Thursday, November 3, 2011

AP and Media Try to Destory Me, Using my Bad Eyesight

Read the previous article. This "explanation" did not occur to me, until after I had finished the previous article.

There is a REASON I referred to my bad eyesight in the previous article, besides it being an obvius play for sympathy. My eyesight problem (an incurable, untreatable form of macular degeneration) is mainly a problem of FOCUS. When normal people READ, they can focus on several words at a time, seeing all of the letters. I ncontrast, I can only focus on a few letters at a time nme, and not too well. That means that--to read at all--I have to GUESS at words from "seeing" only SOME of teh letters.

Look what a phrase like "poorest poor" does to me!!!!! It is ABSURD. That means I look at it and believe that it is my EYESIGHT that is at fault. Wehn I looked at the AP headline (see previous article),, my mind REJECTED the idea that there is such a phrase as "poorest poor", that could possibly go with the word "record". Thus, I first read the phrase as "prosecution". I sat here and looked at the phrase for at least 5 minutes, totally puzzled as to why I could not bring it into focus. I can USUALLY read HEADLINES farily well, but ONLY if the words MAKE SENSE.

It did not occur to me until after writing the previous article that this could have been DELIBERATE. Are they out to get me--a poor (no cell phone, remember)) hermit blind man? You might think that is paranoid. And it probably is. But these truly are evil peole, as well as being incompetent. You are probably right that they would not bother to "target" me, the way they have "bothered" with Herman Ciain. But it is not because they have any MORALITY. They have none (in their public life, however they may live their private life).

Anyway, if you wonder why I chose to make my eyesight such a big deal in the previous article, beyohnd my usual P.S. expalining why these articles are so badly typed and edited (no "editing" at all, really), this is the reason. It was on my mind at the time the article was written, since I was still DISGUSTED that this truly ridiculous phrase had caused me such frustration (thinking my eyesight was getting WORSE).

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