Friday, January 13, 2012

Media Incompetence: Anti-American, Despicable, Incompetent Associated Press

The "Anti-American, Despicable Associated Pres" (complete, official name) strrikes again, on the equally bad Yahoo "News"/ABC/AT&T "top stories" page:

"Tensioins high, as U.S. wants Iran not to block shipping"

The above is a current FATURED headline on my AT&T/Uverse default page provided by Yahoo, with the story and headline coming from the despicable Associated Press. Tere is, of course, no wore news organization in this, or any; other, universe than the despicable AP. As readers of this blog know, He had me--an agnostic, yet--engaged in this futile Sodom and Gomorrah search for an honest, competent AP reporter, before finally acknowledging my insistence that no such animal exists. So much for omnipotence. I told Him, and he just would not accept it--keepng me at the sstupid, useless searchfor 8 long yars. Of course, you and I know that He was really just pinising me for being an agnostic.

What is my problem? Did you READ the headline I quote above. Oooooooooooooooo!!!!! Iran is surely shaking in its boots. Was the headline DRAFTED by Obama, or is the despicable AP just accurately representing his WEAKNESS in its own words. So the U.S. "wants Iran not to block shiipping"? This is what the despicable AP considers "news", and probably what the Obama Administration considers a "steern warning". WHY is the headline not: "U.S. issues strong THREAT to Iran about blocking shippping". Or even the wimpier: "U.S., issues Iran STERN WARNING about blocking shipping. The way the despicable AP wrote the headline, it is like we just have this desire that Iran not be so "rude" as to block shiipping: like I "want' steak for dinner. The AP obviouisly feels there was a possibility that the U.S. would not even care if Iran blocked shipping. Why else does this headline represent "news"?

Neough. If you think this WIMPY headline is "news", you are beyond hope. My own hope is that this headline does not accurately reflect the thinking of our present Administration. I am afraid it does.

If we really WANT Iran not to block shipping in crucial oil shipping waters, why are we not SENDING A MISSLE OVER IRAN. I am seriouis here. Iran puts on war games to threaten shipping. Why should we not send a rEAL missle (without a warhead) OVER IRAN into those same wathers? At least send a CRUISE MISSLE over PART of Iran.

Nope. Alo we do is tell the AP that we "want" Iran not to block shipping. As usual, I feel like cryuing. If the AP is not getting the message that we are SERIOUS, how can Iran be getting that message?

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