Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Dishonest Jack Cafferty: Evil Anti-Christian, Anti-Mormon Bigot Shows His True Colors (Part 1 of article on latgest CNN religious bigotry)

What did I tell you about this obviously orchestrated campaign of BEIGOTRY against Mitt Romney, in my article noting that the campaign had become so extensive that it hd spilled over to Fox News, and even Cabuto? I told yo that the mainstream media obviously thought this campaign of vicious anti-Mormon bigotry applied to Mitt Romney, and not to Jon Huntsman, because the leftist hypocrites of the mainstream media believed that Romney actually BELIEVES in his religion (which the mainstream media does not like), while Hunsman (a sort of lefitst) does not. I bet you thought there was no way that this blog could be PROVEN right on that assertion. You are a fool, aren't you, or you have not watched this blog in actioin. It took a day or so for CNN to PROVE me right (anti-Christian and anti-Mormon bigots that they are).

Yes, I saw Dishonest Jack Cafferty on Wolf Blitzer's CNN show on Wednesday afternoon, and it was one of the worst displays of religious BIGOTRY I have ever seen. Yes, Cafferty and Blitzer both proved themselves EVIL anti-Christian, anti-Mormon bigots spewing evil bigotry with almost every word. In the process, Cafferty porved the point I had made only a day or so before.

Yes, it may suprise you that Cafferty would be so OBVIOUS about his evil, bigoted mind, but he was. The only explanation for this is that CNN--as Wolf Blitzer's nodding approval indicates---is to bigoted that they all reinforce each other to the point of not even realizing what they are saying. I could never make this up. Even I was stunned as Dishonest Jack started COMPARING what he understood to be the religious beliefs of both Romney and Huntsman, as if lthat were a perfectly reasonable "issue" in the Presidential campaign. Thus, Cafferty actually said what I had said-in foresight--a mere day or so earlier. Dishonest Jack actually said that Hunsman did not appear very religious, and had said something like that "he looked to various religions for guidance". Do you seee why I say--besides Bill Maher--that CNN is anti-Christian. Dhshonest Jack as much as said that it was okay to be bigoted against CHRISTIANS and MORMONS who actually are "religious"--while Blitzer stood there nodding. Then Dishonest Jack made his point crystal clear as to his anti-Mormon bigotry, saying that Romney--in contrast to Huntsman--seems to take his religion seriously--even holding some sort of leadership position (a "lay" position) in Romney's Mormon temple in Massachusetts. There was no doubt that Dishonest Jack was asserting that it was okay to hold the Mormon religion against Romney, but not against Huntsman (the very position I told you was behind the mainstream media attack on the Mormon church--but not on Harry Reid or Jon Huntsman. There is no doubt that Cafferty was saying that the Mormon religion, and the dETAILS of that religion, are fair game in this Presidential campaing.

Bigotry just does not get any more EVIL than that? Why is this so evil and not just the usual partisan politics from the leftist political hacks of CNN? Look at what Cafferty was doing!!! He ws ANALYZING the estent to which two Presidential candidates believe in their religion. CNN did the very same thing with Sarah Palin, and her previous connection with the Pentecostal Christian reiligion. Remember, CNN is the very same network that has made a CRUSADE out of the supposed "intolerant" way this country treats MUSLIMS. Message to Dishonest Jack Cafferty and Wolf Blitzer--to ALL of CNN: AMERICANS (not to mention Christians) have much MORE reason to regard the Muslim religion as suspect than the Mormon religion. I would go so far as to say evangelical Christians hwve MORE reason to hold MAINLINE PROTESTANT churches suspect, because they don't seem to believe in their own Christian religion anymore (I was raised Presbyterian, but in the 1950s in a small Arkansas town--Mt. Ida--where this liberal nonsense had not taken hold). From all accounts, Mormons LIVE their religion, while the mainstream media, leftists, and people like Huntsman do not believe in their religion at all.

You disagree with me on whether a number of mainline churches, and establishment people-, regard religion as some kind of HICK thing that no one takes really seriously? Fine. As an agnostic who has not been in chruch to worship for at least 50 years--the lat time I remember being at the age of 12 in Mt. Ida, I don't claim to be an expert on the various religions out there. However, I AM an EXPERT on what makes an agnostic, and in observing when a person really believes in his or her religion. But that is my point. What Cafferty is really saying--this is EVIL-- is that this argument is FINE i a Presidential campaign. Yes, I KNOW that Dishonest Jack, Wolf and the rest are HYPOCRITES, and would suddenly reverse their position if Fox News (for example) started to support the--correct--idea that President Obama is not a real Christian. If we are gong to start going into the religious DOCTRINES of each Presidential candidates church, AND into the extent to which each candidate believes in those doctrines, then it is not only Dishonest Jack Cafferty, Wolf Blitzer and CNN who wil become EVIL. Our entire politics will become an evil, visious arena for arguing RELIGION--the very opposite of what CNN pretends to believe in. Nope. Dishonest Jack Cafferty and Wolf Blitzer are EVIL people spreading EVIL. To even talk about the Mormon religioin as a legitmate "issue" in teh Presidential campaign is to embrace evil with both arms. And CNN went way beyond Fox News in doing ss (see the previoius article on the bigotry of Fox News). Stay tuned for part II of this article, on this LONG, evil, bigoted segment on CNN.

Yes. This blog has told you repeatedly: I am not a Christian. That is one reason I do not turn the other cheeek. That means I WILL fight evil with evil. If you have not already realized it, it is this ANTI-CRHISTIAN and ANTI-MORMON BIGOTRY on the part of the mainstream media that has caused me to repreatedly state what is true: Bill Maher and I agree that Barack Obama is not a Christian. Yes, Dhishonest Jack did a CNN "poll" as to whether viewers believe a Mormon should ever be President. What about this poll: Do you believe a NON-CHRISTIAN should be President? would you vote for such a person? Thre are assertions that Barack Obama is not a believing Christian. Will you vote for such a person for President?

No, I don't care whether Barack Obama is a hypocrite on his religion, which I am totally convinced he is. What bothers me are the EVIL HYPOCCCRITES of the mainstream media, like Dishonest Jack Cafferty and Wold Blitzer. Nope. I am not the same kind of hypocrite. I think religion has no place in a political campaigns (withink reason, disregarding religions that favor human sacrifice). Unlike that hypocrite, Dishonest Jack, hoever, I mean this literallyu. That is, I don't think we should be looking into a candidates actual religious beliefs. It is, however, another evil thing to say that people cannot ACT on their religioins beliefs in formulating their politcal positions (on abortion, or whatever). Note that Dishoenst Jack, Blitzer, and CNN are WRONG both ways. They are willing to look at a person's actual RELIGION, and treat that as a legitimate political issue (unless it is a religion, like Islam, that they are promoting this year). But they will say that Caholics (for example) are prohibited from fighting a SECULAR ISSUE ( on secular grounds) based on the moral/factual position their religioin tells them is correct. Dishonest Jac, Wolf Blitzer and CNN are EVIL both ways. It is an EVIL thinng to say that people cannot bring their religioous beliefs to bear on secular issues, so long as people do not say that the secualar positon should be adopted BECAUSE it is a religious doctrine. And it is reallyEVIL to say that we should argue ACTUAL RELIGION i politics, instead of the issues themselves. For example, it is an EVIL thing to vote against a Catholic because he or she is Catholic. It is fine to vote against a Caholic because that Caholic wants to make abortion illegal. The EVIS here are both aruing religion, as religion, in politics, AND sayihng that people are not allowed to express their religious beliefs through politics. Remember, if you are truly a Christian, ALL of your "good" beliefs originate with God. The initial war against SLAVER was maijnly based on RELIGION.

"But Skip, you still have not explained how you can--correctly--say that CNN people are evil, and still keep asserting--crorrectly again--that Barack Obama is not a Christian (because, like Huntsman, he does not believe in any religion at all). " You stil don't get it, do you. I am AGREEING that my continued assertion that President Obama is not a Christian is an EVIL thing for our politics, if that is the kind of regular debate we end up with in every political race. From my point of view, however, I am fighting evil with evil.. I refuse to cede the field to people in the mainstream media who think thaey can have a CLER FIELD. Nope. I will continue to call them anti-Christian, anti-Mormon BIGOTS (which they are), and I will continue to fight fire with fire by using the same standards to "evaluatge" Barack Obama.

Do You fquestion the "anti-Christian", by the way? Don't. Do you realize lthat Cafferty, Blitzer andd the ret of the mainstream media keeep saying that it is EVANGELICALS who won't vote for Romney. I am sure that there are some--maybe 5 or 10--evangelicals who feel that way in the country. Otherwise, however, this is hogwash. It is an anti-Christian statement. It is really the mainstream media, and people who think like them, who DESISE religions which might actually expect people to live up to the CONDUCT beliefs of the religoin. Yes, evangelical Christians and Mormons should look upon each other as ALLIES. People of both don't like abortion, homosexual marriage, premarital sex, and any number of traditional virtues. This is why the mainstream meida HATES them, and is willing to make their religion an ISSUE (whhen we are not even allowed to TALK about the flaws in the Muslimm relgin--much less hold it against a candidate). The enmey of my enemy is my friend. That is how Mormons and evnagelical Christians should think, and I believe mostly do think. I reject the idea that evangelical Chrisitans are bigots. But I have no qquestin that the people of the mainstream media are BIGOTS.

P.S. Yes, you will have noticed that I--an agnostic--am perfectly willing to give advice to Mormons and evangelical Christians. And you should follow it. The point is the same: The enemy of my enemy is my friend. And I am the ENEMY of your enemies. Plus, I respect you more than all leftists, mainstream media types, and establishment Republican types (excluding only tose FEW who really believe in a religion that puts the Word of God ahead of their personal beliefs). No proofreading or spell checking of this article, as usual (bad eyesight). Stay tuned for part 2, gong into more detail about the efil of Dishonest Jack Cafferty and Wold Blitzer. They are jointly in the lead for the next award of The Weiner, which would be the second consecutive award for Dishonest Jack (really on the same issue: the CONTEMPT Dhishonest Jack has for both genuinely religious people and ro people who don't believe as he does no "social issues", which explains the way he looks at Mormons. Want to bet that Mitt Romney--whatever his faults--has led a cleaner life than Dishonest Jack? I am willing to give odds.

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