See my article yesterday again proving that CNN is The Anti-Christian Network, and the Anderson Cooper is the worst anti-Christian bigot on that bigoted network. If you doubted me (never do that), I asssume yo do so no longer--after last night's Cooper "doublinig down" attack on the Christian relition (especailly, of course, fundamentalist Christians who may actually believe i their religion). Of course, since none of you watch CNN--a trait you share with alost every other human being on this planet, I probably need to explain the full extent of Cooprr's anti-Christian bigotry, and hypocrisy, to you.
Remember Cooper's previous program. He essentailly accused a Christian couple of murder for advocating what used to be the accepted method of child rearing: "Spare the rod and spoil the child". Oh, Cooper essentiallly also accused the couple of promoting child abuse, but I am not kidding when I say that Cooper asserted that their BOOK inspired some nutbal parent(s) to beat their child to death--Coopr trshing the First Amendment to the point of seriously asking a prosecutor whether the authors of a BOOK (a book not adovating injuring or killing a child) could be arrested because the book was used by a nutcase(s) as a recipe fro murder. I noted that what Cooper wsa saying was the EVERY MUSLIM CLERIC and fundamentalist author should be arrested for murder, because there is no doubt that the Koran, and other Muslim texts, ae being used by Muslim extremists to justify terroristm and murder. But you already kewn taht CNN was The Hpoocrite Network, and Anderson Cooper head hypoccrite. No "guilt by association" with regard to Muslims, because that would be bigoted. But let a Christian fundamentalist anywhere prove that human beings are fallible people, and the BIGOTS at CNN assert that every Christian fundamentalist is responsible for the acts of a few crazy people.Note that Anderson Cooper did NOT try to have a "debate" ovre child rearing methods. That would be, at least partly, honest. What Cooper, and CNN, did was try to say that supposedly CHRISTIAN child rearing methods wre responsbile for child abuse and murder, to the point of mentioning all of the poor children who end up in emergecncy rooms each day (as if most of those cases are the "fault" of Christians, especailly Christian fundamentalists). This is DISHONEST (common for Coopre and tThe Liar Network), and one of the most evil overstatements I have ever seen on televison--MUCH worse than anything Herman Cain has said about Muslims.
But Anderson Cooper--anti-Christian bigot that he is---was not satisfied with the mere implication that the Christian religion, and especailly Christian fundamentalists, are creating a child abuse problem in this country--based on the bovious absurdity of a BOOK being alleged to hae led to a child abuse murder. As stated, Cooper doubled down, and exppaned his allegations beyond this one Christian couple writing books on child discipline. Last night, Cooper made his anti-Christian bigotry perfectly clear, as if people might have missed the point the previious night. Cooper did another major segment (which I did not bother to watch--after seeing the Cooper promotion of the segment) asserting that ALL of those people out there encouraging a "Christian" child rearing philosophy based on The Bibe's supposed instructions, are promoting child abuse. Again, Cooper did not allege that these people are advocating, say, HONOR KILLING (or killing or real abuse of any kind). Rather, Cooper asserted (I HEARD him, in disbelief) that these Christians are responsible for the "misuse" and "misinterpretation" of their philosophy. Then Cooper went on to say that the segment he was promoting, to be aired later in the program, woud show how a Chjrisitan PASTOR (horrors!!!l) had beaten his children, and that CNN would have one of more of the children--and/or people familiar with the abuse--on to talk about how this pator's view of religion had scarred the life of the children. Uh-huh So the entire Christian religion, or at least the "fundamentalist" part of it, is responsbile for the isolated acts of individual pastors? Do yoiu realize, Cooper, that yoiu just CONDEMNED the entire Muslim religion. Dishonest hypocrite that you are, you probably don't realize it. Just how many MUSLIM clerics around the world are COMMITTING MURCER, or ADVOCATING MURDER (including several originatoin in the Untied States, or allegedly committing crimes in the Untied States)?
Let me be as blunt as I can, for the benefit of people as stupid (or as agenda driven) as Anderson Coopr: If you want to start counting up crimes committed in the name of religion, MODERN Christians simply cannot compare to MODERN Muslims. And "fundamentalist" Christians do not come cloes to being as much of a "problem" as fundamentalist Muslims. In fact, the EVIDENCE is that fundamentalist Christians are not a widespread problem at all, while extremist Muslims are a huge prolbe: here and in the rest of the world. It is Muslims--not generally Christians--who are committing terror and murder in the name of their religion. And this is not a few isolated individuals who would necessariy be inclined to use some excuse anyway (although that element always exists in all religions, and among people with no religion at all). No, there is a major part of the Muslim religion, as lpracticed in the world today, ADVOCATING these crimes. In contrast, NO substantial Christian sect is excusing this kind of conduct--or child abuse that injures a child. Yet, CNN would have you believe hat it is Christian fundamentalism that provides a major threeat to this country--not Muslim extremism. This is the debliberate blindness of BIOGTS. Further, it is politi cal propaganda against people Cooper and CNN donot like, rather than "news".
And it is not like MAJORITY Muslim practices in the world today are ot much wrse thatn the abskurd "charges" taht Cooper and CNN are making against fundamentalist Christians. Stonin gfor adultery, especailly for women? Hanging or other persecution of homosexuals? Opression of women.? I could go on, but yoiu know just as well as I do that "strict' Muslim law--applied in a grwoing number of Muslm countries---is more oppressive than ANY recognized Christian sect (much less the mamority of Christian fundamentalists). Yet, BIGOT Anderson Coopr, and the anti-Christian biogts of CNN, are willing to hol dChristians responsbile for the actions of a FEW, while refsuing to hold Muslims respoinsible for the actions of MANY. It is hypocrisy at its very worst, practiced by the worst hypocrites to ever walk the Earth, on two legs or four. Yes, CNN is right: It is wrong to hold all Musims responsbile for the actions of Muslims perverting their own religion (as Christians preverted their reiligion in the Inquisition and Salem Witch Trials). But how much MORE wrong is it to say that Christian fundamentalists are responsbile for the actions of a very few--actions which they do NOT approve, and do not defend (unlike the case of Muslims, where there are too many in the Muslim religion willing to excuse, tolerate or advocate murder and oppression in the name of their religion).
"But Skip, Anderson Cooper tried to take into account your objections. He probably reads your blog. Do you not say above that Cooper only condemned a 'misuse' and 'misinterpretation' of this "Christian" child rearing."
Do you need any more evidence of the evil HYPOCRISY of Anderson Cooper. He wants to hold the people advocating this "Christian" child rearing responsible for the MISUSE and MISINTERPRETATION of their religion--rather than holding responsible the crazy individuals who are using it as an EXCUSE for what they konw is wrong, You question that last sentence? If you do, then you are as silly as Anderson Cooper. Let me tell you waht Anderson Coopoer ws telling you last night--which is even more evil and indefesnible than his assertions the night before: "You can undrstand how individuals would interpret Christian child rearing, with strict discipline, to mean that it is okay to BEAT, INJURE, MAIM and KILL a child in the name of Christian discipline?" Yes, that is my translation of what Cooper is saying, but what else CAN he be saying? It is actually absurd--evil--to suggest that it reprsents a "misues" or "misinterpretation" of this advocacy of old-style "Christian" child rearing to injure, maim and/or murder a child in the name of such a philosophy. That assumes that it is a REASONABLE interpretation of Christian child rearing to suggest that the parents haev the right to beat the child unto death in order to instill Christian discipline Say what? Where does Anderson Cooper think he is living? In a MUSLIMN cpimtru applying strict Muslim law justifying honor killing? It is, in fact, UNREASONABLE (in the exteme) for Christian parents to assume that ANY Christian religoin approves of injurious child abuse or murder. And no one is responsbile for such an insane and unreasonable "misinterpreation" of what they are saying.
We live in a permissive society--especially with regard to sex. Are these advocates of a more "open" attitude toward all kind os sexual pactices "responsible" for the idea that 13 year olds should experiment with sex? Are they "responciable" for the i"man-boy" organizations ut there promoting the idea that the "relationship" between a mature man and a young boy is a "good" thing. Are they "responsbile" for pedophiles using their "philosophy" to justify pedophilia--to justify Roman Polanski? I actaully think there is a BETTER case for asserting this kind of responsitility than there is for asserting that strict Christian disciline is "responsible" for child abuse (real, obvious child abuse) done it its ame. Still, CNN (I am sure) and I would both regard it as wrong to suggest that promotion of the accetability of homosexuality makes a person "responsible" for homosexual pedophilia (absent actual advocacy or refusal to condemn the pedophilia). No, Anderson Cooper and CNN are anti-Christian bigots trying to assert a propistion that they otherwsie condmen,--asserting this absrud "theory" of responsibility because of their bigotry.
"Misuse" and "misinterpreation" are words that Anderson Cooper is actually using incorrectly. Muslims who use the Koran to justify "killing all infidels" are probably misusing or misinterpreting their religioin Similarly, the people of Salen who applied their special "interpreation of "Thous shalt not suffer a withc to live" were probably misusing and misinterpreting the Bible. See the difference? It is not a "misuse" or "misinterpetation" for a person to take leftist criticisms of the Tea Party as "terrorists" to go out and KILL Tea Party people. Similarly, it is not a "misuse" or "misinterpretation" of Rick Perry's (figurative) descriptoin of Ben Bernake as "treasonous" for a person to take that to heart and "punish" Ben Bernanke for "treason" by murdering him. Those are acts of individula INSANITY, which no individual could reasonably think were intended to be promoted by the people making the statements in question When I call CNN and Anderson Cooper "evil bigots" (meaning it), I am not inviting someone to go out and shoot up CNN. And I would not "take responsibility" if someone did, with a copy of my blog found on their computer. People are not responsible for the INSANE actins of other people.
Why were the Salem Witch trilas not a similar insantiy, and why are not the Musimm extremists out there engagin in insanity? Well, they are But it is not INDIVIDUAL insantiy. It may be that tooo, but we are talkig group insanity when we talk "misinterpretation" like this. If Muslim GROUPS support the idea that all good Muslims should kill infidels, then that is a "misinterpreatation" of the Muslim religion. Muslims who hear "voices from God" are no more "interpreting" their religin than are Christian psychotics who hear "vocies fro God" saying that God wants someone killed. That is not "misinterpretatin" of the religion It is individual insanity. While burning witches or hereticsm or homosexuals (sort of the position of Iran, if ou substitute "hanging" for "burning"), may be "insane", in the context of the shared beliefs of lots of people not otherwise insane, it is group irrationality which can therefore be regarded as "misinterpretation" or "misuse". Contrast that with the INDIBVIDUAL inanity of a person who would beat a child to death--an act not "pproved" by any otherwise rational group of present-day Christians. That kind of act can only be regarded a the criminal or insane act of an INDIVIDUAL, for which no other people not advocating that criminal act can possibly be "responsible'.
Individual responsibity is at the very coreof my belief system. To me, the idea of "guilt by association" is an evil thing. That is why I have not hesitancy in labelling Anderson Cooper and CNN as "evil" (at least in this respect) for promoting the indefensible idea that Christians, or Tea Party people, or thoever CNN and Anderson Cooper do not like, are "responsbile' for every individual act of their members--including totally criminal, unreasonable and insane acts not advocated by the group being condemned by CNN. What is ironic,of course, is that CNN makes this very pint with regard to Muslims, without seeng to recognize the HYPOCRISY. Nope. Anderson Cooper are anti-Christian biogts, and it is that evil mindset that has led to this indefensible evil of "guilt by asociation" (a remote and far fetched association, at that,, sort of like the "association" between Hamas--the terrorist organizatin--and Obama because Hamas unilaterally chose to "endorse" Obaama without Obama's approval).
By the way, is there a possible "misuse" and "misinterpretation" of the Bible that could be alleged her? Sure there is, but it is not suitable to the anti-Christian bigotry of Andrson Cooper and CNN the way indefensible "chareges" of "responsibility" for child abuse and murder are suitable to such bigotry. Does the Bible really suggest that "Christian" chid rearing should involve the philosophy: "Spare the rod and spoil the child"? I don't know. But I cn see that yo could make that assertion. The assertion you cannot make is that such philosophy is responsible for deliberate child abuse and murder. The latter accusatin is agenda-driven and bigoted.
Now I checked with my 89 year old mother to be sure, but I did not need to. When I went to high school (Silver City, New Mexico--hardly a hotbed of Christian fundamentliasts), teachers could still use the "rod" on students. Anderson Cooper--sanctimonious, dishonest hypocrite that he is) professes to be horrified that "pain" would be regarded as an essential element of discipline. No, we are not talkng INJURY or BEATING. But old-styple disciplinarians would be amazed to hear Anderson Cooper talk liek traditonal physical discipline was merely a matter of "swats on the backside" that don't hurt (which ws the type of "discipone" I gave my daughters, but which is hardly the type of discipline my father gave me). Anderson Cooper is an agenda-driven idiot My PE (physical education) teacher in high schol oculd have taught him a thing or two. Yes, he had a SWITCH tthat he used. No, it would not injure you. But it HURT. I know,. He once used it on me. I already talked aobut O'Relly talking aoubt the PAIN inflicted by nuns. This is a TRADITONAL idea; that PAIN is necessary to make sure that the lesson is REMEMBERED in a way that you do not do it again. My mother confirmed to me that this was the ACCEPTED theory of discipline through the majority of her life. She confirmed that schools ROUTINEDLY physcially disciplined children the way my PE teacher disciplined me.
Now--for better or for worse--we could never get away with physical discipline of children in PUBLIC schools anymore. Too many libability issues, and too many parents who oppose it. You can tell how times have changed when you realize that my PE teacher did NOT WORRY about my parents' reation to being whipped in a way that CAUSED PAIN. This was in 1962 or so--not so very long ago, although it exposes how old I am (born in 2947).
Q.E.D. Anderson Cooper and CNN are anti-Christian bigots. Just to make sure that you did not misunderstand the GENERAL ATTACK he was making on Christians, Cooper expanded his attack last night beoyond the single couple he attacked the night before. I did not need the clarificatin, because I understood the first night what Cooper and CNN were doing. But it was nice of Cooper to CONFRIM my assertin that he was intending an attack on Chrisitans, and not just an attack on two individuals. Cooper did that last night by expanding his attack to include all Christians advocating an "old-style" type of child rearing discipline (not formerly just a "Christina" style of discipline). Way to go, Cooper. I appreciate the way you went out of our way to prove you are an anti-Christian bigot on The Anti-Christian Network.
P.S No proofreading or spell chedking (bad eyesight).
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