Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Brain Eating AMoeba Eats Brain of President Obama, Mainsteam media and Most of Congress

I bet ou think I am making this up? Wrong; Here is the AP (admittedly a very suspect source) headlije noe featured on AT&T/Yahoo (boycott Yahoo and AT&T):

"Brain eating amoeba claims second victim in a month'

Now I admit that the article does not refer to President Obama, the mainsteram media or Congress. But I ask you. Is there any other reasonable conclusinon that explaains all of teh facts? It is obvius that the spread of this brain eating amoeba is underestimated, and that it long ago claimed many more victims--including in the mainstream media and in ggovernment. Is ter any other explanation for President Obama and most of Congres? And the evidence is that the amoeba got to the peole of the mainstream media FIRST.

P.S. By the way, it struck me that I might have been a little insensitive to the very real suffering of the people who are dying from this problem. I don't mean to be. The headline just struck me as something the National Enquirer might feeature. lIt reminded me of Tommy Lee Jones, in "Men in Black", saying that the best "investigative reporting" is being done by the sensational tabloids. You may have rightly not found it funny. It jsut struck me as a good hook for a not-serious article. I certainly hope that no further people die from this dangerous organism--which has appeared in El Paso in the past (a killiing amoa--whether the exact same organism or not). In my career as an attorney in El Paso, I encountered a number of thee dangers in the world whcih do not really come to the attention of most people (until a national story like thiss). The thing is that this kind of thing is RARE. Some 40,000 people are still dying in traffic accidents each year. 16,000 people or so are being murdered each year. In the overall scheme of things, these rather bizarre and unusual deaths are like being hit by lightning. However, for the people hit--just as for the peole hit by lightning--the sffering is real. I did not mean to dminish those victims with my article. As usual, not one commented. But it occurred to me that this articl ecould be taken as a little more insensitive than I intended---although you all know that I am not the sensitive type. Hence, this P.S.

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