Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Defense Blackmail: Propaganda, Propaganda, Propaganda--The (Evil) Establishment Fights Back

See Monday's article, completed today, entitled, in part: "Establishment Blackmail" Te (Evil) Establishment Fights Back" (title derived from"Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back", combined with Ronald Reagan's reference to the Evil Empire of the Soviet Union).

If yo managed to wade through the article, you saw this PROPAGANDA headline from Yahoo/AT&T/the AP from over the weekend:

"Doomsday defense cuts face select 12"

Here is today's headline fromt he same ssource (BOYCOTT Yahoo and AT&T--as I agree with the Starbucks CEO that business should be responsible for what it does). :

"Panetta: More defense cuts will 'weaken U.S.'"

Can even the most DIM bulb out there fail to realize that there is a PROPAGANDA CAMPAIGN going on here? And I have told you the goal of this campaign, ANED of this debt ceilig "deal": To SET UP yet anotehr situation where the mainstream media, Obama, Congress and the establishment in general can hold a GUN to the head of every citizen of the United States This is the BLACKMAIL statement being made: "Yu HAVE to pass a deal we will accept--you people on the super comimittee and in Congress--or YOU will be responsible for ruining the defense of the Untited States."

Of course, that is a LIE. Amond other things, all Congress has to do is refuse to do current defense "cuts". But "brinkmanship" is AlL the estalbishment knows--the ONLY tactic these people know to AVID a real debate on where this country is ging.

Be prepared for this PROPAGANDA BLITZ to continue until the estalbishmment thinks it has gotten what it wants, if it does. IN the meantime, MY position has hardened: NO DEAL. That is what I am saying. No SHAM 1.2 trillioin in "cuts" ten years fro noow. No "grand deal" if this means defense cuts, so be it. I refuse to be BLACKMAILED by these EVIL people in Starbucks, the mainstream media and the White HOuse. This is an UNCONSCIONABLE way to run a govenment, and I refuse to accept ti .

NO DEAL. And I will lPUNISH Republicans for the deal I expect them to really want. Tht is why they agreed to this BLACKMAIL scheme. Message to Rick Perry: I said today that I was actually becoming open to supporting you If you LET this happen, forget it. Mitt Romney: same thing I know Michele Bachmann willl be against it, but Perry and Romney can SToP it. If they don't God (if He eixists) may help them I won't.

P.S. No proofreading or sopell checknig (bad eyesight). And if you get the idea that I am getting ANGRIER every sinle day at the politicians of this country--essentiallly ALL of the dishonest bastards--along with the mainstream media, then you are correct. For my sentiments on this, see what Newt Gingrich said in the last debate. It made me think better of Newt, although not enough better to support him for President.

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