Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Navy SEALs and Obama: Exploiting Tragedy for Political Gain--Obama as Partisan Political Hack

As I stated yesterday, I watched President Obama's speech all of the way through, despite the resulting pain in my head. It was disgraceful the way Obama BLAMED the Tea Party (without using that term, althogh his surrogates are out there more than making up for that on his behalf, with his approval and knowledge). But that was not all. Obama--the master of the "blame game" since he started running for President as a supposed "outsider", blaming "Washington without even acknowledging that he was PART of Washington and had done NOTHING but contribute to the "mess" he said Washiington was in as a member of the U.S. Seante during the decline of our financial systme--that was not all Obama did yesterday. Obama blamed Congress and EVERYONE else--everyone but Obama. Obama accepted NO personal responsibility, as he NEVER does. People--not the mainstream media--have put together montages of Obama handing out blame time after time since he became President. Truman said: "The buck stops here." Obama says, constantly: "The buck stops everewhere BUT here." The man is a dishonest, arrogant piece of work.

This is all standard stuff for Obama. The mainstream media template is that Obama is some sort of saint. The EVIDENCE is that he is a mean spirited, thin skinned man unwilling to take personal responsibility for the consequences of his actions, or even for taking action in the first place if he can sluff the responsibility off on someone e,lse--"leading from behind". Further, Obama is willing to take shameless political advantage of the wORST tragedies of our time. To me, that was the worst part of yesterday's speech, and is one of the owrst qualities I have ever seen in a politican.

All weekend went by without Obama saying anything about the 30 American soldiers who died in Afghanistan--including 22 Navy SEALs. Then he put his "tribute" to them at the very end of his speech Monday, as a sort of afterthought. That, alone, was a disgraceful performance. But what he said was WORSE.

Again, Obama is incapable of taking personal responsibility for anything (even if he says he is, while AlWAYS immediately contradicting that). Obama and his supporters were very quick to take PERSONAL credit for Obama for the killing of Osama bin Laden. That was always overblown. And , no, the President cannot be held responsible for reverses on the battlefield, although lthat did not stop the hypocrites of the mainstream media with regard to President Bush. However, was it really appropriate in the ONLYL "tribute" Obama has given to the men who died for Obama to dEFEND his POLICY in Afghanistan. I am serious here. If yo listened carefullly, you heard Obama at his worst. He was incapable of giving a "tribute" to the men who died for him without JUSTIFYING HIMSELF. I am not one of those who wants to cut and run in Afghanistan, and I have no problem with Oba ma expalining--in an appropriate setting or to an appropriate queston--that an individual setback (tragedy) on the battlefield cannot be allowed to change overall policy (unless, obviusly, the incident is part of a pattern showing the policy is not working). It is telling, however, that Obama could not give a simple tribute to our soldiers who died without using it as an opportunity to justify his policy. Unseemly. And it gets worse.

Remember Gabrielle Giffords--the Congresswoman from Arizona shot in the head? Again, President Obama tried to USE that shooting for political gain, with a POLITICAL, campaign rallly style "memorial" no the campus of an Arizona university. But do you remember the mean spirited way that Obama tried to suggest that the ONLLY way to make Giffords "proud" of us was to do what Obama wanted? Yes, my recollectoin is that Obama said this: "We need to act in such a way as to make Representative Giffords proud of us." Now Obama says the same thing over and over again, kn speech after speech, and that may be causing me to confuse exactly where Obama said this before. I am fairly confident it was was in the setting of that disgraceful "memorial" to the victims of the Arizona shooting. But it could have been in a Medal of Hnor ceremongy, or some other memorial speech. Or it could have been in all of the above.

The point is that Obama REPEATED the same words yesterday, in his "triubte" to the American soliders who had died for him. It came acorss as totally insincere and political, because it WAS totally insincere and political. It was CALCULTED, mean spirited and disgraceful. Obama again said basically this: "We need to make these men proud ouf us." In context, Obama was clearly saying, or definitely could be construed to be saing, that the way to make those dead men "poud of us" is to do what Obama WANTS (including additonal taxes on the "wealthy"). There was not way to aovid this implication, when you use a line like that at the END of a PARTISAN speech casting blame for our rating downgrade/economic mess on everybody but Obama. Further, it is part of a PAATTERN, and, therefore, cannot be construed as a clumsy accident. I am morally certain that Obama MEANT to USE the tragedy of the dead American soldiers for political benefit. I can think of nothing more disgraceful than that.

Talking of "using' tragedy for personal gain, I am going to get to the disgraceful admission by a CNN reporter as to how he USED the tragedy for his own personal gain. But that is another article: part of my expanded Sodom and Gomorrah search for a single person at CNN who is not dishonest and incompetent--not to mention often evil.

P.S. No proofreading or spell checking (bvad eyesight). Obviously, those were more worthy men than I who died in Afghanistan. They were more worthy men than President Obama, which is the message I believe he failed to convey--the message he HAD to convey, whether others would think it ture or not. When men like that die, you have to have a sense that you are unworthy to have men like that dieing for you. I hope I have that sense. I had it when I was in the United States Army iin the middle of the Vietnam War, as I saw fighting men coming back from Vietnam (while I never went to Vietnam). I hope I have that sense now. I have no confidence that Obama ha that sense of being unworthy of having men like those Navy SEALs, and other American soiders, die for him (not just for him, of course, but for all of us). You may get the impresson that my opinion of Barack Obama--never very high--has deteriorated substantially. You would be correct. Since I was in the United States Army, by the way, you will never catch me calling the personnel of the armed forces "saints". They are far from that. It actually diminishes them to think of them that way. They are human beings like you and me, who want to live and have a good life. SOME actually LIKE war. But almost ALL, in combat, are risking everything for you and me. No one should ever forget that. I LIVED through a time when men returning from Vietnam were SPAT upon. It was a sad time. One advance we have made since then is that the left no longer generally makes their disrespect of the military so blatant.

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