Monday, June 20, 2011

Obama Becomes a Mexican Gunrunner to the Drug Cartels, While the Pathetic AP Worries about Broken Promises on Guns

Yes, for almsot four months, the simmring story out there has been about "Operation Fast and Furious", where the Obama Administration facilitated Americn guns bein sent into MEXICO. The supposed (INSANE) idea was to "track" the guns to see where they ended up--the idea being that they would end up in the hands of the drug cartel killers (duh!!!). This program--accroding to the whistle blower who blew the whistle--was evidently approved by the Obama Justice Department at the highest levels (Holder), and ATF agens were INSTRUCTED not to stop the guns from getting into Mexico. I seems that there is evidence that at least one of the guns was used to MURDER an American border patrol agent, and others have appeared at violent crime scenes involving cartel violence. So what GOOD did it do to "track" the guns? None, that anyone can see. What was the PRURPOSE of this insane program. That is what is not clear. Was the real purpose to try to build a case for AMERICAN GUN CONTROL, by means of the Obama Administration getting blood on its hands? Maybe. No sane purpose suggests itself, and that purpose is insane.

Yes, although the mainstream media broke the story back in March, the mainstream media has generally ignored the story. AP? Forget it. I am stilll conducting my futile search for an honest, competent AP reporter. But the story has finally gained enough legs that the White House was forced to COMMENT on it (not denying the program, but saying lthat President Obama neither authorized nor knew of any such program). But the story has been boiling over to such an extent that Rush Limbaugh, this morning, said he was being criticized by his listeners for ignoring the story (which he had reported on in MARCH). Meanwhile, what is a FEATURED story by the "Anti-American, Despicable Associated Press" (complete, official name) TODAY?

"PROMISES, PROMISES: Obama has yet to act on guns"

No mention of makig sure the drug cartels in Mexico are getting guns (at least early in the story, as I could not stand the agony of wadding through the whole meaningless story). The AP story was all about GUN CONTROL, talking about tings like Gabrielle Giffords. Here is a thought for the AP and Democrats: How about ENFROCING the laws we have, instead of instructing ATF agents, and others, not to interfere with guns going into Mexcio so we can "track them"?

I could never make this up. BOYCOTGT YAHOO (which relies totally on the dishonest, incompetent AP for featured stories). Yes, this AP story about Obama not keeping his promises (as if that were new) on gun control is what the despcable AP and Yahoo "News" regard as important, instead of the HOT story about who the Obama Administration has HELPED guns get into the hands of killers.

Yes, I DO think this is a "left handed" COVER UP. Sure, the AP "criticizes" Obama, but does so from the LEFT. Does that "hurt" Obama? Not a chance. That is the AP/mainstream media narrative: that we need restrictive gun control laws in this country. And their narrative on Mexico is not that Mexico is a failed lcountry, but that the drug violence in Mexico is OUR FAULT--because we buy the drogs and provide the guns. Well, it turns out that maybe we HAVE been providing the guns, but that the "we" in this sentence refers to the Obama Administration. You can see how it would fit the mainstream media narrative to "race" guns to American gun sales. (not that such tracing really means anything about Mexican drug cartels having access to drugs, since the drug cartels have infiltrated the POLICE, and have any number of other sources for guns). This whole narrative falls apart when it is the Obama Administration which is PREVENTING American agents from stopping the guns from crossing the border.

You just cannot make this stuff up. Wll, if you are the despicable aP, CNN or any other member of the mainstream media, you can. But, at some point, NO ONE respets you, I doubt if you even respect yourselves. You simply CANNOT treat "borken promises" on gun control as a major story (notice how the LEFT has immediate access to the mainstream media at any time), when there is this HOT story out there about the Obama Administration instructing peoiple to ignore the laws we have.

P.S. No proofreading or spell checking (bad eyesight)

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