Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Rick Perry: Media Setting It Up for Perry

Rick Perry has been MY governor in Texas for the last 10 years, and Bush's lieutenant governor before that. As I have said in this blog, those conservatives who look upon Perry as a "savior" are deluding themselves. Perry is no Ronald Reagan.

Hwoever, you would think the maintream media was behind Rick Perry all of the way for the Republican nomination. They are setting the race up perfectly for Perry. The mainstream media is running vicious negative ad campaigns against Mitt Romney and Michele Bachmann (see the previous article as to Bachmann). That is becaue the mainstream media is going to run a vicious negative ad campaign against ANY Repubican they think might actually get the nomination. The mainstream media is part of Obmaa's campaign operaton (not fromally, but in actual fact). That is why I still don't see wy Republicans pay ANY attention to what the mainstream media wants them to do--like give interviews to hostile advocates for the opposition. And I would SAY that--perhaps sayying that for every time Obama gives a Fox interview, any particular Republican will give an interview to a mainstream media person of his or her selection. I digress (not really). The point here is that the mainstream media, and Obama operatives (one and the same) are making Rich Perry (consciously or not) the main beneficiary of their efforts to knock out Romney and Bachmann. No, Jon Huntsman will NEVER be the nominee. If Bachmann or Romney survive the media onslalught of media negative ads, then the public will be weary of the whole subject by next year. Already, the media is not really believed by anyone. If Bachmann and Romney are not able to survive the orchestrated onslaught by Obama operatives and their allies in the media, then they are setting it up perfectly for Perry.

Do they think they can easily destroy Pery, when it comes time for them to do so? Well, they will surely try. And I have no great confidence in Perry. But he faced a sitting U.S. Senator in Kay Bailey Hutchinson, and soundly beat her for the Republican nomination. Perry has easily rebuffed all Democrats sent against him, despite Hutchinson "softening him up" for the last Democrat. And Hutchinson proponents used a vicious negative campaign. In other words, Perry has been in the fire of negative campaigning, and has not really had a glove laid on him. No, Perry is no great shakes as a charismatic speaker. But he has TEXAS on his side.

What do I mean by that, besides the obvious fact that it is always good to have Texas on your side? I mean that Perry can run on his RECORD (unlike Romney's record as governor, or even Bachmann's non-executive record). Texas has done WELL in the recession. Since the "recovery" began, Texas has "created" fully HALF of all of the jobs created in the whole United States. No other state comes close. Now Perry did not create Texas, but at least he has not messed it up. These people (Democrats and their media allies) had better have something BIG on Perry, or they are creating a monster to deal with.

Nope. They (Democrats and their media allies) had better have something better than Perry suggesting that Texas has a "right" to secede, if the Federal Government does not get its act together. I thought that was bizarre, since Lincoln would seem to have settled the matter when Texas did secede, but it is even more bizarre to suggest you can defeat Perry with that. Nor is it likely that you can defeat Perry because he has a Texas accent, or by associating him with Bush (who Perry followed as governor, after being Bush's lieutenant governor). Perry MIGHT self-destruct, but I would not count on it if I were a Democrat or mainstream media person. It is looking more and more likely that Pery will be a candidate, and it si "no lose" for theRepublicans. If Perry can hold his own verfbabllly, he has a POERFUL TEXAS STORY TO SELL--really, he does not have to "sell" it since it sells itself. If Perry falls apart, he will make clear that Bachmann or Romney is pretty good after all. I see no way Democrats, and their media allies, win out of this. Even the most densepeson is gonig to stop listtening after the mainstream media goes after EVERY Republican this way. I think it has already reached that point, and I just wish REPUBLICANS (Romney comes to mind, and Bachmann's "handlers" may be pushing her in this direction) would stop being AFRAID of the mainstream media. If you stand up to them, as Bachmann did to Wolf Blitzer, they are paper tigers. NO ONE likes or respects--coreectly--today's mainstream media.

I lsupport Michele Bachmann. But if I had to guess right now, I would guess Rick Perry will be the Republican nominee. And I would expect to support him in the general election. I know Perry too well, and have criticized him too often, to consider Perry any kind of "lock". I simply do not know whether he can run a national campaign like he knows what he was doing, and handle himself as a credible President. However, Texas is larger than most countries, and Perry has been governor of Texas longer than anyone else of whom I am aware. And Texas is a SUCCESS.

Can Rick Perry ride Texas into the Presidency of the United States, with this early help from Obama operatives and the mainstream media? I think the path is open to him. If tghe mainstream media does not watch out, they will all be talking with a Texas accent. The "establishment" has really made it impossible for everyone to close ranks around Romney as the "establishment" candidate (although they may yet try a "McCain "comeback"). Right now, it is Perry's game to lose, as he rides in on a white charger with TEXAS as his shield.

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