Friday, August 19, 2011

Wolf Blitzer: Racist and Liar

Herman Cain is black. That is why racistr Wolf Blitzer thinks he can get away with ridiculing him. I just SAW Wolf Blitzer engage in RIDICULE of Herman Cain on CNNN: ridiculue of Herman Cain's perfectly accurate comments on the Obama health care law (ObamaCare). I am sorry. That makes Wolf Blitzer a RACIST.

"But, Skip," yoiu say (fool that you are), "Herman Cain may be wrong. Cna't a black man be criticized just like a whie man for what he says?"

Not according to CNN and MSNBC. if you criticize Barack Obama, especailly of you are a member of the Tea Party, you are a RACIST. By his own dtandards, and by CNN standards, Wolf Blitzer is a RACIST. Of coursem, there is no doubt he is a hpocrige, since CNN is composed to the worst hypocrites to ever walk tghe Earth, on two legs or four. And woud Wolf Bitzer ever DARE to RIDICUULE Barack Obama--who DESERVES ridiculue much more than Herman Cain, and deserved it during the 2008 campaign? Not a chance. In fact, if the unfari and unbalanced network RIDICULED Barack Obama the way I saw Wolf Blitzer just ridicule Herman Cain, Wof Blitzer and CNN would be the FIRST to call the unfair and unbalanced network "raciest".

"What about YOUR standards, Skip. You say you are better than CNN. do you consider Wolf Blitzer a racist?"

I am bettter than CNN (a very low bar), and I do considr Wolf Blitzer one of the worst racists in America today-as this blog has asserted before. No, I don't consider Wolf Bitzer a racist because he criticized a black man. I criticize a black man all of the imee (President Obama), I don't even consider Wolf Blitzer a racist because he ridiculed a black man, ene though it does make him and CNN hpocites (which we already knew). Again, I say some pretty strong things about President Obama (as well as white Repubicans). What makes Wolf Blitzer a despicable RACIST is WHY he feels "safe" in ridiculing Herman Cain. Herman Cain is a BLACK CONSERVATIVE (like Clarence Thomas and other balck conservatives Wolf Blitzer and CNN have attacked unfarily). That is WHY Wolf Blitzer felt safe in aridiculing Herman Cain Blitzer thinks it is okay to be unfair to a black CONSERVATIVE, becuae a black man is not supposed to be conservative. That is one of the most EVIL, rfacist comments you can imagine, but I guarantee you that is exactly how Blitzer and CNN think. That makes them RACIST to the core: the concept taht balck people are not really "black" if they are conservativel What I saw made it clear that I am right on this (as if there were ever any doubt). Blitzer had a BLACK LEFTIST as a gust, and Blitzer obviouisly thought he was IMMUNIZED from being called a "racist" since he was just joinig this blakc man to ridicule Herman Cain. Oops!! did not qite mean that. I should have said this "leftist balck man", since conservatives are not "immunzed" by having a CONSRVATIVE black man jon the ridicule of anoterh black man (as Rush Limabuh often does with his chief staffer, who is black, joinng him in ridiculing BarackObama. This whole idea that "balack" peope are not "really black" unless they are leftist, and that leftist blakcs can be as racist as they want to be agianst conservative bolacks, is the MOST racist current racism out there--at least current racism that is DEFENDED by anyone.

Q.E.D. Wolf Blitzer is a racist. But does this make him a liar? Well, he is on The Liar Network. That makes him a liar. And he proved it in the segment I saw.

Back to ObamaCare, and Cain's criticixm. Wolf Blitzer acually brought up, as if it were TURE, Obama's "talking point" thatif you "lke your current health care plan, you can keep it". That is a LIE. Everyone knows it is a lie. I think Wol Blitzer knows ti is a lie, although--like Anderson Coooper--he is so bonde deep stupid that I ccannot be sure. No, this is not a matter of opinion . It is obvious, and all people wo have looked at it have said the same thing: Whether or not ObamaCare makes you get out of your current health care plan is irrelevant. What ObamaCare does is make sure your current health care plan WILL NOT EXIST IN ITS PRESENT FORM. It is a non-sequitur to say that you will be "allowed" to keep your current helath care plan ObamaCare makes it 100% certain, and everyone knoww it, that your current helath care plan will DISAPPEAR.

Q.E..D. Wolf Blitzer is a LIAR and a RACIST.

As usal, Wolf is invited to comment on this blog, or he can email me at I will put his entire response---unedited, since I am better than CNN--on this blog. If Blitzer does not respond, I can only asume that he realizes that this blog is correct: that he is a liar and a racist. If Blitzer wants to set up an interview, he cand do so by eamil I will be glad to interview him. I really want to talk to somebody from CNN aoubt CNN being the anti-Christian network--not to mention sexist and racist. But I hink Blitzer is ARAID to expose himself to real =, challenging questioning. What do you think?

P.S. No proofreading or spell chedknig (bad eyesight).

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