Monday, June 13, 2011

Piers Morgan: Bigot on the Bigoted Network

No, I am not saying that Piers Morgan is bigoted against homosexual conduct. Now it is true that Morgan is probably bigoted against HETEROSEXUALS. You say that is impossible? No, it isn't. And an incident in El Paso about a month ago PROVES it. A man was badly beaten with a baseball bat outside of an El Paso GAY bar. The El Paso police called it a GANG beating. But the FBI investigated as a matter of course (article planned on this for this blog). In other words, if you are a HETEROSEXUAL beaten by a gang with a baseball bat (even a black or Hispanic gang), the FBI will ot investigate for you. But the FBIMMEDIATELY became involved in this case because it occurrred outside a gay bar. Yes, this is DISCRIMINATION against heterosexuals. The FBI now has the "job" of PROTECTING gay bars and gay people--an insane absurdity. But this article is not about Piers Morgan being bigoted against heterosexuals. ("Skip, why do you tell us what this article is NOT about, instead of what it is about?" Because I WANTED to!!!!!)

This article is about Morgan's RELIGIOUS BIGOTRY, which permeates all of CNN and all of the mainstream media. Yes, I am talking about BIGOTRY AGAINST the MORMON CHURCH, so long as the Mormon is Mitt Romney. I agree that HARRY REID (Mormon) never gets exposed to this bigotry against the Mormon Church, although he is a Mormon, but that merely proves that the members of the mainstream media are the WORST HYPOCRITGES to ever walk the Earth, on two legs or fou. I will go further. As I have shown you in prvious articles, CNN has an ANTI_CHRISTIAN bigotry--as to any Christian who actaully appears to believe in his or her religion. CNN has proved this by featuring Bill Maher anti-Christian hate repeatedly, although Maher has not been such a frequent guest since he AGREED WITH ME that Barack Obama is not a Christian (good, from Haher's point of view). In other words, the real "crime" of Romeny, from the Piers Morgan/CNN point of view, is that Romeny might actually bELIEVE in his religion, despite his supposed flip-flops. More accurately, Moragn and CNN think that Romney (and really any Republican or conservative) may not put leftist ideology ABOVE any religious beliefs that Romney may have, while Moragan, CNN and the rest of the mainstream media are morally certain that Obama, Reid, Pelosi and the rest put leftist ideology above any FAINT religious beliefs they may have. But why is Romney's Mormon religion an "issue", any more than Obama's LACK of real Christian religious beliefs should be an issue? As stated, Morgan and the mainstream media are HYPOCRITES, and relligious BIGOTS, willing to make a CHURCH a political issue for their own agenda purposes. (Nope. I am NOT a hypocrite. I simply refuse to turn the other cheek. As an ganostic, I really can be almsot certain that Obama is NOT a Christian. I simply refuse to let the mainstream meida make a big point of saying he IS a "Christian", while they have no intention of asking him probing questions about his religion the way they ask Mitt Romney, Mike Huckaby and anyone else with politics, and perhaps actual religious beliefs, of which the LEFT disapproves Yes, Piers Morgan, you are DISHONEST, as well as a religious BIGOT.)

What did Piers Morgan do? He asked Mitt Romney: "Does the Mormon Church believe homosexuality is a sin?" Note that religious BIGOT Morgan did not ask Romney whether ROMENY believes homosexuality is a sin, but rather asked Romnney to give the position of the Mormon Church. Yes, this is BOTH biogtry and attempted "guilt by association". Yes, Morgan clearly thinks that it is a STAIN on the Mormon Church to regard "homosexuality" as a sin. The question, is, of course, further BIASED and partisan because it FALSELY sates even the religious issue (I believe, although I am not a Mormon--having been raised Presbyterian). The correct RELIGIOUS question is "Does the Mormon Church believe homosexal CONDUCT is a sin?" But sinnce Moragan is a PARTISAN POLITICAL HACK< he put the question in the way leftists like to put it--taking homosexual CONDUCT out of the realm of "conduct", and trying to analogize it to skin colr and ethnicity (over which a person has no choice). Remember, the position of the CHRISTIAN CHURCH, since right after the time of Christ (see Will Durant's "Caesar and Christ") has been that homosexual conduct is a sin. Last election, Romeny was asked about the Mormon position of PREMARITAL HETEROSEXUAL SEX, which the Mormon Church also condemns (but sort of acts like it means it, instead of most "mainline" modern Christian churches, who seem to give a wink and a nod). Again, of course, the CHRISTIAN CHRUCH (almost all of themmm) still theoretically condemns premarital sex. But you will not hear Obama asked these questions. You will not even hear Harry Reid asked these questions.

Want more? What religioini condemns homosexuals MORE strongly than the Mormon religion, or any other Christian religion? Yep. We are talking about MUSLIMS here. Ahmadinejad, of Iran, has bragged about HANING homosexuals. How many MUSLIMS have you seen Piers Morgan challegnge about having belieefs so far out of step with modern leftist thought? The next time will probably be the first. Would Piers Morgan really start attacking a Muslim CANDIATE about the truly bizarre, intolerant, beliefs of strict Muslim fundamentalists? Not likely. CNN won't even TALK about the INTOLERANCWE of the Muslimm reliigion, as PRACTICED in most of the world today (not jsut al-Qaida). What about Joe Lieberman--Democrat Vice Presidential candidate in 2000? Was Lieberman ever asked: "Does the Jewish religion believe that Jews are really the Chosen people? Pick your own questionn. That would rightly have been regarded as BIGOTRY. As the headline says, Piers Morgan is a BIGOT on The Bigoted Network. If you are going to try to directly make religion an ISSUE in politics, you cannot help being a bigot. And Morgan and CNN do noat make any attempt to help it. No, I am not "reaching" with this. This is EViL, vicioiuis bigotry, of the clasically evil kind, and that is exactly what I am assucing Moragan, CNN and the mainstream media of. Listen carefully to the CNN debate tonight (if you are not part of the overwwhelming majority of Americans who are byocotting CNN without consciously knowing it), and see whehter you get any of thhese BIGOTED "religioius" quewtions (whether involving the Mormon Chruch, or Christian "fundamentalism").

Doubt me? Don't. This is actually yet another case of this blog being PROVEN right. Yep. It was four years ago that I PROVED that the mainstream meida was BIGOTED against the Mormon Church, and was willing to USE BIGOTRY against Romney. My favoite example is still from the "Anti-American, Despiicable Associated Press" (complete, official name). The despicable AP actually ran a story that Romney's GREAT GRANDFATHER was a polygamist (HORRORS--not). Yes, the people of the AP are BIGOTS (hardly their only fault, as I contiue my lonely Sodom and Gomorrah search for an honest, competent AP reporter). Yes, Obama is probably not a Muslim, as Bill Maher and I agree his real religion is lerftist ideology (which Bill Maher refers to as "secular humanism"). But, on his father's side, Obama has MUSLIM ANCESTORS. Obama's GRANDFATER (not great-greandfather) was probably a polygamist. Polygamy, of course, is still common in Muslim countries. Bin Laden had more than one wife. Indeed, although Morgan would never dream of asking about it, it is obviusly illogical to say that homosexual marriage has to be accepted, while POLYGAMY is not . Polygamy has a MUCH more consistent history in human societies than homosexual marriage, which has NEVER 9to my knowledge) been practiced in a human society before essentially the turn of this century.

Yes, there is also the Newsweek cover with a caricature of Romney, MAKING FUN of the Book of Mormon. Would Newsweek make fun of the Koran? Would South Park? The COWARDS of both Newsweek and South Park CAVE IN to Muslim threats (on the Danish cartoons, as to Newswekk, and as to the episode of South Park on Comedy Central about not showing the face of Muhammad, which was withdrawn). Yep. The mainstream media refuse to MAKE FUN of Muslim terrorists and extremists--much less ordinary Muslims--while the Mormon Church is fair game. HYPOCRITES all--the worst hypocrites to ever walk the Earth, on two legs or four.

Message to Piers Morgan: I am not kidding You are a BIGOT. And you are on The Bigoted Network.

P.S. No, I am NOT bigoted. Or I would have said I was not until being exposed to Piers Morgan. I have no problem with a name like "jose" (especaily haaving lived in El Paso for 40 years), or a name like "Jorge". I am growing to LOVE the name "Marco" (as in "Marco Rubio"). I don't even have antything against "Guido", the stereotype name for a mafia thug (or sometimes "Bruno"). I would even regard this kind of stereotype as somewhat bigoted, although it would be folly to ignore lthe Italian/Sicilian origins of the original mafia. But, really: "Piers"!!!!!!?????? Is there any name that more accurately SCREAMS out: "European effete snob". And Piers Morgan FIST the name. I have said I do not turn the other cheek,--not being a Chistian. Thus, if Piers Moragn can be a religious BIGOT, I can be bioted against all "Piers" in the world. No, He has not assigned me to a Sodom and Gomorrah search of the "Piers" in the world. I think He regards this as a regrettable lapse from grace on my part--worse than being an agnostic. I thik He thinks that there are all kinds of people named "Piers" in the world who are perfectly good people, whiile He is not sure there are ANY from the despicable AP. What can I say? The NAME so perfectly fits this worthless "host" that I have trouble believing it is a coincidence.

P.P.S. No proofreading or spell checking (bad eyesight).

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