Monday, June 13, 2011

Sarah Palin, Anthony Weiner, Tiger Woods, and the Mainstream Media: Who Is Sick?

Yes, we know Anthony Weiner is sick. He, himself, says so, even if it is a Tiger Woods IMAGE ploy. From all indications, Sarah Palin is NOT sick. She has held u incredibly well under the most continuously unfair attacks any politician has ever suffered. But the evidence is that the SICKEST people out there are the contemptible peopleof the mainstream media, whose OBSESSION with Sarah Palin is clinically insane--and has been since 2008. In fact, it has gotten worse. You expect Wolf Blitzer, Anderson Cooper, all of the desicable AP, Yahho "News", the New York Times, and all of the rest to start FROTHING at the mouth at any moment. In fact, I would get a series of rabies shots if any of those people bit me. These people will talk about "hatred" (except when union demonstrators are spewing hatred in violent demostrations), when they daily exhibit cliinically insane HATRED for Sarah Palin.

Yes, I am talking about this incredible circus over the Palin emails, whiich again shows the OBSESSION that the people of the mainstream media have with sarah Palin. Doubt me? You should know better than that. It is so bad that the despicable Yaho "News' FEATURED last night (one of the supposedly sex or seven main "news" stories of the hour) this headline: "Palin emails are a test of old media using new media methods". Q.E.D. If lyou are that OBSESSED with Sarah Palin, you are CLINICALLY INSANE on that subject. Oh, you want to know what the story was about? Well, the despicable people of the AP--where I am still failing in my Sodom and Gomorrah search for an honest, competen AP reporter, after having been refused permission to expland my search down to the janitors and receptionists of the desipicable AP--the despicable AP was fascinated by the way the mainstream media has tried to enlist READERS to act as "journalists" to dig through the Paline emaisl for "dirt". Can you have a better indication that today's "journalists" are not only partisan hacks, and incompetent, but are LAZY? Yes, all the mainstream meida has done is look at the Palin emails as a chance for OUT OF CONTEXT attacks on Sarah Palin. Think of how GOOD Sarah Palin was as governor of Alaska to have the media find so LITTLE to attack her on--despite the help of "readers". In fact, the innitial attack was the SEXIST--these mainstream media people are the people who forced me out of the closet as a closet feminist, which is the SHAME of my life, beyond even being partly responsible for raising TWO feminist daughters--attack that the emails showed substantial involvement by Sarah Palin's husband. You might remember--the mainstream media obviously chooses to forget--that the mainstream media ADORED the "partnership" between Bill and Hillary Clinton, sort of portraying it as a model of the way marriages should work in politics. And there is that sexist implicatioin--deliberate and dishonest--that Sarah Palin is merely a puppet for her husband. You can't get any more sexist than that.

Enough. I am not interested in the Palin emails. Neithre should you be, except as evidence of just how SICK the members of the mainstream media are.

There is one other point here, which has relevance on whether Palin should run for President in 2012. I have said she should not run, although I have said I will support her if she does. I stand by that positon. This email circus, proving the SICKNESS of the mainstream media, supports me on this. First, it shows how Sarah Palin is BETTER than ALL of the members of the mainstream media. Doubt me? Again, do't. Now that the whole mainstram media feeding frenzy on the Palin emails has FAILED, what are these DISHONEST, terrible people saying? They are saying that the frenzy is not conclusive evidence of their SICKNESS< but really shows just how sick the Republican Party is,--since Sarah Palin "sucks all of the oxygen out of the room" . I could never make this up. The mainstream media is attempting to use its own SICKNESS as a weapon against the Republican Party as a whle, and especially against the possible OTHER Republican Party candidates for President. Do you need any more evidence that the mainstream media is both SICK and partisan? The mainstream media generates completely unjustified HYPE about these emails, and then desperately creates story after story out of nothing. And then the mainstream meida says the damage this may do to other Republicans, becakuse the media is SICK, is SARAH PALIN'S FAULT because she "sucks all of the oxygen from the room". It is like killing your parents, and throwing yourself on the mercy of the court, as a sympathetic figure, because you are an ORPHAN. The mainstream media is saying: "We are SICK,, but that sickness is why Sarah Palin is HURTING the Republican Party." Yes, that is why I say Sarah Palin should not run this time. She has not laid the ground work (like election to another office) to get out of the swirl of HATRED in which the mainstream media is going to try to drown her in any political campaign. That means Palin is going to have to run a campaign AGAINST THE MEDIA (I thik explicitly, and not just the war we all know exists). While I think Republicans in general should do MORE of that--ATTACKING stupid, dishonest, partisan questions and stories, it is going to look like just a continuation of the present war between Palin and the HATERS of the mainstream media. I believe Palin is at a disadvantage in 2012 firghting that particular war as a candidate--worthy as the war is to fight. Yes, I am saying thaat, to a degree, the mainstream media has succeeded in its SICK obsession with Palin hatred in making it difficult for Palin to rise abouve that to get a message to the voters. I think Palin CAN defeat Barack Obama, but she will face the obstacles of a SICK media that no candidate has really ever had to face--without laying any grond work for voters to judge her anew without considering the sick screen being put up by the mainstream media. Better to stay in your present role, and be a candidate at another time: That is my preent advice to Sarah Palin (who has not, of course, shown any interest in my advice, although I think she could do worse than to listen to me and/or read this blog).

P.S. As usual, no proofreading or spell checking (bad eyesight). My unsolicited advice to mainstream "journalists": GET HELP. Get therapy. Now I admit I don't think much of psychologists and psychiatrists. I consider psychology more of a black art than a scinece. I, you will remember, have a B.S. degree in a rEAL science (physics). However, my ony female freind (platonic, as if any female would be anything else--the surpise being I have any kind of female fiend) assured me just this Saturday that therapy HELPS. The problem, of course, is that Sylvia is NUTS, and I have to question how much therapy really helped her. I think she just loved the idea of having a CAPTIVE listener for her many problems. I now pretty much serve that function. Seill, mainstream media "journalists" are so obviusly SICK that the message should jump out at them: GET HELP. You are much worse off than Anthony Weiner. His sickness is only about sex, where I am becoming convinced most of us are sick in one way or another (helped by this modern elevation of "good sex" as a RIGHT that defines your whole life). The mainstream meida sickness is about out of control HATE, and that is to say that it is the same sickness as Hitler and so many other twisted people throughout history (not to say that Weiner does not have that sickneess, as well, as a vicious leftist). No, mainstream "journalists" need more help than I can give them in this blog. Despite my qualms, including the qualm that I believe that most psychologists and psychiatrists are TAUGHT to be Palin haters themselves, I have to advise mental therapy.

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