Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Mitt Romney and Anti-Mormon Bigotry: Vote for Romney to Prove You Are Not an Anti-Mormon Bigot

It is obvious to me. There is anti-Mormon, religious bigotry abroad in the land. The only way for yo to show you are not part of this evil bigotry infecting America is to vote for Mitt Romney. Until we make history, and elect the first Mormon President, this bigotry willl remain a stain on our country.

No, I may not vote for Mitt Romney myself--especially for the Republican nomination. However, I have never bought into this "guilt" politics based on race and religion. However, eVERY member of the mainstream media, and Fox News (see previous article), is required to vote for Rmney, or forever be labeled a reigious bigot. That is also true of every person who voted for Barack Obama BECAUSE he is black---to show they are not bigots. As a country, we have already shown that we are not bigoted against African-Americans. But we have not yet shown that we are free of bigotry against Mormons. It is time to make history again, and take on this new bigotry that is stalking the land (obvioiusly much more extensive than racism). Don't take my word for this. The mainsteam media, and even Fox News, are telling all of us that Mitt Romney may not be able to be elected President because so many people will not vote for him because he is a Mormnon.

Yes. I know. Michelle Bockman creates a problem. We know that we cannot make history, and show our tolerance, by votging AGAIN for Barack Obama. History can only be made ONCE. But we still have not had a WOMAN President. Problems, problems. How to choose between showing you are not an anti-Mormon bigot and showing you are not a sexist? However, we KNOW that a substantial percentage of the country is bigoted against Mormons. We have a POLL (lol). Where is the POLL about what percentage of Americans still will not vote for a woman? That was obviously the reason Hillary lost, but we still don't have a present POLL (of which I am aware). It is like a tree fallling in the forest, with no one there to hear it. Without a POLL, I think we have to assume that sexism is not longer much of a problem in this country--not nearly the problem represented by anti-Mormon bigotry. Therefore, the more urgent need for you, as a voter determined to make a stand against bigotry and to make history, is to vote for the first MORMON President. Women can wait. They are used to it.

I know that a case could be made that voting for John Huntsman--a Mormon--would also prove you are not an anti-Mormon bigot. Forget it. Not only does the mainstream media seem to consider this anti-Mormon bigotry as solely a ROMNEY problem (maybe secretly knowing that Huntsman is not a "real" Mormon as Barack Obama is not a real Christian), but Romney has faced this bigotry for more than four years. He faced it in the previous Presidential election. He has PAID HIS DUES. Nope. If you really want to prove you are not an anti-Mormon bigot, then you have to vote for Romney.

Yes, I have to admit some bias in my clever rationalization above as to why you pepple who want to prove you are not bigots, and expiate your guilt over Aemerican bigotry, should vote for Romney instead of Bockman. My younger daughter, Kyla, is determined to be the FIRST woman President. But she is only 28 years old. I would not want Michelle Bockman to deprive Kyla of her opportunity. I still may support Michelle Bockman myself, since I feel no need to prove I am not a bigot, but I will do so with an apology to Kyla.

Wait a second, you say. What if it is RIGHT to consider membership in the Mormon Church a character defect? Much of the mainstream media seems to think that way--especailly with regard to Mormons who seem to actualy believe in the doctrines of their church. Of course, you can say the same thing about the mainstream media and CHRISTIANS who actaully believe in the doctrines of their church (as distinguished from Democrats like Obama, who are not really believeing Christians). Nevertheless, if you are in the mainstream media, that is why you are REQUIRED to vote for Romney, or admit to yourselves that you are biogts. It is clearly bigotry to think this way. For example, the mainstream media is fixated, to the point of it being a fetish, on anti-Muslim bigotry. Be honest. Take your ordinary Muslim and your ordinary Mormon, and who is MORE LIKELY to be a terrorist? Yes, I am saying there is much more basis for anti-Muslim bigotry than there is for anti-Mormon bigotry, althugh I apparove of neither (not that I agree with what the mainstream media calls "bigotry" in that area). You might even make the same analysis with African-Americans. It is Reverend Wright who tells us that almost every young black man in America seems to be in jail. It is not me. Again, take your average Mormon, and your average black man, and who is MORE LIKELY to be in jail for a crime? Nope. The idea that there is "something wrong" with Mormons is bigotry, pure and simple. Peoople need to be regarded as INDIVIDUALS, and not as members of a group (unless that grop is transparently evil, like the Ku Klux Klan or an Islamic terrorist group). It is this insistence on looking at people mainly in terms of the group to which they belon that makes leftists the PRIMARY racists, and religious biogts, in the country today.

Q.E.D. Unless you leftistss and media people (primarily a redundancy) vote for Romney, you will have PROVEN yourselves to be religious bigots. I, meanwhile, will do what I always do: vote for the individual, even if that individual I favor happenns to be that most despised of creatures: A WOMAN. Yep. I am also very open to Herman Cain, a black man, although I am cming to think he just cannot overcome his total lack of political experience. For those leftist out thre who want to prove that they do not use race as just an excuse for advancing their leftist politics, an alternative to voting for Romney is to vote for Herman Cain. By the way, have you noticed the INTENSE propaganda campaign byy the left to try to intimidate the black man, Clarence Thomas, into recusing himself from the Supreme Court decision on ObamaCare? Yep. Clarece Thomas is a prime example of leftist racism at work.

P.S. No proofreading or spell checking (bad eyesight). By the way, did you notice that the first paragraph of this article might actually qualify as a "tweet". Yes, I despise Twitter. You notice that I could not stop after the pithy first paragraph. Sue me. I maintain that only Abraham Lincoln could say anything truly valuable in a "tweet". What can I say? I envy the Gettysburg Address., although you will note that even that model of brevity would not qualify as a "tweet".


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