Sunday, August 14, 2011

Chris Wallace: Stupid, Dishonest Political and Media Hack (on the Unfair and Unbalanced Network)

I acually heard Chris Wassace say this today, on the unfair and unbalanced network, referring to why Mitt Romney may have troubleas a "moderate" in the Repubican Party (I think Wallace was referring to Romney, although there are others he could have been referencing); "The Republican Party jsut does nto nominate moderates".

Tht disposes of Chis Wallace: exposing him again as both a liar and a person who says more outrageous things that Michele Bachmann ever thought of saying.

Who was nominated in 2008, as a Republican? John McCain (moderate). Who was nominated in 2000? George W. Bush (moderate--okay I will give Wallace this one on the groud that Bush is falsely perceived as a conservative). 19996? Bob Dole (moderate). 1992? George H. W. Bush (moderate). 1988? George H. W. Bush (moderate). 1980? Ronald Reagan (conservative). 1976? Gerald Ford (moderate, OVER conservative Reagan). 1968 and 1972? Nixon (moderate, again over Reagan in 1968, as well as Rockefeller). 1964? Barry Goldwater (conservative, although later a favorite of lefitsts on social issues).

You say that Wallace probably does not consider my "moderates" to be moderate? That just shows Wallace to be a LEFTIST, doesn't it? And a dishonest one. Nixon imposed price controls and conducted the Kissinger PRAGMATIC foreign policy. He was not a "conservative", except in his enemies. I said so at time, as I was in the University of Texas School of Law and supportig Nixon against McGovern, and I say so now. Ford? No question. George H. W. Bush ran AGAINST Ronald Reagan, and called Reaganomics "voodoo econoics". By any reasonable standard, he was a "moderate". Now you might regard Bob Dole, and even Nixon, as more "establishment" candidates than "mocerate", but either tem is pretty much accurate. George W. Bush did the Medicare Drug Benefit Program, the bailouts, a "stimulus", all kinds of spending, No Child Left Behind (with Ted kennedy), and so on. On dometic issues, Bush was a MODERATE. Remember the Bush/McCai/Kennedy illegal amnesty bill? If not a "mocderate", Bush was very definitely not a conservative.

Wha is true is that the Repubican Party does not nominate LIBERALS. A caveat here. I would call McCain a liberal. And severalof the others. But I admit I am talking as a conservative. What does that mean? It means that Wallace is talking as a LEFTIST. That is what he is, and he simply cannot see any other point of view (or is dishonest). If tthere is a bias shown by Republican history, it is toward ESTABLISHMENT types. These people can be regarded as neither of the left nor the right, since they have few real principles. But is not that the DEFINITION of a "moderate" (put, I admit, in an unflattering, if accurate, way).

Or is Wallace referring to the "litmus' test that leftists and mainstream media types seem to have for the term "moderate"? You don't know what I am talking aoubt? That is why you need me-to explain these obvious things to you. In mainstream media terminology, "moderate" means almost EXCLUSIVEWLY one thing: PRO-ABORTION. Unless you are "moderate" on aboortion, you cannot be a "moderate" to these people. It is hard to imagie a more absurd positon, and one more obsessed with "social issues" (which do obsess these people). Yes,ou culd add the issue of homoseuxal "rights". But really it is abortioin that is key. Leftists, including the mainstream media, DEFNIE "moderate" in terms of abortion, at least in a negative sense. In other words, you CANNOT be "moderate" and be pro-life (at least as a Republican). Nonsense, of course. And if you think Ford, Nixon and George H. W. were that "pro-life"--whatever they said--you are mistaken. Nixon--or was it Ford--established the EPA. Nixon did not even CARE about antything besides foreign policy and his domestic enemies--being willing to embrace almost any domestic policy. Bush came close to embracing "global warming' (Bush 43). "Conservative", to Wallace and his ilk, is anyone to the right of the consensus of the left--the "center" of the left. That is because people like Wallace don't even consider reall conservatives rational at all, and therefore not to be looked at in determining where the "center" is. Remember, the MODERATE position on abortion used to be that "abrotion on demand" was outrageous, and that abortoin should be restricted (with fairly genrous exceptions). People like Walace will not even now allow you to be called a "moderate" with that positon!!!!!!! Not on anything It is a "litmus test" for acceptance by the mainstream media that yoi favor the "pro-choice" position on aborton--at least unless you are otherwise a leftist Democrat.

Wallace is a dhishoenst, leftist political hack He confirms that with every word he says. No, I don not acutally think he is that far out of step with his network: the unfair and unbalanced network. Boycott the unfair and unbalanced network

P.S. No proofreading or spell checking (bad eyesight).

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