Sunday, November 20, 2011

Fox "News": Boycott the Unfair and Unbalanced Network (GOP Betrayal Being Set Up?)

30 seconds is all I could stand to watch of Fox "News" this morning, and it was enough for me to renew my call for a BOYCOTT of Fox "News"--enough to again grant myself an Obama-style waive from this blog's policy of NEVER using the name "Fox" (referring to the disgraceful network only as the "unfair and unabalanced ntetwork"--with "unbalandced" referring to insanity and not to political "balance").

What was the "message" of that 30 seconds? It was the SAME message as the CNN LIES of yesterday, and the mainstream media PROPAGNDA ever since the deficit "supercommittee" was formed. The message is that the "supercommittee" MUST come up with a "deal"--ANY deal, and that the failure to come up with a deal means that all incumbents should be defeated. There is the subsidiary Big Lie--ys, promoted on Fox as well as CNN--that the "Bush tax cuts" are responsible for the deficit. Taht is the very LIE that CNN was promoting yesterday (see llast nitght's article), and the very Big Lie that has been pushed by leftist Demcrats forever. What Fox does is let a leftist Democrat go on and tell this LIE Uunchallegend, and they did so again today. CNN never does that when CONSERVATIVES appear on CNN. CNN CHALLEGNES the conservatives. But the peole of Fox "News' are COWARDS. I kid lyu not. This black woman Democrat (again, the COWARDS on Fox News would NEVER challenge such a person for telling a LIE) specifcally said that the "Bush tax cuts" were only for the top 1% of the popuation That is an outright lIE--one of the worst, most obvius lies I have ever heard. Yet, it is a LIE being pushed by CNN and by leftist Democrats (which is why it is beig pushed by CnNn) As last night's blog article accurately tells you, over ten years 3.3 TRILLIONI dollars of the "Bush tax cuts" "go to " (it is already THEIR MONEY, not the government's money) MIDDLE CALSS and lower incime people. "Ony" 700 billion (over ten years, or 70 billion a year) "goess to" (again it is THEIR MONEY ot the government's) peopel earning over $200,000 a year. It is simply an Orwellian Bg LIE to suggest that the "bush tax cuts" only genefitted the "weathiest 1%" of this country. This LIE is a disaster for this country, if accepted, because it pushes the idea that we can FINANCE a welfare state to take care of 99% of the population with an ever SMALLER number of peole. That is not only a Big lLie, but one that will destory us. And it does NOT "excuse" Fox News that the "host" turns to a suposed "Conservative" to ask whether it is the "Bush tax cuts" which are at fault. Thios blog has told you many times that the GOP (Grand Outdated Party) has FAILIED to point out the LIE about the "Bush tax cuts", and has been strangely reluctant to actually assault the LIES of Democrats the way Democratw are asaulting the GOP. That is because too many of te GOP are FRAUDS who really do ot understand their own argumetns (because they make thsoe arguments not out of conviction but to GET ELECTED). Enovgh about the Bil Lie of the "Bush tax cuts". See last night's article on CNN, and realize that Fox is CNN LIGHT (not worth watching--and 30 seconds is the TOTAL I will watch today). The bigger problem here is the STUPIDITY that a "deal" is all that matters here.

Remember the last time I granted myself an Obma-type wiaver on using the term "Fox News"? It was because Fox had called it a BREAKTHOUGH that the GOP was supposedly willing to talk abut increased tax revenue (which people who ant LOWER tax rates, like myself, have ALWAYS been willng to talk about, but which could never be a "greakthrough") . That was what Fox was all about this morning: the idea that it is the "faiure" to come up with a "deal"--ANY DEAL--that means you should vote against incumbents. That was the position of teh Fox "conservative' guest, and the position Fox has been pushing (along with the rest of teh mainstream media) all along. And it si TUPID. Yes, I jsut called almot every peson on Fox 'News' (especially on the "stright" news side) STUPID. They are just as stupid, if not more so, than the partisans of CNN. The partisans of CNN willnever let a "conservative" come on CNN and TELLL AN OBVIOUS LIE. Fox "News' will. The partisans of CNN will never PUSH a conservative t"talking point". . The STUPID poeple of Fox News will push leftist, mainstream media talkng points (Partly because they aare COWARDS seeking mainstream media approval).

:You think I am exaggerating here? No, I am not. What is the real problem here? If you listened to Fox this morning, you would think that the real problem is not about 'ideology", but about simply "coming together" and making ANY kind of deal. How STUPID can you get. IBEG you. BOYCOTT FOX NEWS (or CNN Light, as I will sometimes refer to them from now on). Waht are Democrats saying? They are saying taht the MAIN problem is that the "wealthy" are not paying enough taxes (CALSS WARFARE). The GOP (without courage) is saying that the MAIN problem is spending, and that we can INCREASE actual government revenue by CUTTING TAX RTES. Democrats are saying that they will accedept NO deal which does not INCREASE the taxes on the wealthy (their class warfare CAMPAIGN tactic). The GOP is saying that they wil only "raise' taxes" as part of "tax reform" --desperate to BETRAY conservatives but not knowing quite how to CONCEAL it. Meanwhile, who is actually trying to CUT SPENDING? I will answer this last question: NO ONE (of the politician kind-a breed whch needs to be EXTINCT).

There is jsut no gettig around this truth, despite the LIARS of Fox News: The "problem" here is NOT to come up with some SHAM that everyone calls a "deal". Democrats have already signgalled that the only "deal" they will accept is a "deal' that does NOT really "cut spending", but does accept the princiiple of taxing the wealthy MORE to "sovle" our problems. Thus, any "breakthrough" on a "deal" will involve a BETRYAL by the GOP of their election promise to CUT SPENDING. What am I saying? The GOP has already engated in that BETRAYAL at least three times. We are talking about yet another BETRAYAL. All the GOP has to do to get a "deal" is to AGREE to Obama's proposal to EXTEND teh"Bush tax cuts' for the MIDDLE CALSS, but to END the "Bush tax cuts" (raise taxes) for "teh wealthy". In effet, Fox (and Wall Street--along with the entire mainstream media) are PUSHING that deal. But that "deal", or some variation of it that tries to CONCEAL the getrayal, means that the GOP might as well GO AWAY. Their election in 2010 would have been proven to be a FRAUD, and no conservative should EVER support the party again. That is ALREADY my position, based on the way this supercommittee was formed in the firt place, but a further BETRAYL by the GOP will make it obvious to many more people (than the "extreme' me) that the GOP must go.

Again, in a way this is all irrelevant rhetoric. It is STUPID to suggest that ALL THAT MATTERS IS A DEAL--no matter what the deal is. Will that attitude "solve" deficits? Will it stop of of going the way of Greece and Italy? Will that attitude reverse, or even slow down, the out-of-control groth of an all-powerful Federl Govenment? Will that attitude do anything about the FATL idea that 1%--see Any Rand, prophet--of the peole can SUPPORT the entire other 99%? Will that atti]tude CUT SPENDING (as the GOP has totallyFAILED to even TRY to do as to CURRENT SPENDING--if "try" is correctly constured to mean FIGHTING for it).? You get the idea. A BAD DEAL is worse than NO BDEAL. And that is NOT a matter of opinion It is an absoutel fact that only the STUPID (Fox news and teh mainstream media, along with Wall Street) would deny. Sure, you can argue ove WHAT is a "bad deal", but you simply cna't argue that ANY deal is a "good deal" (unless you are terminally STUPID, like the poeople of Fox News).

Yes, as Newt Gingrich has correctly said, and Jon Huntsman has said, the real STUPIDITY here is stetting up the "supercomittee" at all These are INSANE people (our politicians--especially our GOP politicians who keep boviously LYING by syaing that they are "fighting" for reduced spending and contorl of government and deficits)--using the Einsein definition of insanity: "doing the smae thing over and over again, expecting a different result".. Our politicians are not only shwoing they are INSANE according to Einstein, but they are showing they do not BELIEVE LINCOLN: "You cna fuool all of the people some of the time; you can fool some of the people allof teh time; but you can't fool all of the people all of the time." Our politicians have tried this time and time again, most recently with teh OBAMA DEBT COMMISSION. Why would they expect a different result? We NEED to decide what direction we are going to go as a country. That needs to be decided in PUBLIC DEBATE. You are STUPID, and don't even believe in our concept of representatvie democracy, if you think the thing to do is to FOOL peope into believeing that they have NO CHOICE but to approve of what a FEW peole have decided behind closed doors. The Obama health care bill? Last minute behiind doors DECEIT. The debt ceiling deal? Lat minute, behind doors DECEIT. The 2011 budget deal? Last minute, behind cldsed doors DECIET. Note that the GOP has been a PARTY to al of this deceit, EXCEPT the Obama halth-care bill (which Democrats rammed through all on their own). Deficit expanding "deal" at the end of 2010, adding 100 BILLIOIN to the defict over ONE YEAR by this "payroll tax cut" TIMMICK which did not work? Last minute DECEIT (which the GOP assured us was "necessary" to "save" the "Bush tax cuts' which Fox and the GOP are now putting AT RISK). IT just goes on and on. And notice that the PROBLEM here is not what happens if there is NO DEAL. The problem here is what happens if there is a POLITICAL DEAL that is meant to be a DECEIT and a SHAM (by one "side' or the other, or by BOTH SIDES).

No. I am calling you STUPID if you say someting like this, as seemed to be the "official" Fox position this mornign (and long before this morning): "The supercommittee has had more than enough time to come up with a deal, The American peole expect them to be able to do that. This is not a matter of Republican or Dmemocrat. It is a matter of politicians working for the benefit of this coutnry rather than politics or ideology. They need to do what it takes to get a deal,"

Noope. If you say somethig like that, I am direclty calling you STUPID. What you are saying is that ANY DEAL is all it takes to sovle our problems. That is INSANE. It is obviiuisly not ture. In fact, it is not ture that there is such a thing as "no ideology" If you actually belive that AnY DEAL is better than no deal, stupid as that is, you have an IDEOLOGY. "Cutting spending" is an IDEOLOGY. "Raising taxes on the rich" is an IDEOLOGY. "Raisning taxes on the rich AND cutting spnding" is an IDEOLOGY levaing you hopen to being PROVEN to be naive and STUPID. That is becuase the taxes GET RAISED, but the spending never gets actually "cut'.

By the way, I expect a GOP BETRAYAL, pushed by the IDIOTS like those on Fox News and on Wall Street (those economic fasicsts that think they now control tghis country, and MYAY be right). But if there is no such betrayal, you can actually "blame" the Democrats. The GOP actually does want to BETRAY tghe peole who voted for them. Democrats are just not letatig them. The GOP wants a "face-aving' SHAM deal, like all of tghe otehrs, that SELLS OUT their voters. But Democrats wnat an ISSUE for the 2012 election. They think that CLASS WARFARE is that issue, along with the "stubborn" GOP who wohn't "compromise" (lol). Yes, it is the Dmoecrats ho are rally refuisng to COMPROMISE on the acceptance of their 'prinicple' taht our lproblems are becaue of the rich" not paying their "fair share". But the media will SPIN it always to make the GOP the villains for "no deal", because the mainstream media are ADVOCATES for teh Democrat positon. You can take my word for it, hough, as a person who has WALKED AWAY from the GOP already: the GOP will enter into a SHAM deal here to basically "cave in" to tahe Democrats, if the Democrats will let them. The problem the GOP has is that the Democrats do not seem inclined to let them off the hook they have put themselves on, unless the GOP OBVIOUSLY betrays its voters (and thereby destorys the GOP). This is what the Democrats regard as a WINNING TACTIC here, and the GOP has played into their hand by seetting \this up. But make no mistake: if there really is no deal, you can balme the Democrats by wanting the ISSUE more than they want some kind of half-victory.

P.S No proofreading or spell checking (bad eyesight). I am serius here. I have been limiting myself to 3 minutes searching Fox "News" a day, jsut to keep up with their PERFIDY and incompetence. I was only able to make 30 seconds today, and that weill be ALL for today . I am be\gging you: BOYCOTT FOX NEWS. Look at Drudge for a variety of "news'. Listen to Rush Limbuagh, if you want actual conservative "news'. Forget Fox. They are USELESS for real facts and real informatin, and certainly useless for challenging lefitst lies. As with ost GOP memebers of Congrss, I would not murn the demise of Fox News (because now something would replace them as an "alternative" to the mainstream partisans--which would not have been ture even 10 or 15 years ago, when the mainstream media sitll had actual power). Well, my waiver has expired, and this blog is back to the "unfair and unbalanced network" , a/k/a CNN Light.

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