Saturday, August 20, 2011

Obama and Illegal Immmigration Deception: Liar-in-Chief

The Obama Department of Homeland Security has announced that it will not enforce the immigration laws of this country: implementing the Democrat "Dram Act" that Harry Reid tried to push past the "lame duck" Congress, and failed. Yes, the President of the Untited States, and his minions., are violating their duty, and showing their total disrespect for "the law" (hypocrisy, of course, when you consider how they talk about Repubicans when they allege that Republicans have vioilated "the law"). This is a familiar pattern for left wing Democrats, who are advocating the same thing on marijuana and any number of other things. But in no area is the decoption worse than in illegal immigration, whre this is all POLITICAL, and has nothing to do real policy choices. Obama is in trouble with Hispanics (as with almost everyone else), and this is the Obama Administratioin's method of pandering to the Hispanic vote. My question is why Obama thinks most Hispanices WANT to be associated with illegal immigrants. The very fact that Democrats did not push this to a vote BEFORE the 2010 election, and only afterward decidied it is so important that the law, and the will of Congress, can be ignored is POLITICS. The Obama Administration attempt to lie about this is so obvious that such attempt alone proves Obama is acting as "Liar-in-Chief".

What about the allegation that the Obama Administratin is merely focuing its "resources" on "criminals", rather than on "veternas", long-term residents, and Students"? That merely proes how much of a liar President Obama really is, and how pro-illegal immigration people are all about DECEPTION.

Doesn not "prosecutorial" discretion exist? Sure it does, but not in this context. The Obama Administratino had already announced that they were going to concentrate their law enforcement efforts on ONLY those people they want to deport--a government of men and not laws. They have now gone farther, and said they they are going to devote the RESOURCES to "screen" some 300,000 PENDING deportation cases, and only purse those that THEY think woudld not have come withint the Dream Act. You say that they did not mention the Dream Act? They might just have well cited it, because the LANGUAGE they used was exactly that which was in the Dream Act supported by the Obama Administration!!!! To say, otherwise is an obvius lie by our Liar-in-Chief, or on his behal, and everyone knows it The Obama Administration is not even makng much of an efffort to disguise the obvious. Why should they, when they expect our sycophantic media to let them get away with, it, and WANT Hispanics to give them "credit" for this (after illegal immigration activists, and left wing Hispanic activists, had accused Obama of not keeping his "promies" to them).

Say someone smashes your car window, or rips off your door lock (as happened several times to my daughter in Hawaii) when she went to college there. Do you expect the police to devote MAJOR resources to "solving" that crime? Of coure not, unless something really valuuable is stolen But do you expect the police to be sent a MEMO that they should ignore this crime? Don't be silly. And what if people are CAUGHT and ARRESTED for breaking into your car and stealing some sort of electronic device? Do you expect the authorities to DROP the case on thr grounds that it resources need to be concentrated elsewhere? Absurd. We can't catch all illegal aliens? Indeed, we can't, but we can't catch all SPEEKERS either (and don't try). But we want to DISCOURAGE people from speeding, which means we keep using SOME resources to enforce the law, and that police will enforce the law (if not otherwise occupied) if they see it being flagrantly violated. Under no circustances wwill anyone ANOUNCE that tehy will no longer enforce the law against speeding, unless you know that the speeder is a wanted criminal or gang banger. That is beyond absurd. It is an asinine abrogation of law and duty. (Now I realize that politicians may sometimes announce that "budget cuts" mean that police will o longer be able to enforce the law, but I hope you realize that, too, is PLITICAL--designed to push for more money and/or advance a political agenda,)

More reason to allow Arizona to hepl the Feds enforce the law, escept that the Feds are saying they are not interested in enforcing the law. They would rather devote "resources" to NOT enforcing the law--like suing Arizona and "screening" casses--than to enforcing the law.

There is just no exuse for a NATIONAL policy not to enforce the law. If local offices lack resources, and "prioritize" their enforcement, that may well be appropriate. But for the Obaa Administration to say, on a national level, that the law is not to be enforced means one thing: The Obama Administration DOES NOT LIKE THE LAW (for political reaspons), and is bypassing Conggress to adopt the policy they do like.

The deception on illegal immigratin just never ends. How does the Obama Administratin know who is a "criminal" or "gang banger" and who is not? Wave a magic wand? How does the Obama Administration know who is part of the DANGEROUS drug cartels, and who is not Oh, I am sure they know SOME names. But look at "Operation Fast and Furious", where the Obama Administration adopted a POLICY of letting guns go into Mexico , It turns out that the drug cartels PAY people not otherwise obviously connected with them to buy guns for the. How does the Obama Administration know who has been RECRUITED by the drug cartels? They don't. This is all DECEPTIOIN. And is the Obama Administration really saying that it is going to devote lots of those "scarce resources" to INVESTIGATE who is a student and who is not? To INVESTIGATE who is a "gang banger", ans who is not? To INVESTIGATE who has been in this country a long time, and who has not? Don't be silly. This is all DECEPTION. The idea is not to deport ANYBODY, unless something just jumps out and hits you in the face. There is NO way to know who is a "criinal" and who is not, until they KILL somebody (or commit another serious crime after having been allowed to stay here).

Thi s blog has told you about hypocrite Anderoson Cooper blaming child abuse and MURDER on Christian fundamentalists merely advocating "old-style disciplline" ("spare the rod and spoil the child"), without advocating either child abuse or murder. That, of course is merely an example of the anti-Christian bigotry of Cooper and CNN. But let me ask this question : Has the Obama Administration already been complicit in MURDER because U.S. agents have been killed with guns that The Obama Administration deliberately arranged to be sent into Mexico? And will the Obama Administration be "responsbile" fo rCRIMES committed by these illegal aliens--crimes which will probably include murder, because tkhey remain here instead of being deported to Mexico? It is obvius that the Obama Administratin is responsible for crimes committed by these illegal aliens that have already been flagged, and get flagged in the future--with the Obama Administratin refusing to deport them.

This, by the way, is another part of the deception here. The Obama Administration may cite the resource consuming process of deporting someone who CONTESTS deportation. But, at the same time, the Obama Administraiton (and the po-illegal immigraitn activiists ultimately behinind this "don't enforce the law" poilcy) are ENCORAGING the "contess" of deportation. The deception on illegal immigration just never ends, and it is reason enough to vote against essentially every Democrat politician out there. Tht is ot to say there are not a lot of REPUBLICAN establishment types who are part of this DECEPTION.

P.S. No proofreading or spell checking (bad eyesight).

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