Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Michele Bachmann Should Be President of the Untied States

Yes, this blog has now officially endorsed Michele Bachmann for President of the United States. This decision came after I consulted my hidden, inner feminist self--pushed into again coming out of the closet by the sexist mainstream media and sexist Fox News.

Think of it. You former Obama supporters (surely there are not any current Obama supporters outside of the mainstream media) have the opportunity to make HISTORY, twoce. Yos, you can say you voted for the first African-American President of the Untied States and the first woman President of the United States.

And Christians get to vote for an actual Christian (as distingushed from the "secular humanist" that Barach Obama is--a pont on which I and Bill Maher, as declared agnostics, both agree: the point that Barack Obama is NOT a Christian).

Do you think I should form a group: AGNOSTICS FOR MICHELE BACHMANN? I will think about it. Maybe I can recruit Bill Maher.


Cindy said...

I think I will form a group. I shall call it "Christians 4 Gud Speeling'.

manondog said...

Spell check might make this blog more readable. But then again, probably not...