Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Herman Cain and the Dishonest Media (Boycott AT&T, Yahoo, and the Unfair and Unbalanced Network)

I KNOPW that our media is dishonest. Waht's more, THEY know that they are dishoenst. You think I can't prove that? Little do you dknow. At this hour, the proof is all over the place.

Segue to the Republican debate scheduled tonight on CNBC. That debate is supposed to be n the ECONOMY. The public has been promised that. The candidates have been promised that. And the debatte is a CNBC debate, and CNBC is supposedly(really merely part of the NBC arm of the Democratic Party, with a leftistst agenda reflectivew of the economic fascists on Wall Street) a network concerned with ONEY and the ECONOMY. What do the "sexual harrassment" "allegations" (smear lynching) agasint Herman Cain have to do witht eh ECONOMY? Everyone agrees that the ansswer is NOTHING. Indeed, the "allegations" have noting to do with whehter Cain should be President, but that is anotehr atricle (which I have written, and will probably write again).

End of story, right. If the "journalists" asking quesions on CNBC tonight are HONEST, theywill not ask ANY questiions about the "sexual harrassment" claims--which absolutely everyone agrees are not relevant to any issue regarding the economy.

Ah. But ist is not only ME, as stated, who knows that these people ("journalists" of the mainstream media) are DISHONEST. Everyone evidently knows it. Thyus, a FEATURED, major, LNG headline on AT&T/Yahhoo (racist Cain lynchers that they are), from someting called "The Cut Line" (I am glad to give "credit to AT&T/Yahoo), suggests taht Cain will be asked aobut it anyway (putting it as a question, but obviusly both advocating it, and suggesting it is likely to happen, since otherwise to "feature" this a one of the 'top stories" is absurd),

Similarly, the peoiple at the unfair and unblanced network, during the ONLY 2 minutes I have wathced--or will watch--that disgraceful netwokr today, could talk about nothing else other than the possibilithood that Herman Cain will be asked abut his "sexual harrassment" calims. Nope. The people of the unfair and unbalanced network are just as osessed, and just as DESPICABLE, on this IRRELEVANT subject as the rest of the mainstreammedia.

As I was typing this, my DAUGHTER (in Boston, who voted for OBAMA), called and asked whether I thought Herman Cain would be asked about this series of "sexual harrassment" claims (which my daughter regards as pretty ridiculous). Obviiously my daughter, like EVERYONE else--including the media themselves, regard media people as TOTALLY DISHONEST. My daughter even suggested tahtt eh fquesions will be prhased DISHONESTLY to dredge the "sexual harrassment" allegatioins into an "economic qusiion": "People are suffering with no jobs and a weak exonomyu; Don't you think, Mr. Cain, that they deserve a President who is not distracted and weakened by all of thsese doubts about this personal life".

That shows you what my daughter thinks of the medai. She KNOWS that they are DISHONEST. As shown by the stories today the MEDIA KNOWS that they are dishonest. EVERYONE knows that the media is dishoenst--not interested in facts at all. If you don't understand, as my daughter does, that her' subterfuge" is DISHONEST< hen you should apply to work in our media.

P.S. No proofreading or spell chekcing (bad eyesight).

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