Monday, August 15, 2011

Warren Buffett: Hypocrite (Boycott AT&T and Yahoo)

Warren Buffett, billionaire, has been a strong supporter of Barack Obama from essentially the beginning. Yep. I am telling you that when Warren Buffett speakes nowadays, he is speaking as a leftist POLITICAL ACTIVIST. Buffett has long said that he is willin gto pay more taxes, and that "rich" people should pay more taxes.

Warrne Buffett is a DISHONEST HYPOCRITE. Wareen, if you disggree, you can comment on this blog (note my mainstream media tactic here again). If you do NOT comment, I will assume you agree. You should, since I am right.

Did you know that there is an sctual provisoni of the tax code that provides for people to pay EXTRA to the government--in effect, extra taxes? No, Warren Buffett does not do that. That is because Warren Buffett is a HYPOCRITE. He prefers to advance the particular charities that he WANTS to advance, rather than depend on the U.S. government to wisely use "his" money--even though his official position is that "his" money, and everyone else's, "belongs" to the U.S. government. Thre is nothing keeping Warren Buffett from paying more taxes, except his own HYPOCRISY.

Okay, Warren Buffett is a hypocrite. But what does that have to do with dishonesty? Well, it is dishonest to suggest that "rich" peoiple are hurting the rest of the country by failing to pay their "fair" share of taxes, and refusing to VOLULNTARIY pay your "fair" share. Why not CALL for your fellow billonaires to VOLUNTARIY pay more taxes, instead of , instead, getting togehter with those billlionaires on PRIVATE charities (for which you get a substantial charitable deduction)? It is like Congree DRYING that it NEEDS a trigger, or even a Constitutional Amendment, to "force" the people to do the right thing. LMesssage to Warren Buffett: You are not really a man of p;rinciple, are you, when you cry CROCODILE TEARS about your employees supposedly payng more taxes than you do, when you could write a check? You are a pretty despicable human being, aren't you--hiding behind the kind of reasonaing that Congressmaen hide behind. Gee, I am SORRY you have to be FORCE to pay the taxes you believe you should pay. One might almost believe that you are a POLITICAL HACK. Hold on. I DO believe you are a POLITICAL HACK making POLITICAL speeches. But that is not even the main reason I called lyou dishonest, even though it is reason eonough to call you a dhishonest hypocrite.

Think about it. Waren Buffett is not only a BILLONARIE. He is one of the richest men in the world. And he is an OBAMA DEMOCRAT (which should tell you something about the economic fascists out lthre in Big Business, and on Wall Street). There are probably no more than 10 men in the world that could be regarded as Buffett's "peers" in WALTH--certainly not outside of Saudi Arabia. Think of how EASY it is for Warren Buffett to "call" for "highter taxes"!!!!!! What does it matter to Warren Buffett? He has more money that he can ever use. Why not make a DISHONEST POLITICAL ARGUMENT to advance the cause of the politiciian (Obama) that Buffett supports? Doesn't hurt Buffett. Pocket change.

Then look at my younger daughter, slaving away in 80 hour work weeks for a slave-driving New York City law firm (lucky they don't read this blog--although this is my sentiment instead of my daughter's anyway). My daughter has BIG debts (law school loans, and loans for overall expenses in law school) She is living in one of the most expensive cities on Earth (WHY? Texas is a sane place), with almost the hightest taxes on Earth. Yet she is in danger, from Obama, of paying MORE in taxes, if she gets the smallest bit ahead in her profession (after all of her sacrifice). I ask you, Warren Buffett. How DARE you use yourself as a DISHONEST example--a specail case not applicable to almost anyone else, for FORTCE my daughter to pay more taxes? That is where you are DISHONEST. You are a DISHONEST example. I don't care if YOU voluntarily put lyour money where your mouth is, and give more money to the Fedderal Government. I despise you for trying to use yourself as a POLITICAL example to support a candidate with a speciaous argument. Oh, by the way, you are wrong besides. Your "policy" will DESTRY this country, and your children and grandchildren. Now I don't care much about THEm, but I care about my children and grandchildren (unlikely, unfortunately, from my radical feminist daughters).

Now take my borther, and other small businessmen like him. My brother co-owned a "smal" business named "Shipper's Transport" (a shipping compnay). The company owned, at its hieght, about 250 trucks. My brother actually boutght the company in a Buffetttype "leveraged buyout"--meaning the company had to assume extra debt (with, by the way, Obama ally GE--which payed NO income tax last year, and whose CEO is OBAMA'S head of the "Council on Economic Competiveness", or some such thing). My borther, too, worked 80 hour weeks to try to make "his' company a success. He paid himself something like $00,000, which was the same salary he ws earning before he assumed co-ownershp of the company. He hoped to expand his company and make more money, through HIS sacrifices. He could have TRIED to pay himself a Warren Buffett like salary, but it would have been looting the company. And, of course, he is not Warrn Buffett, billionaire. Message to Warren Buffett: You could not shine my brother's shoes!!!!! Let me ut it another way: Warren Buffett, you are not worthy of being head of my brother's LATRINE (like Andy Griffith in "No Time for Sergeants"). Again, Obama would like to DEPRIVE people like my brother of the benefits of their sacrifice and risk.

What happened to my brother? Well, government REGULATION and the recessioin doomed his company--along with the unreasonable aattitude of OBAMA CRONY GE. My brother then had to start over earning about $65,000 a year--LESS than the average salary of Federal workers, who have suffered NO pay cut. Thik of how my brother felt watching Obama and Bush BAIL OUT GE, along with GM and all of these big banks. Bailing out NUMBEROUS companies like my brother's would have actually been MORe "job creating", atlhough my brother did not---and does n0t--believe in such bail outs. It realy irked my brother , however, watching people like Obama use HIS TAXES to bail out OTHER companies. Yes, all of my brother's emplyeees lost their jobs.

Do you undrstand yet, Waren (may I call you Warren? I am sure you will tell me in your comment!!!!), why you are a DISHONEST HYPOCRITE?

Oh. About the rest of the headline, Taht is because of this PURE PROPAGANDA headline featured on the internet "welcome" page of AT&T and Yahoo (sharing billing at the top of the page, and I am glad to have them share my CONTEMPT). The article itself came, I believe, from the despicable AP (where I am still unsuccessful in my futile search for a single honest, competent AP reporter). Here is the proppaganda headline:

"Buffett call for higher taxes strikes nerve"

Notice the multiple LIES i this headline. The headline suggests this is sojmething new for Buffett. Wrong. That is a lie. It is something OLD (Buffett probably trots out the speech for provide "something old" for brides at weddings). Secon, how can Buffett's "call" for higher taxes "strike a nerve" when he has said the same thing for YEARS (in supporting Barack Obama, no less). Third, this has nothing to do with Fubbett. The mainstream media started a FULL COURT PRESS for highter taxes the mooment that Standard an Poors did that downgrade, and really the moment of that "debt ceiling deal'. This is just parisan propaganda from the PARTISAN POLITICAL HACKS of the mainstream media. Notice that an HONEST headline would have said: "Obama ally Buffett again calls for higher taxes for the rich" The AP would not know an honestr, competent headline if it saw one.

Again, if Warren Buffett objects to anything about this article, he is invited to comment. In fact, I would be glad to interview him, and put the entire UNEDITED transcript on this blog. What could be fairer than that?

P.S. No proofreading or spell checking Although I am younger than Warren Buffett (isn't eveyone), he sees better. However, I am not senile like he is

Hacerk Boy (hackig into this disgraceful blog, in the interest of humanity, and still not commenting on the allegations that I am connected with Rupert Murdoch): "I know I have said this before, but now Skiop has really done it. Skip, you can't say those things about Warren Buffett and get away with it. This is WARRN BUFFETT. He is an icon of American finance. He is a BORBBER BARON of the 20th and 21st centuries, putting togehter a corporate EMPIRE by buying out companes. Yes, this has meant he has FIRED people when he thought it was needed. Skip, this man has contacts around the world. What will he do to YOU? What will he do to your BROTHER (just for being your brother). What will he do to your DAUGHER? I can't believe it, Skip. You just can't say these things about a man like Buffettt--a man not only universally respected, but with the power of the Godgather. This is the end, for you, Skip. Do you think GOOGLE will let you do this to Warrn Buffett? What if GOOGLE needs something, like GE got help from Buggett before Buffett got his friends in government to provide a more substantial bailout for GE? Skp, you are a dead man.".

Skip: We will ssee. However, Buffett should know that there is ONE person who does not respect him: ME. (By the way, I hagve not forgotten the previous, unfinished article, which will be finisthed tomorrow morning--Warren Buffett permitting.

P,P.S, I am aware that this Buffett propaganda is being propelled by the mainstream media off of an op-ed piece in the New York Times, and not by a "speech" per se. However, Buffett has made ths same statements repeatedly--both before this o-ed and in connection with this op-ed. (orally). The fact that this propaganda originated--the big push, and not the long-tanding Buffett position--indicates just how POLITICAL tthis was all intended to be. It is like an orchestrated, choreographed ballet, as the maainstream media generates this propaganda originatin on the left (and in the Obama Administration) . What is it abut the New York Times--a left wing newspaper--that you don't understand? So the LEFTISTS of the AP (and rest of the mainstream media) pick up a Buffett op-ed "suggested" by eithe r the New York Times itself, the Obama Administration, or some other leftist, and the orchestrated campaign is on. Even if Buffett came up with the oop-ed idea himself --I have a bridge in Brooklyn I want to sell you if you believe that--the orchestrated political propaganda is still the same.

By the way, Buffett's statistics are ridiculous. As stated above, if we are only talking abuot Buffett, he can VOLUNTARILY "solve" the whole 'problem' by simply paying more taxess than he legally owes. If he purports to be talkingaabout other "rich" people, then he is a liar. No, I don't care if there is some basis for his "statistics". There is NO such group called the "super-rich". You cannot lump people together and say they are payig too little in taes (showing the futulity, by the way, of relying on hiher taxes to raise more revenue). Some individuals may be paying too litttle in taxes, and some may be paying too mcuh. But Buffett does NOT calll for "tax reform" to make tax RATES low enough--removing Obama "gree credits' and other tax expenditures--so that people do not have an incentive to AVOID taxes. 50% of the people in this country pay NO income taxes. And it is a LIE to talk about the "payroll taxes" they pay, because that is supposed to FINANCE a seilf-sustaining Social Security system One of the evils of Warren Buffett is if he is joning the cmapaign to treat Social Security as just another Big Government program, and the Social Secrurity tax as just another tax. That is not how FDR originally sold the program, and it is an example of the declline in this country if we end up with Social Seucrity jsut beig another Big Government program like any other (welfare, for excample, which is what Democrats want to turn Social Security into). The "rich" pay most of the income taxes in this country. But, again, there is NO "group" named "the rich". If some of the "rich" avoid taxes, we can try to REFORM (real refrom, and not a lie to raise taxes) the tax code. to make it fair. Hoever, this idea that "the rich" do not pay enough taxes is a LIE, because there is no such group. There are INDIVIDUAL people who may or may not be "rich" (see above as to my daugher and brother). In an upcoming article I will talk about the REPUBLICAN "religion" of eliminating capital gains. That, to, is absurd, but the preent 15% capital gains rate is baout right.

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