Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Mitt Romney: Is it Easier for Mitt Romney to Get Through the Eye of a Needle Than for a Rich Man to Get Inoto Heaven?

This blog has tol dyou from the beginning the problem with Mitt Romney, and the reason hRpomney may NOT be the GOIP candidate best able to beat Barack Obama. Romney is certainly NOT a "conservative", and everyone knows it. He makes it more clear every single day. Charles Krauthammer says that Romney does not know HOW to "explain " conservative principles (nd Krauthammer is an ESTABLISHMENT HACK from the unfari and unbalanced network-which network is "all in" for Romney, and has "circled the wagons" in suport of LEFTIST HCK Juan Willians). Rush Limbaugh said that Romne had a terrible debate on Monday. Time Maganize, as featured on the desicable Yahoo "News". accurately says that Roney utterly FUMBLED the question on TAX RETURNS int he Monday debate.

This all goes to what this blog told you from the very geginning, citng my older daugher IN BOSTON as the first source of this insight: Romney can be portrayed as a RICH GUY OUT OF TOUCH WITH THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. No, Romneyh has NO problem with being a Mormon. That is LEFTIST, MEDIA BIGOTRY (not evangelistic bigotry) No, Romney has NO problem with Bain Capital, where most Amricans understnad PRIVATE business dealings, and do not hold those dealings against a candidate. In fact, most Americans probably do, and SHOULD, respect Romney for knowing a LOT about how business workds. So what was my older daughter's INSIGHT years ago (before the 2008 campaing)?

My older daugher told me that Romney was RIDICULED in Boston because he supposedly decided to ride the Boston subway---the "T"-to show that it was "safe" (at a time when the eivl media was HYPING the "danger" to subway systems). Problem (according to my daughhter, and realize that my daugher is in BOSTON, and subjectg to BOSTON liberal propaganda from both media sources and HER FRIENDS): Romeny showed hat he had NO IDEA how to "ride' the "T". in other words, my daughter says that Romney mad eit clear that he had nver ridden the "T" in his life, and realy had no clue as to what riding the "T" was all about. Yep. I HAVE ridden the "T", a LOT, including with my daughter.

It does not matter whether you BELIEVE the leftist propaganda absorbed by my daughter (a high powered lawyer) in Boston. This has ALWAYS been the VULNERABLIITY of Romney. It is finaly beginning to filter through to the GOP establishment, as exhibited by Krauthamemr. Romney is VULNERABLE on the question of being an OUT OF TOOUCH RICH GUY. H ecomes across as a STIFF ELITIST. He comes across as a person with NOTHING in common with the ordinary American. He FAiLED to be th enominee in 2008 because he could NOT connect with ordinary Americans. IF Romney an beat Obama, it is ONLY by makng the race about Obama. Romney is NOT ghoing to beat Obama by CONNECTING with ordinary Americans. As stated, this is what this blog has been telling you for YEARS. This is Romney's MAIN PROBLEM--rather than the SMEARS on Bain Capital or Mormonism. It is a problem i think it is DOUBTFUL he can overcome.

No, I don't think Americans hold it against peole tht they are "rich". Okay. Occupy Wall Street types do. But those are a small MINORITY of people. However, Americans have never been that fond of the VERY RICH. Bloomberg? No chance to be President. Trump? No chance to be President. Steve Forbes? No chance to be Presidetnt. . Time Magazine, in that Yahoo "News' featured story, said that it MATTERS that Romney's tax rate is only 15^%/. NO, it does not. If Romhey supports a caital gainsts tax rate of 15% for ALL "rich" people, does it matter whether ROMNEY has "benefitted' from that rate? Of course not. However, Romnheyh is IN TROUBLE if he is perceived as an OUT OF TOUCH RICH GUY (which I truly think he is, in some degree or another) Romney is a very rich ESTABLISHMENT GOP Wall Street0type guyt his bvery core, and I think that come s thnrough. No, you can't get anywhere attackng Romney on anti-capitalist grounds. But yyou CAN get a long ways atttackng Ropmney as having no undrstanding of ordinary Americans, or of conservative principles.

That comes to the STUJPID peole of ABC and Yahoo "News'> That was yet another featured ESTABLISHMNT story n Romney. The ABC/Yahoo/AT&T headline was: "Romney emerges unscathed from debate." That was an outright LIE, and events have PROVEN it a LIe.

Romney came across int hat debate as an OUT OF TOUCH rich guy playing it way too cute. Rush Limbuagh recognized that Time recognized that. C=harles Krauthammer recognized that (a person this blog has CRUCIFIED as willing to SELL OUT conservative principles) . When Romney tire dot get away with saying that he was not required to disclose his tax returns, but would "probably" do so in April, an dthen said the next day that his "tax reate" was about 15%, Romney was SCATED. Maybe he can survive it. But Romney, in that entire debate, ws TOO CUTE--too much the arrogant rich gyy bobbing and weaving. No connetion. No effetive communication of conservative principles. NO PRINCIPLES> ABC, and the "all in" unfair and unbalancd network, seem to think that Romney has a RIGHT to the nomination unless is opoenents PROVE that he is not qualified to be President. In waht universe? Romney stil has an obligatin to MAKE HIS CASE, and he totally FAILED to do that in the debate. Worse, for Romney, Romney SET UP the "tax' issue as a way to highlight the issue of him as an OUT OF TOUCH RICH GUY. Nope., ABC and Yahoo LIED TO YOU The last debate was a DISASTER for Romeny. This blog ACCURTELY analyzed that debate for you.

Romne may still be the favorite for the nomination. I would say he is. But he was HURT by the last debate, and hie is MAKNIG NO CASE for himself. Can the "establishmetn" contnue to push a candidate who may be a DISASTER? I wonder. Krauthammer would seem to indicate that the establishment is becoming nervoous about Romney, even as the unfair and unbalanced network is "all in" for Romney in one of the most disgraceful performances by a TV network in any election--fully as bad as the CNN and MSNBC campaigns for Obama. Juan Williams, for example, asked an INSULTING question for which he SHOUDLD have bee booed. The unfair and unbalanced network seems unable to recognize this, but that is only a minor reaons you should BOYCOTT that network. Day in and day out, they are TERRRIBLE.

Again, this blog has told you the TRUTH, for YEARS The main problem with Romney is whether he can CONNECT to the Amrican peole. He has STILL not shown thaqt he can. He definitely does not know how to explain conservaiteve ideas. That is becazuse he is NOT a conservative. He really is a "rich guy" who wants to be Preisdent because the thinks he can MANAGE the Federal Government better than those who have been doing it. In that, he may well be right. But that is nto a substitute for PRINCIPELE< or a real connecitn with people. That remains Romney's vulnerability, and it may be FATAL (if not in the nomination, then in the genreral election)

Yep. I AM saying that the American peo;ple seem better able to vote for ORDINARY RICH PEOLE, like Obama, Reagan, etc., than they are able to vote for SUPER RICH people like Romney, Bloomberg,, Trump, etc. Romney COULD have overcome that if he were able to communicate PRINCIPLE. He is nto able to do that, and donsistently comes across as an elitist rich guy . As stated, that may be FATAL. It has nothing to do with Bain Caital an dtax rates. It has everything to do with CONNECTING with peole.

P.S. No proofreading or spel checking (bad eyssith). Yep, I still plan that URINATINO FETISH article on those 4 marines, but it will have to wait for tomorrow--alng with the article on CNN, Anderson Cooper, and RELIGIOUS BIGORY more blatant and evil than AnY "evangelical" grouop out there.

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