Friday, August 5, 2011

Obama and Spending: Liar-in-Chief Provides Tour de Force Performance (Guest Villains: Republican Politicians)

I saw the beginning of Obama's speech today. Have you noticed that he gives a speech every single day, and often more than one. It is what he likes to do--much more than the job of being President (speeches being only PART of the job, and not the whole thing). Every speech is also a LECTURE, and they all say the same thing (when talking about jobs and the economy). But have you noticed that our Liar-in-Chief has gotten so blatant in contradicting himself WITHIN EACH SPEECH (often in consecutive breaths) that even he is feeling the need to explain it away. The man gives me a headache every time he talks (even worse than Republicans, and that is BAD).

Today's speech was a perfect example. Obama actually bragged about 9.1% unempllyment--touting the pretty bad job numbers, as usual, because they were "better than expected"--see previous article). But he does that every month. It was what he did beyond that which "raises eyebrows" (using that media buzz term for Michele Bachmann).

Obama praised the debt ceiling deal as an indication that we are getting our "fiscal house in order." Everyone else knows that the deal is a political sham and a fraud. And Obama, as usual, said that we NEED to get our fiscal house in order. Are yo ready for whiplash? Then Obama called on Congress to do the following (could never make this stuff up):

1. Pass an "extension" of the "payroll tax cut", saying it puts $1,000 in the hands of basically every American. That is not exactly true, but for our lPresident it is a model of accuracy (assuming average wages, for Social Security tax purposes, of about $50,000. This is NOT a "tax cut". It is a GIMMICK. Obama's mere description tells you that. He regards it as a SIMULUS (which, by the way, FAILED this year). It is a WELFARE PAYMENT. It is a TAX EXPENDITURE from general revenue, paid with BORROWED MONEY, disguised as a "tax cut". It uncermines the entire concept of Social Security, as sold by FDR, but Democrats have abandoned that concept anyway. Do you understand the FRAUD here? This is supposedly a "tax cut" FROM FUNDING FOR SOCIAL SECURITY, even though long-term funding for Social Security is a major problem facing this country. That is not, of course, what it really is. The money does NOT come out of Social Secuirty (as it would have to do if it were really a "tax cut" in funding for Social Security). General tax revenue must "reimburse" the Social Security "trust fund" (not real) . But you know that we do NOT HAVEW the revenue. So what we are really doing is to BORROW billions of dollars to give selected people "$1,000" (or $2,000) to put in their pocket (all people who have Social Secuirty tax withheld). It is really no different that that FAILED Bush/Obama/Democrat "stimuls" of the spring and summer of 2008--where everyone got $600. Here, we don't give a flat amount to everyone, but it is really the same thing. No, I don't care if Republicans proposed a "payroll tax holiday" as part of the original "stimulus" bill--which WOULD have been a better STIIMULUS than the Democrat PORK bill) . I can't help it if Republicans are STUPID. Yes, I now I just called many conservatives stupid, on this matter, and I stand by that judgment.

2. Pass an extension of the already excessively extended 99weeks of unemployment. Again, we do not have the money. Even though we do not have the money, I would not be violently opposed to a "compromise" on this to cut back to one year, instead of two years. But I am sort of ashamed of myself for saying this, and would do such a compromise ONLY if we CUT much more than 21 billion out of the next fiscal year's spending. Again, we do not have the money. I am simply trying to show I can "compromise", even though it makes no sense, realy. But one year is enough. After that, get a job at McDonald's or go on welfare, or whatever. We simply do not have the money. We are BORROWING it to give it to you.

3. (Headache kicking in here, so I can't even really describe this accurately): Put constructin workers to work on infrastructure, as we "invest" in the future.

4. Pass a tax credit (another tax expenditure) for hiring veterans. There may be some job training in here somewhere. My headache was getting really bad.

I think there was more, but I could not take it. I did, however, perk up when Obama actually said (in effect, and partially verbatim): "These things that I have called for do not conflict with putting our fiscal house in order."

Say what? So Obama finally realized that he IS contradicting himself within his speeches, and that people are catching on. How is he going to get out of this one? Easy. He used the REPUBLICAN/CONSERVATIVE argument for lower taxes. I kid you not. Except Obama does not believe in the free market, lower taxes, or letting you keep your own money. Therefore, he twisted the argument insanely by using ti to "justify" MORE SPENDING (more deficits, including tax expenditures).

Yep. Obama pivoted like a quarterback tring to deceive in the bacfield, and DENIED that we really need to CUT SPENDING. In effect (although as Liar-in-Chief he did not say so), he DENIED that we needed tax increase. Again, I did you not. I heard it--live (that is, live on TV). Obama said that what we need to get our fiscal house in order is MORE GROWTH. And the only way Obama "knows" to produce more growth is GOVERNMENT CENTRAL PLANNING AND STIMULUS.

I felt like crying, even if my headache were not so bad as to be making me cry anyway . What has this country shown produces econmic growth? Right. PRIVATE businesses operating in a (reasonably) free market. Obama really believes that it is only GOVERNMENT that produces growth. His lie is to keep trying to say the opposite, leading to whiplash and insane contradictions in his speeches. If you listened to this Obama speech, you had to realize that Obama does not faovr "cutting" ONE DIME from Federal spending, but wants to increase it until he gets the "results" he wants (never, by the way, except that one of the results he wants is comlete government domination of our economy).

The man (Obama) is a piece of work.

Now for the Republicans (oh, my poor head). Those are the people who say they have "cut" 21 billioin from next year's spending, while INCREASING overall spending, as a major VICTORY. I expected no better of them, which is why I did not walk away from the Republican Party FOREVER just because of that ridiculous sham and fraud. Yep. I AM saying that such result was the BEST I expected from the Republicans. I feared much worse.

However, the other reasn I did not walk away from the Republican Party, wihuot looking back, because of the debt ceiling deal was thaqt I am CONFIDENT I will have a BETTR excuse for that. Look at what Republicans have done. Remember the "deal" at the end of 2010, where Republicans AGREED to this SAME "payroll tax cut" and extension of unemployment benefits? That added some 47 BILLIN dollars to the deficit (if I remember correctly). In all events, Republicans ADDED--not counting extending the Bush tqax RATES--more money to the debt and deficit at the end of 2010 than they have supposedly CUT since then. No. I do NOT give Republicans credit for these fantasy "cuts" in future years. I am talking aoubt the tie these people have been in office. And the Tea Party people do NOT appear to be making a difference, exceept to prevent an even more major SELL OUT.

You should see where this is going. Payroll tax cut? Infrastructure bank? Unemployment extension? More tax credits? Green energy? If Republicans in the House let ANY of this stuff go through, I am done with the Republican Party as an institution. Finis. Finished. Over. Dead to me. WE DO NOT HAVE THE MONEY. And this is "politics as usual", which is in the process of destroying tis country.

"But Skip, Republicans can't oppose POPULAR things wihut losing the next election."

Yes, they can--IF they are any kind of leaders at all (very doubtful). What is hard to explain abuot: WE DO NOT HAVE THE MONEY. And more taxes, as we continue to put in more central planning tax credits, are seslf-defeating.

But it is not even mainly that. It is time for people to stand up and be counted. "A coward dies a thousand deaths, while a brave man dies but once." Did I just call each and every Republican politician a COWARD? I came pretty close, didn't I So be it. I do not take it back. Yous ee why I am confident Republicans will give me an excuse to walk away from the Republican Party FOREVER. Passing almost ANYTHING Obama wants--see above--will ADD more to the deficit than Republicans have "cut". Again, I give NO credit for "future years", or the "next ten years". What happens if EVERY YEAR we add more to the deficit than we "cut"? Oh, you can answer that one. At some point, you have to start REDUCING the deficit, and the debt. NOW is the time to start, and I will not give a pass to any Republican who does not ACT liek he or she talks on that.

P.S. No proofreading or spell checking (bad eyesight)

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