Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Obama, Keystone and the GOP: Country Be Damned (Debt Ceiling and Pyrrhic "Victories")

The GOP betrayed every supposed "principle' the GOP has by both supporting a year's extension of the fraudulent "payroll tax cut" and the extension of those 99 weeeks of unemployumnet. Oh, I know. The GOP politic ians would say hat they did not betray the principle of favoring "tax cuts", but that merely highlights how FRAUDULENT GOP( pliticians have become in their attempts to match Obama and the Democrats in BRIBERY. The "payroll tax cut" is NOT a "tax ctu". It is a BRIBE, pure and simple.,, which REQU:IRES that the dEBT CEILING be RAISED 150 BILINON dollars (that bill alone--not to mention the SEDNING BILLS for twich the GOP votged) . I still can't' even believe that, after this vote, Marco Rubio wrote a letter to the President jumping on the President for propsing another 1.2 trillioin dollar increase int he debtg ceiling. Message to Marco Rubio (again); You, Senator Rubio, are a HYPOCCRITE--an industrial grade, to-the-core hypocrite. Message to the GOP politicans in general: yoou are almsot ALL DISHONEST HYPOCRITES. You have voete FOR every single bill that will rEQUIREW the debt ceiling to be raised, including this "payroll tax cut", and you should ALL BE DEFEATED (including, of course, all Democrat politicans).

Doubt me? Never do that. Look at what happened today (the reason for this article). Obama REJECTED the Keystone pipeline--saying, of course, that the firm can "reapply". This is the major VICOTRY that GOP Senators, and some "conservative" conmmentators, were claiming that the GOP had gotten in that ridiculous twomonth extension of the payroll tax "cut' (undermining funding for Social Security) and extension of unemployment benefits. What the GP got in the bill was a "requirment" that Obama "make a decision" on the Keystone project within 60 days. What a "victory) (king Pyrrhus would understand uch better than today's GOP politicians). Any more "victories" like this and the COUNTRY will be lost. But the CONTRY had nothing to do with either Obama's decision or the GOP actions. It was ALL POLITICS, ALL OF THE TIME.

Why did th eGOP give the im pression that Obama would be "forced" to alpprove the Keystone pipeline just because the gOP forced him inoto an affirmative decision he did not want to make? This blog tiried to give you the message that this was not a "victory" at all. Obama, today, has shown why this blog was right. But the GOP bil wsa NEVER about the COPUNTRY. It was an attemtpt to make POLITICAL POINTS. For both Obama and the GOP: CPOUNTRY BE DAMEND is the attitude.

What did the GOP want? They wanted two things. They wanted an EXCUSE to SELL OUT the country (adn especially their own supporters) by INCREASING THE DEFIICAT AND THE DEBT (which this payroll "tax cut' requires be done, along with this extensoin of unemployment benefits). In other words, the GOP wanted to be part of the BRIBE known as the "ayroll tax cut", but they did not want their upporters to realzie what FRAUDS they really are. This is where the Keystone pipeline comes in. The GOP thinks they hage the POLITICAL upper hand there. Thus, they tried to put Obama in a POLITICAL bind by making him take the POLITICAL heat for "rejeting" the ipeline. Obama, of curse, is now going to say that he was just being "cautious" and "careful" to make sure that the ipeline makes sense--the same thing he was saying ANYWAY. What did hte GOp accomplish FOR THE COUNTRY? NOTHING. They gained a very fleeting POLITICAL advantage, which is all they ever really wanted. And they HOPE they gainted COVER in BETRAYING people like me. Dream on, GOP.. You get NO cover from me. Even peole not as adamant as I am are coing to see you for how you are.

Let us go back to that two month extension of teh "payroll tax cut" and "extended unemployment benefits". The ONLY "leverage" the GOP had (since they were too COWARDS to actually stand on priciiple and reject the INCREAS E IN THE DEBT) to get "real concessoins...............................................................................................................................Sorry, I really almost died laughing that time.....was the DEADLINE. Remeber how everyone was saying how they wuld get to work IMMEDIATELY to keep it from going down to the NEW DEADLINE? We are now almost at the end of January. The deadline is presumably the end of February. Where are we on that? And how does the GOP "justiry" voting "for" this DEBT INCREASING bill notw that Obama had REJECTED the Keysone piipline. As this blog has told you, it is not only that the GOP has NO PRINCIPLES. It is that they are SO STUPID. They now are in a POLITICAL BOX. Sure, they have 'gained" whatever POLITICAL "advantage" they expected to get out of an Obama rejection of the Keystone project, but Obama has removed that card from the deck. How do GOP memebers of Congress NOW explain their NEXT vote on the 'payroll tax cut"? Thew GOP has only itself to blame for this coming POLITICAL AGONY, and I have no sympathy for ANY of them. DEFEAT THEM ALL. They set themselves up for this.

And look at how our entire estalbishment-GOP and Democrat--has proven itself to be composed of LIARS. All of this was ging to be "wroked out". Obama would figure out a way to approve the Kyestone project. This "payroll tax cut" would now be "worked out", and the one -year extension would be a foregone concluson Well, it MAY be, but only if the GOP makes absolutely clear that they have LOST LTHE WAR. in fact, unlike King Pyrrhus, they did ntot even win the battle. Yep. The MEDIA lLIED to ;you (big surpirse--NOT) by not telling you what this "two month extension" was really seetting up. The politicans LIED to you (no surprise agaain) by saying that they would immediately get these things resolved, and not come down to yet another "deadline". Yet, the MEDIA wants you to continue to ay attentin to them. You should NOT. And the oliticians want you to keep electing them. You should DEFEAT THEM ALL. And the estalbishment thinks they should keep controllkng the way you vote--including with Mitt Romney. This blog has told lyou : Hell will freeze over before I EVER vote for an estalbishment candidate again. I think LESS of all of these groups every day---media, politicians, and our estalbishment peole. Readers of this blog would have thought that wsa impossible, but it s true. I keep thinking these people cannot get any LOWER in my estimatiin, and they keep finding a way.

P.S. No proofreading or spell checking (bad eyesight). Yep. I still plan on the seond article on those mariens being posted tonight, but you can tell this particular news set off a flash oint within me--agian proving this blog RIGHT. You will have to wiat for my article on the media URINAITON FETISH with regard to radical Islam. By the way, Obama seems willing to take politcal heat for what his LEFTIST BACKERS want him to do. Is it only the GOP that is comoposed of COWARDS? I wonder. They ALL RHN at the sign of any actual political heat. I wish this blog was more influential. If it were, I would show the GOP what political "heat" is all about. Well, I can only do what I can do. And I will.

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