Monday, August 8, 2011

CNN and Jobs: The Liar Network Lies Again

Statement from CNN business "journalist" today: "Everone on Walll Street tells me that the job report of Friday was solid, but that has not been enough to outweigh the downgrade and news from Europe."

Any network that will produce an Orewllian Big Lie that blatant has more than EARNED the title of "The Liar Network". No. This is NOT a matter of opinion. NO respected authority has called the jobs report on Friday "solid". A "solid' jobs report is creating 250,000-300,000 jobs. The number of jobs "created" in July was 117,000--not even enough to keep us more than even, in a BAD place (as indicated by the unemployment rate remaining essentially unchanged at 9.1%).

This blog told lyou the correct view of Firday's job data, and "solid" is not even close. The data was "less bad" than expected--not "solid". Even the 157,000 private sector jobs supposedly created was NOT a "solid" number. In this case, as a matter of fact, this blog merely stated the CONSENSUS opinion. Despite what The Liar Network said, the general view of the Friday jobs data has been that it was marginally better than expected, but hardly enough to show real progress. Even President Obama, Liar-in-Chief, was not blatant enough to call the datta "solid".

Gainn, a partisan politcal hack like this, and it is the only kind that appears on CNN, will say ANYTHING.

You have guessed it. I have told you about my assignment--ongoing for more than seven years now--to conduct a Sodom and Gomorrah search for an honest, competent AP reporter. I am convinced this is my PUNISHMENT for being an agnostic. I have now faced tghe unhappy reality: My already obviously futile and frustrating assignment has been EXPANDED to include CNN. That means that if you, or I (in the pursuit of my assignment), happen to be looking at CNN, we may turn into pillars of salt at any moment (when "you know who" decides I have been punished enough),

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