Thursday, June 9, 2011

Weiner and Feminists: This Blog Gets It Right--as Leftists Continue to Force Me Out of the Closet

Some of you out there may resist the idea that this blog is NEVER wrong. If you ignore the unedited typos, however, it has been FOREVER since this blog has been wrong. Indded, the audited accuracty rating is now up to 99.9% (significantly higher than Rush Limbaugh, who is wrong much more often). Doubt me? Consider this headline now featured on Yahoo "News", from the desicable Associated Press (jote how the headline soft pedals what I put bluntly and correctly):

"Top Democratic Women Dodge Tough Call on Weiner"

Correct headline:

"Prominent Democratic Feminist Women Betray Feminism"

Yes, I asked the question in my article ealier this week: "What happened to feminists on Weiner? I went on to say that I am again proven more feminist than these supposed "feminists". I even gave you the reason. These women are not really "feminists" at all, in the true meaning of that word (supporting women). They are LEFTISTS before they are women, and certainly they put their leftist ideology way ahead of supporting women, and standing up for women against indefensible conduct.

I bet you thought that was another OPINION article of mine that could never be PROVEN correct. Shows how much you know. If tit is so obvous that even the leftist AP comments on it, then it is no longe "opinioni". It is a FACT.

How do you know that the despicable AP is LEFTIST? You have to be kidding. Aside from those despicable propagandists proving it every day, look at that headline I quote above. "Tough call?" HARRY REID did not find it a "tough call". The ONLY people who are finding it a "tough call" are the supposed "feminists". This one headline tellls you all you need to know about the decline of the mainstream media inAmerica, AND the decline of "feminist" "leaders". Too bad that so many Ameican women have bought into this idea that "women and men are the SAME", even as the peope pushing the idea are continuously exposed--mainstream media and "feminists" alike--as HYPOCRITES whose real God is leftist ideology and POWER.

Yes, I am still conducting my Sodom and Gomorrah search for an honestr, competent AP reporter. I don't want to say who assigned that search to me. But I continue to advise you to stay away from AP offices, and not LOOK at any strange occurrences that appear to be happening near any of them. Let me just say that He who assigned me this search--agnostic that I am--might choose to give up on it at any time. Nope. I still have not come close to finding an honest, competent AP reporter, or any such person connected in any way with the despicable AP. My final report is due SOON. That may even explain why that "doomsday" cult assigned Judgement Day when it did. My original deadline was around lthat time, but I asked for an extension. I did ask whether I could expand my search to include a search for a non-hypocritical lefitst and an honest, intelligent "feminist". But He said He would not have me wastee my time on a futile search like that. Why He thinks the search for an honest, competent AP reproter is not jsust as futile is beyond me.

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