Sunday, December 4, 2011

Payroll Tax Cut and My Brother: The Seductin of Bribery

WE are talking here about my pharmacist brother in Denton, Texas, who works for Albertson's as a pharmacist employee. Like all of my brothers, he believes that ANYONE will be better than Obvama, and does not understand how I can realize that, and still intend NOT to suport the GOP nominee (if he is Gingrich orRomney). However, I digress. This is not about that disagreement between my four brothers and myself. This is aobut an AGREEMENT,but an agrement that shows the power of BRIBERY.

As a fairly high salaried, but not really "rich"rtson's, my borther receives a $2000 "benefit" from the "payroll tax cut". He will LOSE that "benefit" if the "payroll tax cut" is not extended. Now, like me, my brother realizes the danger that the GOP is almsot ready to BETRAY his beliefs and make a "deal" with Obama and the Democrats that will betray conservative principles in favor of Obama/Democrat principles. My brother is smart enough, and has seen enough betrayals, to know how this workd--especially as we approach another one of these "Christmas deadlines". My brother also realizes that the "payroll tax cut" cannot really "stimulate the economy" or "add jobs". My brother realizes that it failed to do so in 2011 (that deal at the end of 2010), and willl not do any better in 2012 (if we have a similar 2011 Christmas deal). Problem: My brother thinks he is paying too muchin taxes, and thinks he DESERVES a "tax cut". That means that my borther is ambivalent about the idea of extending the "payroll tax cut" without turning it into an Obama/Democrat weelath redistribution, class warfare bill. In other words he is somewhat open to the DECEPTION that the GOP should "fgind a way" to keep the "tax cut", without making a "sell out" deal with the Democrats. My brother, of course, knows that it is hard to imagine the Democrats agreeing to any such 'deal" (infovling, for example, a REAL "cut" in spending, even if it is a fraud to say that succh a "cut" would "pay for' the "payroll tax cut"). Therefore, my borther--in a discussin I had wiht him before Thanksgiving, and one I had with him todya, realizes taht he MUST be willing to "give up" his $2000., Abnd he is. Further, he will BALME the GOP for a "deal' that betrays GOP prinicples. The point on whihc I disgaree with my borther is that this 'tax cut" EVER complied with Gop principles--at least conservative GOP principles. Before Thaksgiving, in fact, my brother was "worried" (this comes from both Obama and GOP establishment propaganda) that I would see him as "favoring" a taxz increase if he opposed an extension of the "payroll tax cut" (as he basically does).

You can see the SEDUCTION of BRIBERY. People don't like to give up money, unless they are so rich it does not matter to them. And my brother can afford to give up $20000 more than many, although not as much as others. And my borther is also SEDUCED by the FRAUDULENT LANGUAGE--the deliberate DECEPTION--of calling the "payroll tax cut" a "tax cut". See my previous article. We really are reacing the pint where ALL "welf are paymetns" are going to be CONCEALED in the Tax Code. We already have the "earned income tax credit" (a WELFARE payment). The Tax Code has beomce a Christmas tree of such bribes-individual and corporate. Yet, EVERONE (almost) professes to want to "simplify" the Tax Code. They--if they are politicians or media people, and too many others SEDUCED by this farud--LIE.

Oh, you can tell that my borther does NOT read this blog. He is too smart for that, as are almost all of my relatives (including my two lawyer daughters). Did I just call the one brother who does read my blog fairly regularly "dumb" along with the few "followers" of this blog? Maybe, but ot nearly as dumb as me for wrinting it. And, after all, I dont know that you "followers' actually READ these articles, do I? So I may not have called you "dumb" after all.

P.S., Noo proofreading or spell checking (bad eyesight), which I agree is more than enough excuse not to read this blog, even if it contains insight you will not get anywhere else. I do wish I could somehow get through to people on this absurd "payroll tax cut". It ruly does need to have a stake driven through its blakc heart. I am still concerned that the GOP cowards are going to find a way to make some sort of sham "deal" on this. History is with me on my fear. My brother fears the same thing. ALL of my brothers fear the same thing. My accountant firend, Tony, fears it. Any rank-and-file Tea Party person has to fear it. Will all of this fear and skepticism--this EXPECTATION of BETRAYAL--be enough to keep Boehner and his like-minded chohorts in check? Do't count on it.

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