Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wolf Blitzer, Cheap Shot Artist

Yes, from previous blog articles, you already know that Wolf Blitzer is a hypocrites, a liar, and a dishonest political hack (along with basically all of the people of CNN). But now Andrea Mitchell has shown Wolf Blitzer to be a CHEAP SHOT ARTIST.

See my previous article ("Andrea Mitchell iis a whore"). Yes, Andrea Mitchell, and MSNBC, established that it was a CHEAP SHOT to make a big deal about Governor Christie using a state helicopter to travel to his son's little league baseball game. Andrea Mitchell did her best to try to suggest that, although it is a cheap shot, it is what you can expect from "politics". What she meant, of course, is that it is what you can expecdt from the HYPOCRITES of mainstream media outlets like MSNBC and CNN. The despicable Wolf Blitzer, and CNN, would go on to prove the point later on Wednesday afternoon.

You remember CNN? I ask that because no one watches--the American people conducting their own boycott without me having to cal for it. CNN is that "test pattern" (same number of people watching who watch a test pattern) cable TV network that did not know what the fuss was about when Michelle Obama gave the wrong "signal" by spending all of that money going to Spain, or when President Obama seems to spend most of his time playing golf, basketball, or TRAVELLING overseas (and even in the United States).

But, predictably, Wolf Bitzer had a whole segment about Governor Christie being "introuble" becaluse he had gone to his son's ballgame in a state helicopter. CNN even did an "investigatioin" as to hhow often Christie has used the state helicopter. Did CNN do an "investiagation" as to how often Nancy Pelosi used that military plane made available to her as when she was Spearker of the House, after she complained that her faovite type of plane was not instantly ready for her whenever she called? CNN was uninterested. But, as stated, we already knnew Wolf Blitzer is an outrageous hypocrite. But we have Andrea Mitchell and MSNBC to thank for establishing that Blitzer is a CHEAP SHOT ARTIST for making such a big deal out of this non-story. You should have heaard Wolf. He talked in those dramatic tones, almost like he was describing the raid on bin Laden. I think Wolf considers Christie---as do most leftists--as at least as bad as bin Laden. No inconvenient voices on CNN asking: "Don't you think this is a cheap shot?" Yes, I AM telling you CNN is no better than MSNBC, and can sometimes be worse.

Q.E.D. Wolf Blitzer is a cheap shot artist,. That gives CNN at least the folowing names, and nicknames: The Liar Network, The Bigoted Network, The Racist Network, The Evil, Anti-American Network,The Network of Dishonest Political Hacks, and now The Cheap Shot Network.

P.S. No proofreading or spell checking (bad eyesight).

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