Thursday, June 2, 2011

Obama and Jobs: AP vs. AP (My Sodom and Gomorrah Search Continues)

In my previous article about the really dismal economic news that the mainstream media is ding its best to ignore, I mentioned the following AP/Yahoo (boycott Yahoo) headline from last night's featured article on my default/"welcome" page: "Job gaoms help close gap in state budgets."

WHAT "job gains"? That is not only my question, but it is the questiion asked in another AP article that came out in the last day or so. That OTHER AP article (NOT featured on Yahoo for any length of time, if at all--BOYCOTT YAHOO) carried an analysis that apparent "improvements" in unemployment are FICTION. The article says that when you include people who have given up lookin gfor work during the recession, the unemployment rate is really 11.5%. In other words, the rate has gone UP--not down. We have not been "creating" jobs fast enough to lower the nemployment rate AT ALL. Of course, when you include "underemployment", the rate is somewhere around 17%. So it is not just me that is calling the AP despicable, and a purveyer of blatant proaganda misinforming about the employment situation. It is the AP saying the same thing about the AP (reading between the lines). Yes, last night's PROPAGANDA headine angers me. The desicable AP tops itself almost every day in absolutely disgraceful articles and headlines.

My previous article again mentioned my ongoing Sodom and Gomorrah search for an honest, competent AP employee/"jurnalist". You can draw your own conclusions about whether God would really assign an agnostic to repeat the Sodom and Gomorrah search about whether people are worth saving, but I can onlyl advise everyone NOT to work for the despicalbe AP, and NOT to look at any AP building where strange things appear to be happening. You would not want to end up like Lot's wife. I digress (sort of). The question is: Have I actually found an honest, competent AP "journalist"--the one wo did this article on the fact that the unemployment rate has not really "improved"?

Not necessarily. I know the people of the despicable AP. Is the AP really doing an objective analysis of the Obam FAILLURE on jobs and unemployment? As I said: not necessarily. I know. You know. The despicable AP knows. President Obama does not want to cut spending. Democrats don't want t cut Federal spending at all. They are trying to "run out the clock" on the debt ceiling, and INTIMIDATE Republicans into some sort of SHAM "deal" to raise the debt ceiling (upon threat of blaming Repubicans for the "brinkmaanship" and stubbornness of DEMOCRATS. After all, if Democrats really believe we can't afford not to raise the debt ceiling, then DEMOCRATS could agree to spending cuts. What Democrats are sayying is that SPENDING is more important to them than the survival of the country (assuming that survival is at stake, if the debt ceiling is not raised). As usual, the mainstream media and Democrats are working together as a single entity (which they are) to blame Repubicans if the debt ceiling is not raised. But it is actually a game of "chicken",. In a game of "chicken", BOTH parites are responsible if there is a collision (or both cars go off of a cliff). There is no way to say Republicans are more to blame than Democrats if neither side blinks. The party which is "correct" is the one that is RIGHT on government spending. It is a mainstream media HYPOCRISY and LIE to say that it is okay for Democrats to stand on principle, rather than give up on their principle of big spending in order to raise the debt ceiling, whikle the mainstream medias say;s it is wrong for tRepublicans to stand on their principles. If you want to blame BOTH, as in a game of "chicken", then fine. But to blame only one side for standing on principle is a mainstream media Big Lie and propaganda gimmick. And yes, it is PROPAGANDA to say that Republicans have to agree to a FALSE compromise (the only kind Obama and the Democrats seem capable of), which does not involve real spending cuts (usually sham accounting and FAR FUTURE "cuts" that will never happen, and no one expects to happen).

What does all of this have to do with my Sodom annd Gomorrah search for an honest AP reporter? You should realize that by now. I have tried to lay it out for you. The mainstream media is TRYING to make the "case" that we CAN'T AFFORD spending cuts in these dire economic times, and that we may even need to INCREASE spending. Yes, mainstream media people are creatures of the Big Government LEFT (as are many establishment Republicans).

Problem (and the reaoson mainstream media/AP people are also STUPID): It is MORE obviously fatal to RAISE TAXES in dire economic times than it is to cut spending. President Harding, for example, in what amounted to a depression (around 1920), CUT both taxes and spending. The result was the Roaring Twenties. Democrats, and their allies in the mainstream media, have a dilemma here. Obama and the Democrats still want to RAISE TAXES before the 2012 elecioiion, and to RUN on a platform of raising taxes for the "rich". In a bad enconomy, whi theses schizophrenic people want to USE as a SCARE tactic (as they do with Medicare), raising taxes is DEATH for the economy (not necessarily ture of cutting spending, where the opposite may be true).

Therefore, I am unwilling to report (I leave it to you to figure out who I am repporting to.) that I have found an honest AP reporter. It is true that this article from the AP is correct as to Obama's total failure to "improve" the emplyment situation. Bt is this reporter merely working on this OTHER AGENDA grounded in the debt ceiling and deficit fight? Leftists, remember, care nothing at all for consistency, and don't mind being inconsistent and hypocritical. Therefore, I suspect that the AP reporter in questin is NOT an honest, competent reporter, but merely pursuing another--if inconsistent--part of the leftist propaganda agenda.

By the way, the dismal economic news is so pervasivve that I left some out of my previous article. A manufacturing report came out yesterday, and it was BAD. Further, a survey of PLANS by companies to hire indicated that comopanies no longer planned significant new hiring. Then there was that consumer sentiment number eproted earlier in the week, which was BAD. The BAD numbers just keep coming, and any "good" news tomorrow would merely indicate that the numbers have been maniipulated. When ALL of tae news is bad, you cannot trust any numbers out of step with all of the other numbers (including that 11.5% unemployment rate reported by the AP).

P.S. No proofreading or spell checking of the above (bad eyesight).

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