This blog gave you a correctg analyuis of Saturday night's ABC debate. The unfair and unbalanced network gave you a disgraceful, lying "report". ("We give you pious baloney, and yoiu decide.")
What did the unfairaand unbalanced network do? They MISREPRESENTED the importance of the section of the debate about "social issues". They ignored that it wsa not the CNADIATES that tried to put any emphasis on "social issues', but ABC (no surprise). But that was not even the major CRIME (and it was a "journalistic" crime).
Look at my article. Drudge carried a link to anotehr article about how Stehpanopoulos "struggled with bias". When Stehanopoulos asked aobut "contraceptioni", ROMNEY ridiculed the question (as he should have). The unfair and unbalanced network did not even MENTION this, or feature ANY of that footage. They just carried a "montage" of BLAND comments on social issues, including the NON-ISSUE of contracepton, without even suggesting the fact that Stephanopoulous had hs head handed to him. Nope. This wa NO accident. The unfair and unbalanced network will simly not report this sort of thing. Gingrich, for example, in the same section of the debvate, gave a BRILLIANT analysis of the ANTI-CHIRSTIAN bias of the mainstream media, and how the mainstream media keeps focusing on only the GOP candidates on "social issues" 9wihtut asking any challenging questions of Obama or Democrats).
Did I jsut call the unfaiar and unbalanced network ANTI-CHRISTINA? As a matter of fact, yes I did. Sure, O'REilly will take on the anti-Christian and anti-Christmas bias of the left, at the same time the hypocritical pompous ass will cater to the mainstream media smears in things like his interview of Santorum (see previous blog article). But O'Reily himself has said that the "news" operation of the unfair and unbalanced netowrk is DIFFERENT from its OPINION prime time lineup (which has become pretty bad itself, really). Yep. I jsut called the unfair and unbalanced netowrk BIASED (to the LEFT), in addition to being anti-Christian.
I am willing to make this flat statement: In the "news' it presents, the unfair and unbalanced network is JUST AS BAD AS CNN. I have called it "CNN Light". I withdraw that. It is now jsut CNN. They might as well merge. Sure, there are more conservative VOICES on the unfair and unbalanced network, but their overall presentation is jsut as bad as the AP (source of many of their stories) and CNN. I ACCUSE the unfair and unbalanced network of bieng jsut as bad as the rest of the mainstream media. yep. I ACCUSE the unfair and unbalanced network of being PART of the mainstream mmeida, and NO BETTER than many others in that media. Sometimes, they are WORSE. (as in O'Reily's disgraceful interview of Santourm, and this "report' of the debate last night on ABC).
To the extent the unfair and unbalanced network has any "different" biases than the rest of the mainstream meida, it is an "establishment", left leaning GOP point of view. Thus, the unfair and unbalanced network is jsut as "biased' as CNN on "social issues". It is jsut as biasesd as CNN on actually CUTTING GOVERNMENT. It is jsut as biased as CNN on SMEARS of conservatives. Overall, the conservative voices on the unfair and unbalanced network are only TOKEN VENEER, in terms of the "reporting" that goes on. I have mentioned John Roberts before, who was one of the WORST of the CNN "reporters", and is now on the unfair and unbalanced network. I have often mentioned Chris Wallace, who is jsut like a CNN or MSNBC "reporter". On weekends, teh unfair and unbalanced network is usually WORSE than cNN (excluding opinoni shows like Huckabee).
No. I stand by what I have been saying for months. Conservatives should BOYCOTT the unfari and unbalanced netowrk. I "surfed" for about a ninute and a half today. I no longer watch ANY of the prime time lineup, and surf the rest no more than two minutes a day (just to see how bad the mainstrem media is getting, by sampling them all).
P.S. No proofreading or spell checking (bad eyesight). No. This is not even an agenda driven critique of the unfair and unbalanced network My primary reaons for saying they are not worth watching is that the network--on "news" or oopinion shows--is totally UNINTERESTED in FACTS. It si all about AGENDA (on "news" or opinion programs). The unfair and unbalanced network LIES every time it says: "We report, you decide". THYE try to "decide", and they DON'T REPORT (unless lyou think that CNN and the AP "report", which they don't).
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