Thursday, December 1, 2011

Occupy Wall Street Fades; Or Have They Turned on Obama? (Blog Right, CNN Wrong: What Else Is New?)

Present PROPAGANDA headline, from the truly despicable Associated Press, as featured right now on AT&T/Yahoo (boycott AT&T and Yahoo):

"After tent cities fade, Occupy turns to specifics"

First, it was as recently as Thanksgiving that CNN (The Liar Network), and its storyline LIARS, proclaimed that "Occupy" was "gaining steam". And that was even on one of their BUSINESS shows. You just can't lie any more blatantly than the liars on CNN (Gloria Borger and all of the rest: See upcoming article featuring Borge trying to trade on her "positoin" as a MOM-could never make this up). Now the AP story is total propaganda. Translation: As stated in this blog, the 'Occupy Wall Street" "movement" is fading: on the wane. Now left wing activists--the usual suspects--are trying to TWIST the "movement" into a vehile to push their usual brand of left wing activism. This includes Obama people. This is an attempt by the PROPAGANDISTS at the AP to push left wing idology USING the supposed "movement" (which was, itself, nothing more than an attempt by left wing activists to push their agenda USING "protesters" who had no clue what they wanted or exactly what they were protesting (other than capitalism). Doubt me? Never do that!!!!!!

Current Drudge ( headline, with link:

"Occupiers Turn on Obama"

It turns out that "Occupy Wall Street" protesters are planning to protest an event/visit featuring President Obama. Needless to say, this is NOT getting "featured" on AT:&T/Yahoo, or the despicable AP. This, by the way, is right AFTER the Obama Administration, and Ben Bernanke, announced yet another BAILOUT OF BANKS (this time mainly in Europe). See my article: "Wall Street, The Stupidest People on Earth" (this week in this blog). That is, in fact, why the stockmarket went up so strongly. The economic fascists on Wall Street think they have this PARTNERSHIP with the Obama Administration, even though Obama rhetoric has given them pause. Thus, they were encouraged when Obama yet again showed that he, too, is an economic fascist, willing to continue to bail out Wall Street. Make no mistake about it. This week's action by "central bankers" was a deliberate attempt to BAIL OUT Wall Street, and financial institutions and markets around the world. "Occupy Wall Street" should have ALWAYS been protesting Obama, who has been in bed with "Wall Street" from the begining (Wall Street SUPPORTING Obama in 2008, and pretty much being AGAINST the Tea Party--with a FEW notable exceptionis).

Nope. "Occupy Wall Street" was always a MEDIA/Obama "movement", rather than any coherent, 'grass roots "movement" with real objectives (:beyond those of the usual leftist suspects), That is what today's headlines really mean, as the AP/mainstream media tries continue to push ITS AGAINEDA using the supposed, and fading, "movement".

P.S. No proofreading or spell checking (bad eyesight). My older daughter, in Boston (who voted for Obama), by the way, is totally UNIMPRESSED with the "Occupy Boston" "protesters", who she says have NO coherent message and seem to be mainly interested in just camping out in a Bost on park (with no real other goal). She also says that many of them seem to just be homeless people and derelicts (hey, talk to HER--not me). She informed me that a Massachusetts judge had issued a restraining order (what else could you expect in Massachusetts?) against trying to interfere with this "camp in" by aimless "protesters".


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