Thursday, June 16, 2011

Pakistan-U.S. Relationship on the Mend (as My Futile, Sodom and Gomorrah Search for an Honest, Competent AP Reporter Continues)

No., I have not ost my mind I am simply quoting a headline from 2-3 weeks ago from the "Anti-American, Despicable Associated Press" (complete, official name). No, I have not tried to quote verbatim, but I assure you the above headline is substantively accurate (that is, an accurate conveyance of the AP headline ans story, featured--as usual--on the terrible Yahoo "News").

I almost wrote an article about the previous stro, at the time. It was obviously the most speciaous, stupid speculation you can imagine. It was not "news", and was totally based on the usual "anonymous suorces". What does that tell you about the "anynymous sources" of the deslicable AP. The story merely seemed very annyoying at the time, and not extremely important. Hoever, the headlines of the last two days make clear that the previous story WAS important--important to understanding just how dhishonest and incompetent the AP really is. There is NO worse "news" organization in any univers3e, because it is impossible to be any worse.

Yes. You know the headlines of the past couple of days--how Pakistan has ARRESTED five of the informants who helped the CIA "get" bin Laden. You know the stories--including from the AP, WITHOUT admitting prior dishonesty and incompetence--about how our relationshiop with Pakistan has reached its LOWEST EBB. You know the stories about how the question is now whether Pakistan is an ENEMY rather than a "friend". Whatever you think on that question, there is no doubt that the prior AP/Yahoo story was FALSE.

Why do this article? Does anyone care how bad the AP reallly is? Maybe not. But I have told you that I have been assigned, for the last seven years and more,, to a futile, Sodom and Gomorrah search for an honest, competent AP reporter. That is why this blog has been THE expert on the incompetence and agaenda driven dishonesty of the despicable AP. Like Lot before me, I am despairing of there being any chance of finding an honest, competent AP reporter. That is why you should stay away from AP buildings and people at all costs, and why you should NEVER actually look at an unusual occurrence around an AP facility or employee. You don't want to be a pillar of salt.

Yes, tomorrow you will get my weekkly article describing the AP dishonesty and incompetence--almost beyond belief this time, if you did not know it was the AP at work--about the weekly unemployment claims numbers that came out this Thursday morning.

P.S. No proofreading or spell checking, as usual (bad eyesight).

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