We need to go back to 9/11, to the Ft. Hood shooting, and to all of those other incidents where extreme Muslims have murdered people over the past 30 years or so. No, this is not about condemning Muslims, although it is clear that too many Muslims n the world are being TAUGHT to HATE in the name of religion. I am about to hand Anderson Cooper his head, and show why CNN is a BIGOTED network (bigoted against Christians).
Segue to CNN and Anderson Cooper last night. You may have heard this cliche': "Spare the rod and spoil th echild" It was an accepted philosophy of child rearnig for THOSANDS of yers of human history--not excluseively, or at all times and all places, but rarely condemned. You could ARGUE (without being able to prove) that the rise of "permissive" child rearing has proven the old adage, and that too many children toda are being raised to be Casey Anthony. In fact, you could blame Anderson Cooper and CNN--if you adopt the standards of Anderson Cooper and CNN--for KILLING CHILDEN by promoting the raising of more Casey Anthonys out there. I don't accuse them of killng children (in this instance), but I do accuse them of being anti-Christian bigots. The story in point last night was about a CHRISTIAN (emphasis not added--Anderson Cooper and CNN pounded the pont) coupe who write books advocating use of the "rod" (not to injure, but in the spirit of the old adage) to discipline children correctly. As stated, this Christian couple can point to modern culture as proof we are raising children wrongly, althoiugh it is certainly an arguable point..
What did this horrible Christian couple do? Again, "horrible' is not hyperbole on my part: it was the clear implication of the CNN/Cooper story. Did this Christian couple beat a child, and accidentally injure the child for life (or kill the child)? Not on your life. The couple raised 5 chilldren, apparently without incdent, although the despicable Anderson Cooper did make a point out of the assertion that the children work for their parents (the implicatin being that this disproves the Christian couple's assertiion that the children all turned ut fine using their child rearing methods). What this Christian couple did was WRITE A BOOOK. I could never make this up. Anderson Cooper really is this EViL--so evil that he does not believe in the Firt Amendment, at least when it gts in the way of his anti-Christian bigotry. Now this book did not advocate killng children, maiming children, or injuring children. The book advocated the old child rearing philosophy that a shrp pain, like being rapped over the hand with a ruler (which Bill O'Reilly insists that the nuns of his experience did) , is an effective way of getting a child's attention, and having the child REMEMBER the lesson. Now this is objectively true--not even arguable. The quetion is, of courase, whether the downside of "physical violence"--the unintended lesson---is worse than the upside of what might be called "aversion therapy". Cooper was not interested in this philosophic discusson. He, and CNN, were only interested in DEMONIZING this Christian couple for WRIING A BOOOK.
What about this book? It turns out that the boook was ound in the home of parents (I think two parents, but I did not pay too much attention to that) who beat their children so badly (with rods) that one of the children died. Passages in the Christian couple's book were underined, and the Cooper "theory" (this man--Cooper--is truely a dshonest bigot) was that the BOOK was responsible for killing that child. I cannot tell you how EVIL (a word I mean here) a "theory' this is!!!! So the BOOK made them do it--these nut jobs who clearly liked inflicting pain and injury. Did I mention that Cooper is bone deeep stupid, unless you understand that he is willing to say aything to advbance his, and CNN's, anti-Christian agenda. Doubt me? Never do that. Cooper went to the District Attorney and asked (hopefully) if there wern't some CRIME you could charge this Christian couple with for WRITING A BOOK. I am not kiddin gher. Cooper did his best to get this Christian couple CHARGED WITH A CRIME--basically stating that they killed this child. It actually gets worse. You might not be able to imagine how it could get worse, but anti-Christian Anderson Cooper and the anti-Christian bigots at CNN could imagne how to make their bigotry wores.
Cooper then put an "expert" on to talk about ow so many kids are endin gup in the emergency room as abused children, all because of this Christian couple!!!!! Well, they did not exactly say that (which emphasizes the EVIL of that they did say), but that was the clear implication: at the very least that it is people LIKE this Chistian couple, or the people who read their books, who put all of these poor children in the emergency room every year. Casey Anthony, for example. I am sure SHE read this couple's books. No, I don't thnk so either. But Anderson Cooper must have a poit. How else do you explain how child abuse has DECREASED do much with the advent of permissive child rearing. What's that? You haven't noticed that child abuse has decreased (unless you rig the question and call ordinary spankng "child abuse"). Come to tink of it, byou are right. Come to think of it, I think Anderson Cooper and CNN DID kill this child, with their advocacy of permissive child rearearing creating a complete breakdown in moral order in this country. But that is a minor charge, compared to the charge that can be laid against MUSLIMS.--against Muhammad himself. Yes, according to Anderson Cooper, Muhammad is a MURDERER, or Anderson Cooper would have to say that if he were ot one of the wort hypocrites to ever walk the Earth, on two legs or four. It is Cooper who has set thestandard: If kooks use a book to inspire then to murder, then the author of the boook (or maker of the statements) is responsible for the deaths.
It is lucky Muhammad is dead. Otherwise, we would have to arrest him for murder. Did not the Ft. Hood shooter quote the Koran (Quran), and Muslim "thinkers" suppsedly inspired by the Koran? What about the 9/11 hijackers? Were they not "inspired" by the words of Muhammmad? What about all of those Muslim clerics in Saudi Arabia, teaching HATE in the name of Islam (the source of al-Qaida--see Frederick Forsyth's "The Afthan"). Is CNN interested in tracing back the "inspiration" of all of those Muslim killers and terrorists out there? Of coure not. CNN is the ANTI-CHRISTIAN network. CNN takes the positon that Muslims who use the Koran, or other Muslim teaching, to justify murder are perverting Islam. That is at least partially true, and all Muslims are not terrorists or killers, but do Anderson Cooper and CNN realize that they are PROVING themselves to be among the worst, most dishonest, hypocrites to ever walk the Earth, on two legs or for? Muslim teaching--perverted by mere humans as it may be-has "inspired" more murders and mayhem than this not only this Chrisitian couple, but the entire Christian religion, in modern times. The Christian religion did ONCE inspire this kind of thing, back in the days of the Sapnish Inquisition and even the Salem Witch Trials. But, in today's world, it is the Muslim religion whcih is the main religious "inspiration" for murder and mayhem. (and for intolerance).
What about strict Muslim law? Honor killling. Suppression of girls. Haning of homosexuals. Stoning of women for adultery. Just how are MUSLIM parents advised to treat children? CNN is not interesteed (except the occasioinal story which may talk aobut advances for women, wihout really emphasizing just how BADLY women are treated throughout most of Islam). Does CNN look into the books, or even notes, of all of these Muslims caught committing terror,or planning terror. Don't be silly. That would be GIGOTED. Okay, CNN and Anderson Cooper. I am accepting uyour standards. You are BIGOTED--some of the worst anti--Christian bigots in the world today. What if a CHRISTINA ins found murdered, and a tape of Anderson Cooper attacking Christians is found at thehome of the murderer? Shoud we areest Andeson Cooper? Well, I have called this an EVIL way of thinking, and it is. But I am willing to make an exception in the ase of Anderson Cooper. If anyone ever deserved to be unjustlly arrested, it is him.
No. You just can't defend this. This is anti-Christian bigotry. It is not "news". It is not even defefensible speculation. It is merely an attack on Christians, becasue CNN and Anderson Cooper hate fundamentalist Christians. They --Cooper and CNN--are bigots, putre and simple. Now can you assert that spanking is harmful to children? Sure you can. But the reason CNN did not do THAT is becaus it is not obvius that it is true. It MAY be true, but it is not bovious.. As stated, yoiu can argue that the oppposite is true. Rather than "debate" the real issue about discipline of children, CNN and Cooper siply chose to falsely accuse this Christian couple--and, by extensin, all people who advocate hpysicial punishment of children--of being responsible for all of the child abuse in this country. I am wating for Anderson Cooper to explain how Casey Anthony was the restulf of STRICT upbringing. I know there were allegations of sexual abuse, but I don't remember that she was "insppired" by stict theories of child rearing to do what we all know she did to her child (whether they proved it or not).
I don't want to go past the general point, beyond the anti-Christian bigotry of Cooper and CNN. It is WRONG to "accuse" a BOOK (or movie or vido game or whatefver) of being responsible for some nutball to take it into his head to kill someone. Ye. NN has committed this same TYPEof WRONG before: trying to accuse the TEA PARTY of the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords, and every other violent act in the country This is EVIL "guilt by association", as the hypocrites at CNN will assert when it fits their agenda in another context (for example, Mulsims). Now if a person or organizaitn SPECIFICALLY advocates the killingn of people, as many Muslim extremists do, that is different. If an antiabortion group advocates the KILLING of abortin doctors, then they are responsible for the consequences of that (morally, if not always legallly). But to try to make an author or group responsible for the PERVERSION of their philosophy is a truely evil thing--especially if your main motivation is that you dilike the particular person or group. That makes you a bigot. Anderson Cooper and CNN are bigots. And they are spreading evil by taking away the idea of individual responsibiity. A Muslm is NOT excused by his religin for murder. A parent is NOT excused for his abuse of his child by a BOOK written by this Crhistian couple . And all Musslims are not resposible for the perversioni of their religion by some This Christian couple is NOT responsible for the perversion of their philosophy by a nutball (an accurate description , by the way, of theses extremist Muslim fanatics).
There is simply n excuse for the dishonest hpocrites of CNN. They are bigots making assertins they know to be wrong---or would know if their bigoted agenda was not distorting and twisting their thinking.
What about my own two daughters. Should I write a book about the AGNOSTIC way of raising children? I did swat them a few times. I have nothing fundamentally against spanking. However, they really were not spanked or disciplined much at all Is that where we went wrong? That is the problem with my writing a book on the agnostic way of raising children (which included putting them in a Catholic school for a ywar or two). Unlike that Christian couple, I would hae to admit that my daughters turned out BADLY . Oh, they are both big time attorneys on the East Coast (a faiilure right there, as sane peoplelive in Texas)--in Boston and New York City respectively. They did survive childhood, sort of. But they grew up as RADICAL FEMINISTS. Tis is the shame of my life, and I wonder every day where I wwent wrong. It was worse before the sexism of the left forced ME out of the closet as a feminist. Thati is, my shame regarding my daughters was worse. Now I have to face the GREATER SHAME of being a feminist myself--a realization for which I will never forgive all of those leftist sexists on CNN and elsewhere.
Although you could say that my wife and I raisded our daughters more in the modern, "permissive" style, you might have guessed what I think of the movement out there-yes, it exists--to PROHIBIT spaking of children by parents. I haev no tolerance for the type of "politicl correctness" that regards ordinary spaniking as "child abuse". Some of these hypocrites will talk about "imposing" one's moral views on another as to a life or death matter like infanticide (abortion), and then turn around an dbe willing to outrageously interfere in family life to impose their own moral views of "political correctness". I can't stand those people Can you? I know you can't stand CNN, since no one watces. That is why I don't bother to call for a boycott. Everyone is already doing that, whether consciously or not.
P.S. No profreading or spell checking (bad eyesight).
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