Monday, June 27, 2011

Barack Obama and Michele Bachmann: Who Is the Bigger Flake?

Yes, this article was going to be the article about Chris Wallace (partisan, leftist political hack). But I thought of this, and decided to dash it off.

You know those things Chirs Wallace and Brit Hume ga e as examples of how Michele Bachmann may be a "flake". I especailly like (sarcasm) the Brit Hume exmaple of Bachmann mistating that John Wayne came from Waterloo, Iowa, when his parents only lived there a while and he, himself, had lived 150 miles away. Now THAT is a burning issue in the country. Yes, I think Michele Bachmann, and ALL Republicans, should start ATTACKING the media, including Fox News, over making so much out of these absurdities.

What Has Barack Obama said (only a partial list):

1. My health care bill will save small businesses 3,000 % (talk about a subsidy, if only it had been true).

2. 1,000 people died in that tornado in Kansas, and the National Guard was depleted because of President Bush. (13 or so people died, and the governor of Kanasas, now in the Obama cabinet, denied that there was any problem with the National Buard response)

3. Doctors are waiting for an amputation to be necessary, rather than doing preventive diabetes care, because they get 30,000, 40,000 or even 50,000 for an amputation. (Slander on doctors to try to push Obamacare bill. Of course, the docotrs involved in preventive care and the surgeons performing amputations are NOT the same doctors. Ah. But the beaut is that "$30,000, $40,000 or $50,000 amputation--numbers may have been 20,000, 30,00 or 40,000, but you get the idea. It turns out that the SURGEON"S fee for an amputation is usually somewhere between $500--under Medicare, I believe, or similar insurance/government restriction--and maybe 3,000. Hey, for Obama to be off a factor of 10 is not bad. He was off a factor of 100 or so about that Kansas tornado.

4. I have campaigned in all 57 states, or words to that effect. (For youo Obama supporters, there are only 50 states)

5. Misquoting the Declaratin of Independence, by LEAVING OUT the reference to "Creator".

I could go on, but you get the idea. But what about that speech a last week? A year or two ago, Obama awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor POSTHUMOUSLY (after death, if I end up not spelling this correctly). Obama actually gave the award to the PAREANTS. Well, i this speech in the last week or so, Obama gave this affecting story about how he hadd given the Medal of Honor to a LIVE recipient, maybe even saying that he pinned the medal on his chest.

I ashk you: Has Michele Bachmann EVER made a mmistake this bad? No, I don't think she has made a mistake as bad as miszuoting the Declartion of Independence, either. And I think Republicans should stop answering these ridiculous questions without FIRST bringing up one of the many OBAMA examples. "Have you asked President Obama why he left "by their Creator" out of the Declaration of Independence? When you do, I will anser yoru ridiculous quesdtion. In the meantime, let us concentrate on the imprtant issues". Or: "Hae you asked President Obama why he said he pinned the mMedal of Honor on a live man, when the awaard was actually posthumous, and the man was dead?......" And so on.

P.S. No proofreading or spell checking (bad eyesight).

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