious about cuting spending, which they were not)should have done was KEY the debt ceiling increase to the amount REQUIRED by the spending bills passed by Congress this year (and each subsequent year), so that Congress was ACCOUNTABLE for the spending they approve (the GOP requiring that each spending bill sate how much it would erquire the debt ceiling to be incrased, with that increase automatic for the amount necessary to cover the SPENDING taht Congress votes for). Lest you belive, falsely, that this was some kind of radical proposal, BEN BERNAKE (yes, that idiot) even realized that a major FAW in the way we are doing things is that the "debt ceiling' is DISCONNECTED from the SPENDING. They should be directly tied to each other, in a TRANSPARENT way.

Notwithstanding the propaganda of the AP, and posturing of dishonest BOP politicians, the "balanced budget amendment" was NEVER going to pass. Even if it passed the House,, it had even LESS chance in the Senate. Sure, GOP.: Hae your vote. But don't INSULT me by suggesting that such vote gets you off of the hook on SPENDING. This hwole SHAM is a major reason I have WALKED AWAY FROM THE GOP. They have done NOTHING abut spending, except make the situation WORSE by sham deals and adopting the DEMOCRATIC/Soviet Uniion approach of a "ten year plan" that no sane person believes will ever be implemented--to the extent it is not an obvious sham from the beginning. This is why I suggest you vote AGAINST most GOP members of Congress--excluding only members who ATTACK their own leadership on essentially this gound. You should at least understand that a GOP member of Congress deserves NO credit for voting for a "balanced budget amendment" taht EVERYONE knew was going to fail. The AP lying hedline goes right by the real sotry here, but the dirty little secret is that the AP does not WNAT to embarrass the GOP "estabishment" that the AP is still counting on to follow through on this SHAM "supercommittee" (despite yet another AP headline tonight that such committee is DEADLOCKED).

You may have noticed that I no longer refer to my Sodom and Gomorrah search for an honest, competent AP reporter. That is because such search has been CONCLUDED, with the definitive finding (presented to Him) that no such person exists. Even He, who I am convinced was punishing me for being an agnostic, had to finally accept that there was no reason to continue a "search" for such an obviouslyl mythical creature.

I am so not "above' telling you that I told youo so. I told you that the "balanced budget amendment" was not going to happen, and that the GOP was ot even serious about it (except as a POLITICAL issue). I TOLD you that the GOP was not serious abut SPENDING, and that the "debt ceiling" fight was just so much postureing. I TOLD you (beore Gingrich, Huntsman and others did so) that the debt ceiling "deal" ws a disgraceful SHAM and BETRAYAL. I TOLD you that it was the WRONG fight at the WRONG time (when the proper fight was over SPENDING--the debt ceiling being merely a consequence of the spending). On all of these things, I have been PROVEN right.

P.S. No oproofreading or spell checking (bad eyesight).

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