Saturday, July 9, 2011

War Against Girls: Abortion and "Feminism" Collide

"War Against Girls" is the name of a recent book describing how "sex selectioni abortion" (and infanticide--quivalents in nay event) are killing off girs in the world, resulting in a dangerous imbalance of male and female babies. The number floating around (these "phantom" statisitics are hard to verify, since there is no way to know exactly)of girls killed before they were born, as a result of sex selection, is 14 63 MILLION (worldwide). This is because cultures like those in India, China, and elsewhere in Aisa and other lplaces value male babies so highly and female babies so little. Indeed, sex selection abortion is a RATIONAL chocie in these societies, where male babies really are worth more to a family.

If you read this blog, of course, you were already aware of this. Yes, months ago this blog told you that abortion has become a dEATH TRAP fro the human female--especially in places like India. Since I am one of the great feminists of our age (as distignushed from leftist "feminists", who are leftists first and sukporters of females wway down the line), this is one of the many reasons I abhor abortion. This shows how much of a feminist I really am, since I know girls for the viciious creatures they are. I also know pro-abortion leftists for the HYPOCRITES that they are. Yes, I am afraid that includies the author of "War Against Girls".

What is the reaction of your pro-abortioni leftist, who falsely calls herself or himself a feminist, to this slaughter of girs in order to prefer the more valuable male babies? Right. The action of the true leftist, who does not really believe in freedom but for whom aborion is a religion, is to try to stifle ONLY sex selection abortion, while encouraging abortion on demand for ANY other reason. Have I told you that these peole (leftists, including the mainsstream media) are the wort hypocrites wo have ever walked the Earth, on two legs or four? Of coure I have. No, this "argument" (that "sex selection abortion" is a horror which ust be stopped, but abortion for any other reason is a "right" of a free woman) makes no sense. Let me put this as starkly as I can: For these leftists, it is a denial of "freedom" to try to prevent CASEY ANTHONY from aborting her baby so that she can go ut and party, but it is upholding the "rights" of girls to try to stop abortons--"choice"--based on the female sex of the fetus. I can't adequately describe what I think of you if yoiu think this way. "Dishonest hypocrite" does not even come close to covering it. But I have that reaction to most pro-abortion "arguments". You should not lose sight, however, of the fact that you would be on the cutting edge of this issue if you read this blog regularly--MONTHS ahead of this book.

Now Kyla, my younger duagher (big time lawyer in NYC), is intelligent enough to know that any attempt to fundamentally distinguish abortion and infanticide must fail. That is because there is no scientific doubt that the cutting of an umbilical cord merely changes ENVIRONMENT. It does not change the creature. The creature is the same before birth as it is after birth. Indeed, a ninth month fetus is a HIGHTER form of life than a 7th month premature baby. But Kyla realizes that once you get past the gorss fact of birth, as you must if you are a thinking human being, then there is NO point in the development of a human being, from condeption to death, that you can say (with any logical reason) that there is a human beiong on one side of that point and a mere mass of cells on the other side. WHY is a human baby a human being? A human baby will NEVER pass an intelligent test for membership in the human race. The reason a human baby is a human being is that, in the ordinary course of evenents, it GROWS into a functional human being, genetically distinct from its parents. The problem is that the VERY SAME DEFINITION applies to a human fetus. There is only one thing that prevents a human betus from growing into an adult human being (including those vicious creatures known as "girls) DEATH. I have never had any hesitancy in saying that leftist "feminists" (leftists firs and always) have blood on their hands--it utrns out more FEMALE blood than male blood.

But Kyla is a feminist. If she is not quite a leftist, because she is to intelligent for that, she is a radical proponet of her own kind of extreme feminism. How does Kyla sqare this with her intelligence, which tells here that pro-abortion arguments are pretty much bunk? Eas for Kyla. Don't say I did not warn all of you out there. Kyla takes the positioin that women bring children into this world, and they should have the right to take them out. Now, I THINK she is kidding. But I am far form sure. It is like me asserting that women should never have been given the vote. Mot people who do not know me well think I am kidding. I better stop there. One thing, of which I was sure, however, was that no one could possbily have ever asserted this "position" of Kyla in publlic. (You can see why Kyla would acquit Caey Anthony--raising soeme questions about whether Kyla influenced the Anthony jury in some way.)

I was wrong. And this article shows I am never wrong. I told you about this "problem" of sex selection abortion well before the book. But I was wrong about Kyla being off in her own univers. Agatha Crhistie is the best mystery plotter who ever lived. No one else is even close, in termms of classic mytery plots. Dame Agatha, however, would have to be regarded as pretty conventioiinal. Yet, in "The Unexpected Guest", Dame Agatha has an alter ego type character (alter ego of the author) express this sentiment about her son: "Since I brought him into the world, I hink I have a right to take him out." Agatha Christie is dead. Otherwise, I would yell at her in agony, like that young boy yelled at Shoeless Joe Jackson: Say it ain't so, Agatha!!!!" I can't tell you how disturbing it is to me that Kyla's "idea" has seen print more than 50 years ago.

Kyla aside, it is one of those ironies that supposed "feminists" are responsible for KILLING OFF GIRLS in the world--for creating societies in a good part of the world who are going to end up with a dangerous surpluls of aggressive males--made more so by the shortage of females. Will the leftist "feminists" behind abortion on deman, as well as the fanatics of Planned Parenthood, end up being responsible for World War II? Could be.

P.S. No proofreading or spell checking (bad eyesightg).

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